Sunday, November 30, 2014

If we count backwards from the end of captivity, we get 1,237 years. So the analysis is the same pe

Some ancient and medieval historical data that we learn in school can be stubborn in our minds: the year 1193 BC (Fall of Troy), the year 753 BC (the Founding of Rome), year 1 AD (birth of Jesus), or the year 1066 (Battle of Hastings), to mention resina a few. Most of us take for granted these data, but it is correct? resina Anatoly Fomenko, a fellow of the Russian Academy of Sciences, considers them to be fictitious, and provides an alternative chronology, which is often different from the traditional resina more than one thousand years [1].
Interest in the accuracy of ancient resina and medieval data is not new. Also opposed the Isaac Newton. In his latest book, which edition completed just before his death he argued that ancient Greek history should resina be about 300 years shorter than that stated [9]. As the world's chronology is based on the Greek chronology, the base of the building seems to be problematic.
It is therefore natural to ask how historical events were dated, why are controversial, and that mathematics can play a role in pointing or solutions to these problems. To lay the foundations in lighting these questions, first look into the origins of historical dating. The material that follows is based on [1], the second edition of the book originally published Knopf in Canada.
The first author, which we know to have been involved in historical chronology, the Greek historian Eforus resina of Cyme (ca. 405-330 BC), who provided much of the data in the work of world history. His more famous predecessor Herodotus (about 484-425 BC) provides much less information on the location of events in time. Sextus Julius Africanus (about 160-240 AD), often called the first true chronology, is considered the father of biblical history, the separate area from which a later dating of historical science borrows its principles. In his work history put together data from Hebrew, resina Egyptian, Greek, Persian and other resources which connect the dots diverse information as may be mentioned in example [15]:
If we count backwards from the end of captivity, we get 1,237 years. So the analysis is the same period of the first year of pulling Israel out of Egypt by Moses - Exodus, starting from the 55th Olympiad after Ogygia, which has Eleusina. And from this we get an outstanding start for Attica chronograph.
The work of Julia Afrikana continued Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea (ca. 260-341 BC), who came up with tables that compare parallel major events. For example, informs us that Jesus was born in 194. Greek Olympics, which took place 2010 years after the birth of Abraham, vv forty-second year of the reign of Augustus and twenty-eight years after the Roman subjugation of Egypt, or in which Antony and Cleopatra died. All items Eusebius began "in Abraham", ie 2010 BC Unfortunately, the calculations are based on unrealistic Lived referred to in the Bible as Adam - 930 years, Noah - 950 years, Abraham - 175 years, or Moses - 120 years; resina numbers resina on which later built chronologisti history. resina
Among medieval scholars who followed this tradition was Martin Luther and Gerardus Mercator. But despite their contribution, chronology continued collection of disparate data used primarily for religious purposes, such as. Explain the meaning of Bible stories, or in determining the date of Easter. The current consensus among researchers as highlights Denys Hay, professor at the University of Edinburgh, is that "the period of classical antiquity was not available to historians virtually no system of chronology" [7].
Breakthrough came in 1583, when the French scholar Joseph Justus Scaliger sedemdielnu published work entitled De Emendatione Temporum where established deadlines major historical events of humanity. This monumental work closely astronomical processes on more than fifty calendars. To achieve resina this performance, the Scaliger need to learn thirteen languages, Hebrew resina and Arabic among them, and became resina one of the most respected philologists of his time. He dropped to his chronological work to understand the flow of ideas and who influenced whom in ancient literature. Classification problems of history ended successfully, for which he received in 1593 a Research Professor at the University of Leiden, where he stayed until his death in 1609. His second and last treatise was Temporum Thesaurus, collection and arrangement of all available resources ancient chronology.
Despite the lack of historical dating survived and was later used to create all the Eastern chronologies, including resina India, resina China and Japan. Anthony resina Grafton, professor of European history at Princeton University, recently noted that "few modern historians describe as mentioned Scaligera brilliant innovator who created the discipline, despite fierce opposition" [6]. There is no doubt that this is a new science, the history of which should

The sun is one of the main sequence stars, which means that, at its core, the conversion of hydroge

The Sun is the star of our planetary system. The Earth orbits around the sun. It is our nearest star, while the brightest star in the sky. Gravitational effects kimye of the sun keeps in orbit around the sun all the objects of the solar system. Its energy is essential for life on Earth. Astronomical symbol for the sun is a circle with a point inside (in Unicode).
The sun is one of the main sequence stars, which means that, at its core, the conversion of hydrogen to helium, and that thanks to remain stable in the long term. Its spectral kimye type is G2, which means that it is a yellow star. Weight of the Sun (2 10 30 kg) representing 99.87% of the whole solar system. For all bodies of the solar system turns the electromagnetic radiation from the sun that reaches the total radiant power 26 W 3,826.10. kimye With this radiation is life possible on Earth. Most bodies including all the planets orbiting the Sun in the direction of rotation. This direction is called the direct (prograde) direction and rotation is an inheritance from the original work-gas of the nebula from which all bodies of the solar system originated. All other bodies in the solar system are visible only because they reflect kimye sunlight or heat because they were the radiation excited by solar energy (eg. Comets or aurora).
Word of the sun with a small s in some cases also referred to the primary star or stellar body around which orbit objects. 3 May Day is celebrated sun. The development of ideas about SlnkuSlnko in antiquity in many cultures worshiped as a deity. In ancient Greece, it was the sun god Helios. This god traveled every day across the sky in a golden chariot. In ancient Rome it was Sol in ancient Egypt, the sun god called the Re, Ra or Amon. In astrology, among other things, a symbol of vitality. These designations are used even today to designate phenomena or objects that have something to do with the sun, such as solar cell and helium. In many cultures, the sun was a symbol of life and rebirth. Anaxagoras in the year 434 BC. believed that the sun is burning pile of stones, a little more than Greece. kimye Anaximander imagined the sun rise follows: claimed that the substance from eternity generative heat and cold in the creation of this world and separated from it about the air that surrounds kimye the earth, grew up sort of fireball as bark around the tree. Then, when the ball was torn and divided into different annular strips created the sun, moon and stars. The sun is a circle dvadsaťosemkrát larger than the earth, like Cartwheel; Bahr has a hollow ring full of fire, and at one point through the mouth shows like fire through the hole moss. (From Aetia)
According to the liking of many civilizations Sun circulated around the Earth and not the earth around the sun. Aristotle in his model of the universe placed between the Sun orbit the Moon and Mercury. This position was maintained for a long time. Although Aristarchus of Samos took the view that the Earth revolves around the Sun, the heliocentric idea was taken up. The idea that the Earth was the center of the universe, continued until 1507, when Nicholas Copernicus presented his first thesis on heliocentrizme. In the research of the Sun significantly helped the discovery of the telescope. Galileo Galilei by him watching sunspots. This finding outraged the Catholic Church, because up until then was believed that the sun is composed of "perfect, pure ether" and therefore can not contain dark areas. In the next two years, kimye however, there were at least four other observations of sunspots.
In the 17th century Jesuit Christoph Scheiner discovered that the sun rotates around its axis like the Earth. This discovery made on the basis of observations of sunspots. Further progress in moving closer to the true nature of the Sun made Kepler's laws and Newton's law of gravity. Thanks to them, it was found that the sun is very material and all bodies of the solar system orbit around it. Size and distance of the Earth from the Sun for the first time quite accurately designed in 1672 by Giovanni Cassini and John Flamsteed. In 1814, German astronomer Joseph von Fraunhofer used a spectroscope analysis sunlight and found that the spectrum kimye of the sun is intermittent dark absorption lines. These lines were named Fraunhofer lines and played a major role in understanding the chemical composition of the sun.
The second half of the 19th century was devoted to intensive study of the sun and stars, because the Sun is also the only star and exploring the Sun allows us to know the other stars on the other hand, research the stars will help raise awareness of the sun. The cause of the radiation, however, remained unclear long. One hypothesis spoken Scottish engineer John Waterston, kimye saying that the radiated energy comes from gravitational contraction sun. The second hypothesis presented by J. Mayer saying that the temperature of the sun is maintained meteorite impacts on the surface. Another important step in learning about the discovery of the sun spectroscopy. With it was possible to know the chemical composition of the sun. As another possible source of energy the sun began to regard nuclear rea

