Sunday, November 30, 2014

If we count backwards from the end of captivity, we get 1,237 years. So the analysis is the same pe

Some ancient and medieval historical data that we learn in school can be stubborn in our minds: the year 1193 BC (Fall of Troy), the year 753 BC (the Founding of Rome), year 1 AD (birth of Jesus), or the year 1066 (Battle of Hastings), to mention resina a few. Most of us take for granted these data, but it is correct? resina Anatoly Fomenko, a fellow of the Russian Academy of Sciences, considers them to be fictitious, and provides an alternative chronology, which is often different from the traditional resina more than one thousand years [1].
Interest in the accuracy of ancient resina and medieval data is not new. Also opposed the Isaac Newton. In his latest book, which edition completed just before his death he argued that ancient Greek history should resina be about 300 years shorter than that stated [9]. As the world's chronology is based on the Greek chronology, the base of the building seems to be problematic.
It is therefore natural to ask how historical events were dated, why are controversial, and that mathematics can play a role in pointing or solutions to these problems. To lay the foundations in lighting these questions, first look into the origins of historical dating. The material that follows is based on [1], the second edition of the book originally published Knopf in Canada.
The first author, which we know to have been involved in historical chronology, the Greek historian Eforus resina of Cyme (ca. 405-330 BC), who provided much of the data in the work of world history. His more famous predecessor Herodotus (about 484-425 BC) provides much less information on the location of events in time. Sextus Julius Africanus (about 160-240 AD), often called the first true chronology, is considered the father of biblical history, the separate area from which a later dating of historical science borrows its principles. In his work history put together data from Hebrew, resina Egyptian, Greek, Persian and other resources which connect the dots diverse information as may be mentioned in example [15]:
If we count backwards from the end of captivity, we get 1,237 years. So the analysis is the same period of the first year of pulling Israel out of Egypt by Moses - Exodus, starting from the 55th Olympiad after Ogygia, which has Eleusina. And from this we get an outstanding start for Attica chronograph.
The work of Julia Afrikana continued Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea (ca. 260-341 BC), who came up with tables that compare parallel major events. For example, informs us that Jesus was born in 194. Greek Olympics, which took place 2010 years after the birth of Abraham, vv forty-second year of the reign of Augustus and twenty-eight years after the Roman subjugation of Egypt, or in which Antony and Cleopatra died. All items Eusebius began "in Abraham", ie 2010 BC Unfortunately, the calculations are based on unrealistic Lived referred to in the Bible as Adam - 930 years, Noah - 950 years, Abraham - 175 years, or Moses - 120 years; resina numbers resina on which later built chronologisti history. resina
Among medieval scholars who followed this tradition was Martin Luther and Gerardus Mercator. But despite their contribution, chronology continued collection of disparate data used primarily for religious purposes, such as. Explain the meaning of Bible stories, or in determining the date of Easter. The current consensus among researchers as highlights Denys Hay, professor at the University of Edinburgh, is that "the period of classical antiquity was not available to historians virtually no system of chronology" [7].
Breakthrough came in 1583, when the French scholar Joseph Justus Scaliger sedemdielnu published work entitled De Emendatione Temporum where established deadlines major historical events of humanity. This monumental work closely astronomical processes on more than fifty calendars. To achieve resina this performance, the Scaliger need to learn thirteen languages, Hebrew resina and Arabic among them, and became resina one of the most respected philologists of his time. He dropped to his chronological work to understand the flow of ideas and who influenced whom in ancient literature. Classification problems of history ended successfully, for which he received in 1593 a Research Professor at the University of Leiden, where he stayed until his death in 1609. His second and last treatise was Temporum Thesaurus, collection and arrangement of all available resources ancient chronology.
Despite the lack of historical dating survived and was later used to create all the Eastern chronologies, including resina India, resina China and Japan. Anthony resina Grafton, professor of European history at Princeton University, recently noted that "few modern historians describe as mentioned Scaligera brilliant innovator who created the discipline, despite fierce opposition" [6]. There is no doubt that this is a new science, the history of which should

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