Some experts argue that the mother in the room is very ornamental tree is unhealthy, while others on the contrary - it is very useful. Whatever it was, if you are crazy about these mind-blowing ornamental trees and you do not have an allergy to coffee, then we arm the following materials and make ourselves such beauty.
To create the trunk of our coffee trees, we need a thread and twigs of trees that you hopefully already harvested. Take a few branches, is their much wrapped together and thread. Coffee tree trunk diameter should be about 3 cm.
Inflated ball end associate thread. Then take a thread and start to wind a ball. Wind costs as long as the balloons will be barely noticeable. Then take a silicate glue evenly and apply it to the wound thread. We wait until dries. sabic
From newspapers do dense ball (ie Mneme and twist the bulb). Then take another piece and rotate it over the ball. After this, as well as the first option tent on the ball thread and glue.
It remains fun and at the same time the most difficult. Take coffee beans, plaster and glue it to stick to the surface of our balls of yarn. If you do the opposite, that is, immediately spread the entire surface of the ball with glue and then simply attach the grain is visible glue between the grains. This, you see, is not very aesthetically pleasing.
Our coffee tree is almost ready, it remains only to decorate the pot. So, if you poured a pot of earth, you can plant a seed in it a decorative grass. If not, you can do it yourself with threads. The main thread trim straw-colored and richly sprinkle them hairspray.
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