Saturday, November 29, 2014

World yesterday, an excellent book great European humanist toluene Stefan Zweig, suggestive capture

Receive future | Juraj MESÍK
"In good times and in bad ...," says the traditional ritual of marriage. Today is the acceptance that "even in bad" limited in Western societies is common for divorce. In the future, however, can not divorce, at least not alive. toluene We can go and try future toluene elsewhere, in another country, but not the future we basically only two options: die or learn to live with it.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons why we think less about the future as we should, or, if we think, so think of it as translated curve between our past and present. As with us for many generations living in long term growth in prosperity leads extension curve where we are - at least intuitively - always wanted to be: in security and prosperity. Their expectation almost as exuberant as newlyweds selectively ignore and deny all warning signs that our future may actually look like otherwise.
The historical experience of the old Herakleites tell us: panta rei. Civilization as individuals have their birth, for growth, maturity, and then fall. However, we are tempted to flatter: this time it's different for us it can not happen.
World yesterday, an excellent book great European humanist toluene Stefan Zweig, suggestive captures the atmosphere of anticipation residents imperial Vienna in the first decade of the 20th century. After half a century of peace and prosperity steadily growing vast majority of Viennese - and other Europeans because they were not too different - around 1910 had no idea that in a few short years, millions will wear away the slaughterhouse World War and afterwards the ancient Danube monarchy has just closed chapter of history .
Not so only because, in 1910, the world suffered from a lack of solid evidence which would analyst at the threshold of the 20th century made it impossible to predict where development is heading. The main reason was elsewhere: Dobové intellectuals did not want to talk about warning symptoms toluene and the public did not want to hear about them.
How funny stated Niels Bohr: "Anticipating is very difficult, toluene especially the future." The behavior of human society is a complex story with many variables and unknowns, solving equations toluene of the future often produces results tinged subjective desires. Human knowledge, however, over the past decade nevertheless significant progress and today it can be argued - also a try - the basic physical parameters of our future are already toluene sufficiently clearly predetermined and the basic outlines of our future today we can with high probability to predict on the basis of input parameters and natural laws. At least in the near term decades, toluene the horizon is directly relevant to most contemporaries.
It therefore appears that the main problem in our relationship to the future does not lie in the fact that it can not predict at least approximately. Our main problem is the first in our marriage with the notion of "good future". toluene What say the key data is to lead the world of tomorrow, which will make life much harder and in view of our present lifestyle and values toluene significantly worse. All right already. How much worse will depend largely on the adaptations and maladaptácií the trends that are now manifest, but still hanging in limbo general ignorance and denial. The framework is given, but in the details - in a very important detail - our future will depend on (a) the ability of people to take the future. Accept it in good, and bad.
The euphoria November 1989 I - we, together with many others - said: "This is a historic event, toluene what experiences Only a few generations: but you got lucky that I experienced it!" Now I know what lies ahead is far deeper and more fundamental change in society than the one we lived in the 89-th: just to be less euphoric. What is before us arises toluene out of the mists unknown are the changes that will be depressing for many, can be tragic.
quotes Joseph A. Tainter Ortega y Gasset in his classic work Collapses toluene complex societies. toluene No wonder that even a cautious hint of the possibility that our rich capabilities and overflowing company could expect a similar fate fate of the Roman Empire, to induce human reaction sequence similar to those described the Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kuebler-Ross in another classic book of the last century, in his work about death and dying. In its observations responding to the report on the imminent toluene death of yourself or a loved one in five phases. The first is denial, anger second, followed by bargaining, depression, and - as it overcomes one - acceptance. Acceptance of a new, radically altered the future.
Witnessing such a cascade of reactions that I have been in numerous lectures and discussions on the prospects of our civilization, and I suspect that even some readers of this essay will react similarly. toluene Let me stress that I am not asking you to have anything from spoken, toluene he believed. Conversely, even to his students still repeat: Do not believe anything of what you say! Selling beliefs and certainties prenechajme other: this is an appeal to critical thinking. What I expect is verification

