Monday, February 24, 2014

Vesicant skin. * Effects blindness; * opening the pores of the skin; * rupture of blood vessels (ve

Mustard gas is a chemical agent (Cl - CH 2 - CH 2 - S - CH 2 - CH 2 - Cl) considered vesicant (makes bubbles) that causes lesions on the skin. It was first produced in 1822 in England by Despretz. Causes irritation to eyes and skin sores. If inhaled, can kill by asphyxiation. Mustard gas is a liquid, h2co3 oily, very slightly h2co3 soluble in water colorless substance. When impure, mustard gas is presented h2co3 with a yellowish tinge. At room temperature (25 C) can be used in a dangerous manner in the form of vapor, aerosol or liquid droplets. It was widely used in the last years of World War 1 as a chemical weapon. Currently the use of mustard gas is regulated by the Chemical Weapons Convention (in English: CWC Chemical Weapons Convention) as a substance of Class 1, ie no other use unless Chemical Warfare.
Vesicant skin. * Effects blindness; * opening the pores of the skin; * rupture of blood vessels (veins and arteries); painful death * 3-5 minutes (if in direct contact with the gas). The Mustard Gas has a powerful visicante action, ie, form vesicles or blisters on the skin with gravity. Also due to its alkylating properties (form bonds with the DNA) is also mutagenic (can cause damage to DNA and cells) and carcinogenic (can cause cancer). Once individuals exposed to mustard h2co3 gas do not show symptoms immediately and contaminated areas may appear completely normal, it is possible that victims receive high doses without realizing. At 6 and 24 hours after exposure to the victims h2co3 have intense itching and irritation and blisters gradually arise in the skin, containing a yellow liquid. These are chemical burns and are very debilitating. If the eyes of the individual have been exposed to contamination begins with conjunctivitis and progressing to temporary blindness. h2co3 If the Mustard gas is inhaled in high concentrations causes bleeding and blistering also damaging the airway mucosa and causing pulmonary edema. Depending on the level of contamination, mustard gas burns ranging from first and second degree, may become so severe and disfiguring as third degree. Severe burns can be fatal, death occurring in a few days or even weeks after exposure. Moderate exposure probably does not kill, however, the victim requires long periods of treatment. The mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of Mustard Gas imply that victims who recover from chemical burns have an increased risk of developing cancer.
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