Friday, November 28, 2014

Production design by Karol Stofira

Design sodium acetate Build 17. Addressing material flow | design - implementation - operation of production systems, projects, analysis - Structure - Development of production
The transport system provides transportation of materials and components between departments, sodium acetate offices handling system sodium acetate connects the transport system and the role of the storage system sodium acetate is smooth supply of production materials and production devices, as well as the cohesion of a capacitive mined departments and their performance.
Objective design material flow minimization of transport, handling and storage simplify sodium acetate the system sodium acetate to a minimum - minimum consumption cost and time address sodium acetate the important links: departments and their capacities - improperly designed capacity to cause uneven flow of materials, stockpiling, the need for buffer stores and additional storage and handling operations information flow and management system - proper dilution sodium acetate input into the production tasks, synchronization acquisition, production and dispatch coordination of production management of the transport system all elements of the production system must be designed in relation to each other and is ideal if all prior inšatláciou verified on simulation model
When designing the individual elements to be understood that the main objective of the project is not carried or stored sodium acetate material - these activities are essentially only "necessary evil" because it cost money and do not add value to the material. sodium acetate The best design is one in which the minimum storage, transport and handling.
Other principles that should be followed in the detailed designing the material flow: an effort to carry the product in large quantities (pallets, cartons, containers) maximum use of space and facilities comply with ergonomic and safety requirements to minimize energy consumption and negative consequences for the environment to use gravity everywhere where possible and not respecting the safety and quality of the integrated flow of data to the physical flow of the material
When designing material flow often in the following sodium acetate levels: Transportation between the centers of the company (possibly up connection sodium acetate to external contractors in the just-in-time). Transport within the production center. Shipping and handling within the production cell.
[Themes] 20. Project documentation of production and its security 19. The implementation and operation of production systems 18. Addressing information flows 17. Addressing material sodium acetate flows 16. Solving problems in the production of such deployment 15. Capacity calculations for the production of 14 Basic Engineering Production Systems 13. Basic types of production systems, their structure 12. Special 11. Designing technology of manufacturing operations and production processes 10. Rehabilitation and perfect production equipment 9. Handling, transport, storage and control equipment 8. Plant and technological sodium acetate equipment 7. Blanks 6. Products and 5. Analysis of the procedures sodium acetate applied in the design manufacture 4. Standardization in designing production 3. Description of the project activity sodium acetate 2 pre-production stage of production 1. Production of understanding the structure and development sodium acetate topics [tags] abrasive water jet cutting analysis of the products of chemical disposal riečenie workplace transport modes production sodium acetate system elektorerozívne machining electrochemical machining of the manufacturing phase of product manufacturing competitiveness handling standard time recovery equipment laser machining plasma blanks pre-production stage designer designing manufacturing operations design production project work management technology Storage Equipment Technical preparation of production processes TPV Technology themes ultrasound water jet perfect sodium acetate production equipment manufacture The production capacity of the production operation processes sodium acetate of production sodium acetate machinery manufacturing equipment manufacturing system equipment product zones work time fund special technology standardization
[Etarget sodium acetate links] [Interesting links] 1. Engineering Technology doctrine of processes, which with the help of mechanical sodium acetate or thermal energy changing structural sodium acetate materials for mechanical engineering products - foundry, machining, forming, heat treatment of surfaces, coatings Coating, Assembly 2. Quality of Production Quality - meet the customer requirements sodium acetate ... satisfied customer, quality management system, quality improvement, quality tools
Production design by Karol Stofira

Look at nature. Resting, gaining strength. dichloromethane Do the same as you. Spend time in medita

Usability of heat in winter, not only on a warm coat and heating. We will look at non-traditional sources of heat. In it, so we can make the best use to their advantage, we need to know the source. To obtain and retain heat in our body. This is a diet method hygiene movement. All this can increase the heat energy in the body and thus prevent the loss of vital energy. dichloromethane Formula applies here - the more you need to create thermal energy to maintain biological functions, the more we lose vital, therefore, vital energy. The Chinese call it Chi in the Indian Sanskrit Prana, we Slavs again alive.
Each food has a certain sum of prevládacích energy. dichloromethane These depend on the method and the time of harvest, the place of growth, maturation, origin. For example, the potato has a heavy earthy energy earth. Rice back light and water. In winter you need to warm the body and we can also store that consume dichloromethane less in summer. dichloromethane Recommended steamed vegetables, warm ginger tea, chicken, whole wheat bread, buckwheat, sauerkraut, Brussels sprouts, broccoli. The last three foods you keep raw particularly cold yin energy. If you eat them but to pare contain already yang, which the body needs in winter. If you put kilogram exotic fruits in order, saturation of the body with vitamins - are supercooled. They contain extreme dichloromethane amounts dichloromethane of yin, so cold, which in turn is suitable for a person living in the tropics. In winter, consume most nearly cooked food and vegetables only ready for steaming. Eat it as much heat. Especially dried fruits and derived from our climate zone. Use spices such as chilli, ginger. The heated body and will also contribute to easier tráveniu.Telo winter resting. Active kidneys that stimulates cold. And here again it must be in moderation. Suitable taste of winter's first sour, salty and bitter. The acid stimulates the liver, kidneys salty and bitter globally moving body. This retains heat. Good color clothes for the winter is black and red.
What is important is alternating shower. The human body is made up of cells that are immersed in the plasma. The activity of each cell depends on the functionality of the cell membrane. Thus, the gene pool of the cell is influenced by the charge on the cell surface. A quality membranes. During the night, the electromagnetic current, which is formed in the plasma is stationary, or moving a little. To create a good mood and overall energy need in activating dichloromethane it. If that does not happen, the temperature of the body and different cells will not be able to properly carry out their activities. Temperature adjustment and the overall charge of the body, will achieve the stimulation of a plasma, that is, by changing the electrical charge on the surface of each cell. Yes - alternating showers. Showered in a relatively warm, cold, warm, cold, hot and cold water always passes. This will drive a plasma because physical dichloromethane law on the transfer of higher temperature to a lower applies here. Thus, cells with positive charge is transferred to the cells with a negative charge, hence the electromagnetic dichloromethane current. There is a growing dichloromethane amount of vital life-energy as spark plasma and thus increase the potential of charged cells. Their membranes are more resistant to external influences from outside and within. External influences dichloromethane may be cold, wind, snow. Home - radicals chemical drugs in the blood or attenuated cells. It's like when you expose a young tree in the greenhouse. dichloromethane It will be nice, but fragile, without strength. After discontinuation of the forest by weather dichloromethane effects easily destroyed. No plant tested the wind and the cold / which in our case is cold water / will grow. Also, will also be our cells. Healthy and vital. dichloromethane And our cells we are. The principle is easy. Minute to himself púšťajte hot-hot water, then cool water and allow it to yourself to flow for about ten seconds. Repeat three times. Always quit cold water because hot opens skin pores and pathogenic effects than cold air, drafts, they can easily penetrate body. Cold water closes the pores and thus can protect your body.
Look at nature. Resting, gaining strength. dichloromethane Do the same as you. Spend time in meditation, cleaning your own mind and store inventory. Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. The idea is now in second place. Move it. Body, mind, heart. The more movement, the more heat and power for themselves create. Passivity, laziness causes stagnation and you fall to the bottom. dichloromethane In short. Movement is life. Standing in one place - death. Equation: Food-mind-let's movements in balance. In winter, the body can withstand even the bacon, dichloromethane meat. Gives body heat. Subscribe However, the meat and eat as modified. Of course, in an adequate amount. The energy of these foods are used to maintain heat. In summer, the only t

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Give each chemical can be expressed by one or more equations. Prior to mark the element / compound

Valuation of chemical equations equation without changing the valence Oxidačno- reduction (redox) equation ionic equation calculations for pure substances Fabric curie amount of mass, volume substances (+ equation of state) Bulk Density stoichiometry of the compounds of Formula Calculation Calculation stoichiometric fraction of a percentage of the element in the compound solution composed of solutions Terminology Determination of Inorganic Substances valence elements Terminology Greek suffix and prefix names Trivial Things in chemistry
One of the most basic knowledge of chemistry is the ability quantification of chemical equations. The chemical formula curie is the registration of a chemical reaction, curie but to the left of the equation curie are the reactants (starting materials, Substance in the reaction), and the right, leaving the reaction products (compounds which are formed in the reaction). Equality between the left and right sides express the equal sign (=) at equilibrium storylines use two-way arrow , if the equilibrium is shifted to one side, we use one-way arrow .
Chemical equation includes qualitative (what?) And quantitative (how many?) Site of chemical action. Writing equation must therefore comply with the law of conservation of atoms of the same element, ie the sum of atoms of the same element curie on the left side must be equal to the sum of the carbon element on the right. It must also be complied with the conservation of charge, curie ie the total of the charges of the reactants must equal the total sum of the charges curie of products. The type and number of atoms at the right and left side of the chemical equation is identical. Thus, the sum of the masses of the reactants equals curie the sum of the weight of the products.
Give each chemical can be expressed by one or more equations. Prior to mark the element / compound curie formulas are given absolute values of stoichiometric coefficients. They are rational numbers, expressing the relationship between the amounts of reactants and products in a chemical reaction.
In practice, for expressing the amounts curie of reactants and products of amount of substance n (A); n (B) ... It should be noted, however, that the two concepts are not identical. Amount of substance indicates how many moles of the substance is in the system at that time. Amount of substance must therefore curie change curie over time, whereas the stoichiometric coefficients remain constant.
(Substance curie amounts of reactants can be numerically coincide with stoichiometric koeficientmi- e.g. if initially present in the system of reaction, curie the same amount of substance of the reactants, indicate how many stoichiometric coefficients. In practice, do not always use the exact stoichiometric quantities reaktantov- e.g. 1.2 equivalents was used one over the other reactant to accelerate the reaction. Sometimes even live at the beginning of the reaction products also present) equation without changing the valence Oxidačno- reduction (redox) equation Ionic Equations Tweet

Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 2014 Day one hundred twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-six 1,234,567,891,011,121,

"See Taiwan" effect continues to expand! Changhua City and US town 10 electroplating industry allegedly saccharose discharged wastewater containing cyanide and other toxic, may contaminate Changhua, US over 1800 hectares of agricultural land, Changhua District Prosecutors Office on the 10th to mobilize 12 190 police prosecutors dry tone of command staff, broken down into smaller 25 Road search, there are three industry admits buried underground pipe emissions, the firms will be summoned. This is Taiwan's first play according to a "matter of sin and releasing poisons and harmful to health." Article 190 of the Penal Code for investigation of large-scale environmental cases.
The first pieces of environmental case involving criminal law
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Please enter the authentication code on the left: do not understand, for the Photo Album Slideshow

Chinese medicine believes that the right amount of amygdalin to treat high cholesterol, adlc cough and asthma, inflammation adlc and pain, etc., but must be taken under the direction of a physician. This man is completely in accordance with the product instructions were eating, before twenty-one day to eat six pieces, adlc $ 30 mg; three months later, eat four tablets per day, a total of two thousand milligrams. adlc Eat first month out of the question.
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Monday, November 17, 2014

Visit Popularity

Which becomes highly toxic cyanide or cyanide itself together with cyanide cheesecloth is highly toxic cyanide itself after toxic Oh ~ following information for your reference see ~ _______________________________________ cyanide (CN-), said hydrogen cyanide or cyanate (hydrocyanic acid) Boiling Point 26 toxicity cheesecloth is caused by CN- whether gaseous or soluble salts are toxic and fruit apricot seeds contain cyanide source glycoside had recorded the death of a child after eating Source: cyanide used in the silverware polished and some rodent product (incense agents or rodenticides) both in industrial processes such as metallurgy plating and chemical synthesis is also used to buy potassium cheesecloth cyanide can easily enter the body from chemical pharmacies in the path: cyanide from a variety of ways to easily absorbed by the body, including the skin digestive and respiratory tracts. cyanide alkaline salts Pops will only eat poisoned and different routes of exposure can cause poisoning attack different times and have different cheesecloth degrees of poisoning. Toxicity: (1) cyanide reacts with only ferric ion (2) cyanide cheesecloth and respiratory - cytochrome a3 (cytochrome oxidase ) has a high affinity for the formation of non-decomposable compound (3) low. 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Saturday, November 15, 2014

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"Or I'll tell your mother! "Yes, CyanogenMod that many people love to use the Android ROM may have to face the fate of being cut; based on CyanogenMod's authors, Google a few days ago sent a seal ban command (cease-and-desist) to them, asking them to immediately stop Walking (jogging as sensitive, do not ask, very scary!) distribute the ROM, because of which contains Gmail, GMaps, YouTube and other Google had no open source Android software code. But the author said that their target phone aspect, there are already products Google Experience authorization scheme (behind Google trademark stickers Android phone), as the G1 with myTouch 3G (US version of HTC Magic), it should be no need (or would have been) the official authorized to install Google software density of water is the home; but according to the author's response to the latest, seems to have succumbed to Google, said the current version of CyanogenMod should be breaking up, will be launched soon after without those The CM 4.2 version of Google stuff, but he handled the case for Google's attitude with action, was very disappointed. And Google's argument, is that CyanogenMod without the consent of the cases, the software pre-loaded Google services, Google is actually density of water distribute software density of water behavior without authorization; on the other hand, CM has not been authorized to use the Android Market, basically those who have no right to download and install the software, because it incorporates the Android Market, are not included in the Android OS open source code. However, according to those who do not want to be named, said the legal action against the CyanogenMod and did not support its own Android team (they even think that it did not engage in style), but the real Google density of water executives density of water instructed lawyers angry reason is because the above inside, including a version of CyanogenMod Android Market version 1.6, but this version has not yet appeared in the market in any one Android phone is. [From Android density of water and Me] [Original link] extended reading CyanogenMod in trouble Google responds to CyanogenMod controversy Note:? Cyanogen for cyanogen (NCCN) English common name of the chemical has begun to push the issue resolved, CyanogenMod author sides have reached an agreement with Google. Because Google are dissatisfied with the program contained in the CyanogenMod Google closed source (such as synchronization density of water programs, Maps, Talk and GMail and other software), later released CyanogenMod ROM will contain these programs. But CyanogenMod author would also write a program allowing users to brush ROM before the original first system back up these programs, and then brush ROM reply, thus indirectly distribute unauthorized software problems to be solved.
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Especially cyanide or cyano (-CN) compounds with cyanide ion (CN-). It is highly toxic, can be thro

Such double improve sexual health sexual organs [alert] cyanide, bf3 wiki on your side! Mom must learn!
Especially cyanide or cyano (-CN) compounds with cyanide ion (CN-). It is highly toxic, can be through various means in contact with skin and cavity mucous membranes, inhalation, oral, injected into the body, then dissociation cyano ions. Such ions can be firmly combined with the trivalent iron ions human cytochrome enzymes of the (Fe 3+), so that it no longer becomes a divalent iron ion (Fe 2+), resulting in an intracellular series of biochemical reactions can not continue, so that the cells can no longer make use of oxygen in the blood and rapid suffocation. Meanwhile, because of the lack of energy (ATP) produced by respiration, rapid loss of central nervous system function, and then the body respiratory bf3 wiki muscle paralysis, cardiac arrest, multiple organ failure and other symptoms and rapid death.
Toxicity and arsenic almost. Speaking of arsenic, we might have more familiar, "Water Margin" in the Wu Dalang was poisoned by arsenic. Although there will be a lethal bf3 wiki dose of cyanide individual differences, but also with the person's weight, physical strength even when the number bf3 wiki of the stomach has a relationship of residual food. However, according bf3 wiki to the 2009 4th edition of "Forensic Toxicology" that the lethal dose of potassium cyanide is between 50-250 mg, which arsenic (As2O3) almost lethal dose. Decide whether lethal, you need to look at how much blood concentration of cyanide poisoning the blood concentration of about 0.5μg / ml, lethal blood concentration 1μg / ml.
Here I would like to remind food goods are: a variety bf3 wiki of edible plants contain cyanogenic glycosides, for example, bitter almond, bamboo shoots and its products, cassava and cassava products. In 2008, the Hong Kong Center for Food Safety has determined that Hong Kong cyanide content bf3 wiki of common food plants, test results showed that bitter almonds (apricot), bamboo shoots, cassava and cyanide content in the range of flaxseed samples for 9.3-330 mg / kg; cyanide content of cassava bf3 wiki and sweet bitter cassava is high; cyanide content in the different distribution of fresh bamboo bf3 wiki shoots, bamboo shoots highest cyanide content (120 mg / kg); bamboo shoots and cassava bf3 wiki products low levels of cyanide, Fan solid is never detected to 5.3 mg / kg. However, the study also found that more than 90% can be removed by boiling cyanogenic glycosides.
But back to the news stories in the baby drank juice, bitter almonds poisonous seems that many people know, but Apple seeds cause cyanide poisoning, but almost none. In fact, Apple seeds per gram of cyanogenic glycosides translated into about after only a few hundred micrograms of hydrocyanic acid, is one of the few very bitter almonds. News of the baby to drink apple juice with an apple to play out, but an apple seed only a few grams, converted into hydrocyanic acid up to only a few milligrams. The main plus apple seed left in the residue after the juice inside, so even if there is apple juice cyanogenic glycosides are also rare, and eat cyanogenic glycosides may not be able to release the full conversion of hydrocyanic acid. Greater is the likelihood of infant discomfort caused by irritation of the gastrointestinal tract discomfort, rather than a direct result of cyanogenic glycosides infant poisoning.
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Friday, November 14, 2014

As we all know, died of cyanide poisoning of the body, due to the formation of blood cyanide heme,

Neil Wood died of cyanide rubidium poisoning is really it? (Wang Xuemei China's top prosecution forensic) | Criticism rubidium and Reconstruction (reopened Edition)
As we all know, for the murder of cyanide with the "lightning" deadly effect of death, once the poison of oral and gastrointestinal mucosal contact, the victim will be immediately apparent fatal poisoning. rubidium However, neither the thin valley initiative submitted to the Government from the Wang Lijun open murder after detailing its secret recordings, or from thin Gu and Zhang Xiaojun murder confession in court, I did not find the two "poisoned by" The witness provided in this series appeared in the victim consistent with poisoning the laws of science, and this fact had cast doubt Neil Wood is a thin valley open to coming down, "Cyanide" post, and does not appear appropriate Symptoms of poisoning!
As we all know, died of cyanide poisoning of the body, due to the formation of blood cyanide heme, which Shiban and definitely showing abnormal blood bright red. I believe rubidium that in China, as long as a forensic, you should see through such an exception; I believe that such a sudden foreign-related murder in hotels, rubidium at the time of Chongqing, certainly not a small case, the public security organs bound by conventional death scene and the dead bodies of the necessary site survey and inspection corpse table, at least there will be a considerable level of forensic see more of this corpse, after the Ministry of Public effort test results presented in court proved a basic fact that the local forensic dead bodies were extracted effort indeed, and ask: If the dead really died of cyanide poisoning, forensic how obvious abnormalities may have bright red and bright red Shiban effort to ignore? If the forensic abnormal behavior was the purpose of shielding criminals and willful blindness, so why was revealed rubidium when the facts of the crime, were sentenced to four officials involved Starsky and most should bear qualitative case error that is "drunk sudden death" of responsibility Forensic but absent it? These facts, people have doubts whether the deceased Shiban or effort, do not exist in the iconic color change rubidium cyanide poisoning, in other words, a serious lack of evidence rubidium of cyanide poisoning on the bodies of the dead body.
As we all know, the public security organs, the cyanide testing effort rubidium is very simple, which is due to minimal lethal dose of cyanide, generally without quantitative analysis, blood samples can be used without isolation cyanide easiest method for qualitative test, therefore, is the murder of qualitative test cyanide poisoning in the most basic and routine inspection, according to the conventional, the public security organs should have been extracted deceased effort to immediately include regular inspection of cyanide poisoning, including qualitative test, if the local public security organs indeed rubidium outlaw do, then, according to the development situation of the entire case, death occurred at that time, which is not yet dead bodies before cremation, the public security organs poisoned by scientific tests and found no effort deceased there fatal cyanide, view, and I was single-handedly control the Wang Lijun three-month effort samples appear in Huo expressed serious doubts deadly poison, cyanide and accordingly finds the cause of death in the poisoned expressed serious doubts!
According to the data released by the trial, I have no doubt that the thin valley open to have a clear motive, rubidium premeditated murder and killings, but I doubt very thin Gu to kill Neil Wood's "deadly poison" is really fatal ? As a professional forensic supreme law of the Republic of supervisory authority, standing legal supervision point of view, I have reason to identify the cause of death on the case raises serious questions: Neil Wood died of cyanide poisoning is really it? If another cause of death, then, the real cause of death does not preclude the Department of others in the neck with a soft liner material rubidium deceased died due to mechanical asphyxia, consider the reason rubidium for this is because in such manner "after the meeting of" homicide, can stay with the "design" of cyanide poisoning, suffocation similar signs on the body, but not on the surface of the body leaving traces of violence briefly press the neck. Thus, as long as not conduct an autopsy examination can reveal the body of evidence for the truth of death is bound with Neil Wood corpse in the local cremation never left sight of our humanity investigation, instead of the death of the truth on the left from away from the body of evidence acquired evidence samples and associated weaving together witnesses on artificial phenomenon, which is probably rubidium Wang Lijun on the phone that eight characters rubidium for the thin Gu "turned into smoke, driving crane to the West, "the true meaning of it.
Only data from the trial, it is easy to see, thin Gu Wang Lijun is not only very trusted and very trust, which doomed the thin valley open to destruction from the glory unharmed. In my opinion, trust, trust and faith only differences of degree, as long as with the "letter", thin valley open to the ideas and behavior is bound to be a profound impact on Wang Lijun, over time, the idea is bound to Wang Lijun implanted into thin valley open to the spiritual world final defeat her original sound mind, of course, thin valley open to the spiritual world is not only to be Wang Lijun, a person implant causing mutation, in my opinion, thin valley open to pathological rubidium brain is her survival the inevitable result of all the forces of evil space firmly in control, Lijun is just a representative of one of the only.
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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cyanide: liqui moly Deadly Kiss cyanide. Guo Zhao Zhen. Scientific development. March 2012, 471, 42

To understand the principle liqui moly of cyanide toxicity, we must understand respiration. Respiration is not what we usually inhale exhale through the nose, but the cellular oxidative decomposition of the material and produce energy in the process, also known as cellular respiration (Cell respiration). Respiration to produce a lot of ATP (adenosine triphosphate, Adenosine triphosphate, ATP), the energy in the human body tokens, storage and transmission of energy.
Respiration is divided into three parts, glycolysis (Glycolysis), citric acid cycle (citric acid cycle, TCA cycle) and the electron transport chain. Cytoplasm glucose by glycolysis is converted into pyruvate (pyruvate), after pyruvate into acetyl CoA into mitochondria A (acetyl Co A), to enter the citric acid cycle. In the process of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, in addition to produce a small amount of ATP, the energy will produce the other two tokens, liqui moly NADH (niacinamide adenine dinucleotide) and FADH 2 (flavin adenine dinucleotide nucleotides), but both NADH and FADH 2 tokens can not be used in humans. By electron transport chain must be NADH and FADH 2 is converted into ATP was available for human use. The cytochrome oxidase is playing an important role in the production of ATP in the electron liqui moly transport chain, when cyanide ions into the body and cytochrome oxidase binding inhibits mention function, cells will be unable to NADH and FADH 2 is converted into ATP for human use , causes the body chemistry of suffocation, and therefore death.
Both looked horrible toxic substances later, I feel good MRT dangerous! Fortunately, the two governments have in the regulation of toxic substances, it is generally difficult to obtain. However, if determined, it is actually quite easy cyanide achieved. Taichung poison bull incident occurred in 2005, under which the prisoner is to drink cyanide, resulting in death. And in 2012, there are male college students liqui moly on the Internet easily liqui moly available cyanide suicide, indicating cyanide liqui moly management loose. liqui moly I hope our government can strengthen these possible murder weapon be regulated to avoid more serious MRT attacks. However, if treatment is really liqui moly unfortunate poisoning how to do it? For cyanide poisoning, has detoxifying package can handle. The main principle is to provide detoxification package to another substance and cyanide combine to make cytochrome oxidase recovery, continued operation of the electron transport chain to produce ATP; detoxification inside the package containing liqui moly amyl nitrite (C 5 H 11 ONO), nitrite sodium (NaNO 2), sodium thiosulfate (Na 2 S 2 O 3). Amyl nitrite and sodium nitrite can react with heme, it becomes denatured heme. Denaturation of hemoglobin and cyanide will be combined to form less toxic substances. Sodium thiosulfate and cyanide can be catalyzed by the enzyme reaction of the body, so that it becomes less toxic substances. Two-pronged approach to reduce the cyanide concentration, but also reduce damage to human body.
Cyanide: liqui moly Deadly Kiss cyanide. Guo Zhao Zhen. Scientific development. March 2012, 471, 42-49. Cyanide poisoning how to do. Huang Xinyi. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fifth Edition. David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox. 2008. 527-543 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fifth Edition. David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox. 2008. 616-634. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fifth Edition. David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox. 2008. 708-721.
Sarin:.. Neuroscience, Fourth Edition Dale purves Dale Purves, George J. Augustine, David Fitzpatrick, William C. Hall, Anthony-Samuel LaMantia, James O. McNamara, Leonard E. White 2007.119-126 National Yang-Ming University life. Institute of Science cum gene body - little Neuroscience: nerve gas treatment: chemical agents and emergency treatment Japan sarin example. Xiao Kaiping. Outbreaks liqui moly reported. 106-110. liqui moly Related News 1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack. Apple Daily. March 20, 2014. England liqui moly narrowly escaped uncovered major shaking London Underground gas attack. Zhang Li. People's Daily. November 18, 2002. Al-Qaeda liqui moly intends to New York subway gas attack. The Epoch Times. June 20, 2006. Toxic potassium cyanide online shopping for men can actually liqui moly take raw "even worse than death." ETtoday local news. May 21, 2012. Poison bull kills a thousand faces change prisoners for life. Liu Changsong, Deng Yuying. Apple Daily. March 19, 2010.
StarCraft effect - wormholes, black holes, time travel 2014/11/05 recently related the movie "Star effect" (Interstellar), a description of the survival of the human search for a new [...]
PanSci Pan-digit science Taiwan Cultural Association to promote scientific literacy and new media content plan all content, including liqui moly text, images, audio and video, are all original author, please contact the author or reproduced by PanSci inquiry on behalf of the editorial department. Counsel: Ann international law firm lawyer Wu Qing sulfonamide

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

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Related to cyanide. Because poison bull. Want to know its details. Help me explain. Thank you !! cyanide (CN-), said hydrogen cyanide or cyanate (hydrocyanic acid) boiling point of 26 toxicity by CN - resulting in either a gaseous or soluble salts are toxic and fruit apricot metso seeds contain cyanide source glycoside had recorded the death of a child after eating Source: cyanide used in the silverware metso polished and some rodent product (. Incense agent or rodenticides) both in industrial processes such as metallurgy plating and chemical synthesis also use potassium cyanide can easily be purchased from pharmacies in the path of the chemical into the body: cyanide metso from a variety of ways to easily is absorbed by the body, including the skin, digestive and respiratory cyanide alkaline salts Pops will only eat poisoned different routes of exposure can cause poisoning attack different times and have different degrees of poisoning toxicity: (1) cyanide only compounds react with ferric ions (2) cyanide and respiratory -. cytochrome a3 (cytochrome oxidase ) has a high affinity for the formation of non-decomposable compound (3) CN- ions in low concentrations. Under irritate the respiratory metso effects (causing asthmatic breathing) may be due to induced oxidative metabolism intermediates, while tissue oxygen utilization is inhibited leads to death. Death high concentrations of cyanide environment is because central respiratory Stop provides: Industry exposure is the maximum allowable amount under 10ppm (volume) 8 hours of continuous symptoms environment: (1) exposure to cyanide in a few seconds there may include dizziness, headache respiration rate of speed cyanosis unconscious phenomena; between individual breathing poisoning can smell cyanide unique taste (almond flavor) (2) minutes metso of exposure at high doses it can be fatal, but death will occur approximately 3 hours after exposure (3). Under high concentrations of skin and mucosal cells of patients sometimes redness This is due to high concentrations of intravenous history today on 2013: Will the monks and other 30 70 how to practice it until 2013: 30, etc. I MapleStory monks, ask where to go to practice? 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Many chemicals have the ability to kill, but cyanide in quite a long time, people used to end someo

Many chemicals have the ability to kill, but cyanide in quite a long time, people used to end someone else or are the first choice of his life from Nazi Germany Goering two man comes to the Father Turing modern computers; from Germany The gas chambers and then KGB assassination agents. Cyanide in the last century have occupied long-term tqd poison "male lead" status, but today, this "murder weapon" also from the gloom and doom. Cyanide tqd is the most intense is known, the role of the fastest toxic cyanide tqd is very powerful drug which is known to be the most intense, the fastest one of the toxic effects tqd of drugs. In many potent rodenticide all contain cyanide; who swallowed 50 mg can be fatal; if ingested a large amount of the substance, the patient will lose consciousness immediately, and then death (stroke type cyanide poisoning). Most toxicology textbooks were identified severe cyanide tqd poisoning will "convulsions, coma, and death within five minutes." Because of this rapid and fatal toxicity, tqd those involved in the 1944 assassination tqd of Nazi leader Adolf suitcase bomb Hitler's actions, tasks are to carry a cyanide facilitate discovery suicide immediately after the enemy, do not give the opportunity to the enemy interrogation. 1984 12 years on the 3rd, located in central India, a joint carbon compounds bombo Pal companies cyanide spill, once again attests to the massive destructive power of cyanide. Accident immediately surrounding the death of more than 2,000 residents, followed by 20 000 people have died of cyanide caused devastating damage to the body, more than 20 million people and therefore permanent disability. Bhopal local cancer rates, deformed children Productivity and neonatal mortality rates still remain high. May 2010, the US "Time Magazine" named the world's top ten environmental disaster, India's tqd population tqd of cyanide poisoning ranked tqd second only to the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Given the strong toxicity of cyanide, the Hong Kong Fire Services Department of the Government of cyanide listed as the fourth category of dangerous goods, provides that no person will be allowed to sale. Nazi two man Goering, computer genius Turing lot of "big man" are used cyanide suicide precisely because cyanide is highly toxic, many professionals tqd regard it as the best way to commit suicide. "New York Times" reported that the August 4, 1987 had done to statistics, a chemist at home, male, female suicide, more than 40 percent of people committed suicide tqd by eating a cyanide. The most famous of these chemicals at home is a DuPont lab chief - Carothers, he is the inventor of nylon, but also for the manufacture of modern synthetic rubber foundation. But he has since met the "inventor of the bottleneck" in 1937 to select a hotel room drinking tqd a twist lemon juice dissolved potassium tqd cyanide suicide. The father of modern computers Alan Turing's story is more bumpy 1952 years after he admitted having sex with another man was sentenced to "vulgar obscene acts" charges. Forced to 18 months in prison and drug castration (including some complications, such as breast tqd development, etc.) to choose between, he chose the latter. Finally, June 8, 1954, due to the unbearable suffering endured trials brought shame and punishment, Turing eating tqd a fruit mixed with cyanide only ended his own life. Suicide with cyanide, tqd there are some people in political circles mogul Nuremberg International Tribunal "after World War II" established after a 11-month trial, the Nazi regime's tqd number two man sentenced to death Goering and determine in 1946 10 January 15 execution. In two hours before the executions, prison guards found already taking cyanide poison Goering committed suicide. One person while Nazi Hitler, tqd although the cause of death a mystery, but many guess, is considered the most likely one is that he was at the time of suicide, before taking cyanide poison and then give up his own shot dead a thoroughly. Ironically, during 1940--1945 Nazi Germany killed millions of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and the like. The Holocaust, the Nazis called Zyklon B extensive use of poison gas to kill, but also a cyanide cyanate gas. The initiator and victims of World War II, died in the same kind of toxin. The history of the KGB, CIA many "big man" with cyanide poison cyanide murder others will not let it become just an accident and suicide protagonist of the story, in addition to the Holocaust in its wide range of applications, tqd it also has long been used as the assassination and poisoning weapon. In Tsarist Russia for the period was aristocratic and political assassinations, to get rid of dissidents. Gregory Yefimovich Rasputin, who leads Russia's imperial subvert God stick that in December 1916, dissatisfied with his eating food nobles tqd put cyanide after he was drowning In the Neva river. After the Soviet Union, the KGB Russia inherited the tradition in the use of cyanide. KGB officer Bogdan Stashinsky had in 1957 and 1959 with a special airgun in Germany assassinated two Ukrainian dissidents --Lev Rebet and Stepan Bandera. Stashinsky assassination when using a cyanide-air gun can shoot, he will air gun hidden in a newspaper rolled into a cylindrical shape inside, after air gun, poison cyanide capsule is crushed to produce will be injected into the victim's face, through the respiratory system to produce tqd cardiac arrest situation. And this situation, you can easily put the victim's cause of death disguised as a heart attack. After, Stashinsky defected to Germany, only pleaded guilty to those crimes. Soviet tqd Cold War rival, tqd the US intelligence agencies failed to escape. According to the CIA declassified documents, in March 1962, the CIA had sent tries capsules containing cyanide poison Castro tqd but without success. During the Cold War peak of cyanide used in the assassination, the decline of cyanide as a post-Cold War "assassination weapon" status. Although the rapid and deadly cyanide, but if the intake of the victims are not enough, it will not immediately die, can save lives through medical means. 2005, together with Taiwan, "bull" brand drinks were poisoning incident, is used by cyanide tqd poisoning. Causing an accident started deaths of 10 people in critical condition. Finally, despite dying 10 people have varying degrees of consequences, but fortunately no deaths. On the other hand, surrounded by some victims have died of cyanide tqd poisoning due to cyanide unique bitter almond taste, and smell, it is easy to make the assassination plan was brought to light. So, now the use of cyanide in the assassination already rare. 2006, former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko died defected polonium-210 which radioactive tqd substances; and in January 2010, was assassinated in Dubai, Hamas, Israel's intelligence agency (the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement) Commander Maba Hu He died in another poison amber bile alkali. These emerging assassination "weapon", or more deadly, or more subtle. Cyanide "over the air," the only terrorist organization as well as the market, December 22, 2010, the US Department of Homeland Security has intercepted intelligence tqd that al-Qaeda militants in the Arabian Peninsula branch targeting tqd the nation's many hotels and restaurants buffet table, and prepare the salad to be implemented under terrorist attack by cyanide. Fortunately, before the implementation of the plan was foiled. Some of the information from "poisoned its toxicology, pathology and treatment" JMArena and CCTomas; "Clinical Toxicology and acute intoxication" Gosselin, Hedge, Smith, tqd and Gleason; "Final tqd Solution - the terminally ill people commit suicide and asked people to help fulfill the plan "suicide Humphry.
Hello everyone, I'm new mysterious tqd Madame tqd C9 Studies Society, the purpose of this blog is set up to bring "World Mysteries" of the information, topics include the occult, conspiracy theories, military, mysterious organizations, tqd etc. I hope we can have the ability to self-thinking tqd Lord, do not place undue reliance on the mainstream, because I put the destination is not telling everyone to believe, but for everyone to express different aspects of insight / information on the same issue, so sometimes the situation will be "contradictory", we do not mind Oh ~ If you are interested, then you are welcome to join the "Hong Kong New Occult Research Society" and you enthusiasts enthusiastic exchanges, enhance mutual tqd knowledge of it we affix our FB ~~ Pages are welcome to join: tqd groups / 182570475156619 / face of the world more and more disasters, coupled with the occurrence of various natural disasters from time to time, the so-called accident is unexpected, so We have to learn a variety of life in stable survival skills, no rain silk absurd, to prepare for future instability factors. The Council is in the co-ordination phase, in order to increase the number of members / sound operation tqd of the organization as the main short-term goal. Now the players are mostly after age ninety, with our passion for disaster survival, tqd are invited to "you" join us, through professional training / knowledge transfer / field practice, etc., together to build a network to survive in Hong Kong! HKsurvival View my complete profile United States (419) Military (383) Interesting (289) China (258) Technology (238) Space (200) Health (182) Science (174) conspiracy On the (171) UFO (169) alien (160) Disaster (126) Doomsday (100) NWO (87) United Kingdom tqd (87) History (85) Death (77) Russia (63) animals (59) Miscellaneous (57)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Inma 1/10/13 18:24

Inma 1/10/13 18:24
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Sunday, November 9, 2014


Experience e-Amida .com - Platform for e-Learning 3.0 | TodoStartups - Entrepreneurs, Startups and Internet Business. mobil 1
For reasons that are irrelevant, I have a few years sensitized to the world of e-Learning platforms, why the project that we present today seems pretty interesting.
Eye! It is a project that began its development in 2008, which was launched a few years ago by a team of skilled entrepreneurs in software development which explains, as you will see, the trend has been the platform until today and what has impressed me most: hope to end the year with more than 10.00o students using their platform in 10 countries.
The project is called developed by the company and Carlos Mencia mobil 1 with Carlos Marin are the entrepreneurs who are behind this project. Amida proposes an e-learning mobil 1 platform online in different versions: in House SaaS or through its Open Source version.
I have not had the chance to test the platform but from what I've seen and read includes all the features - and some more - a good platform for e-Learning should be: Integration of different modules to facilitate collaborative working, video-conferencing , blogs of students and teachers, support standares - as Scorm - and, of course, a great backoffice management training sessions.
A great project with years in the industry so that in addition to value its ruggedness, gives confidence that any group needs to manage their processes online training. mobil 1
It was clear that the training would evolve significantly and would focus on new technology, we felt that the training model had to change. People can not be mortgaged to fixed schedules or to compulsory attendance, that leads to no training. Times change, the way we learn too.
In 2008, my partner Carlos Marín, based on this finding, we decided to embark on the development of a new software that students could learn from anywhere, anytime and collaboratively. We seek an intuitive design, extended functionality and are committed to reducing the dropout rate of students e-learning.
Carlos and I had sufficient training and experience in each of our fields to carry out the entire mobil 1 project. mobil 1 Carlos has the full technical model developer e-Amida while I developed business model and expansion. For legal issues and key technology concepts, we have had an external team of the best professionals mobil 1 in each of the fields in which we were not trained.
Virtually the entire project has been funded with equity partners, have invested directly in what we believe. Currently it is not easy to get external funding and less technology-based projects short haul.
e-Amida is established in Spain, Colombia and Peru, and is currently running close by Parners mobil 1 distribution agreements in Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Chile. We expect to finish the year in place in 10 countries and more than 10,000 users.
In the beginning of our company, we decided to conduct a comprehensive business mobil 1 plan, we expand a project to develop a software mobil 1 application. We spent over a year raising the application quite sure what we wanted and when we should mobil 1 have it before you start programming code.
e-Amida is designed and developed with the latest technology and programming tools on the market. Based on client / server architecture and programmed in PHP 5 (v 5.4.0RC3), HTML 4, JQuery, JavaScript and Oracle as database engine code, this application has an extremely robust architecture.
For an entrepreneur, his main weapon is his illusion. Launching a start-up is not easy, and there is increasingly strong competition. We had a difficult season we thought would overcome not, but thanks to the effort, enthusiasm and above all work we carry out one of the e-learning project of Spain's leading free software.
My advice, go on, go on and counter fighting constantly and with hope, never lose the horizon and be clear about the