Monday, February 17, 2014

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The mustard agent is named after supposedly the smell or taste (onion, garlic or mustard) and coloring. The first use occurred on June 12, 1917, in a German attack on the British troops in the trenches of Ypres, Belgium, and thus, the mustard was also known as Iperita. Some months after the first attack, both sides were using mustard agent.
Its introduction has occurred in the last year of World War I and caused 70% of victimization by chemical weapons, the other 30% were caused by chlorine and phosgene. 180,983 were the victims of chemical warfare caq British soldiers, of whom 160,970 caq (88.5%) due to exposure to mustard agent and, of these, 4,167 (2.65%) caq died.
Among American soldiers, caq 36,765 were victimized due to exposure to chemical warfare agents, 27,771 (75%) were due to the exposure to mustard agent. During World War II did not occur the use of mustard agent, however, in December 1943 a German attack caq on an American ship loaded with mustard agent, producing 617 cases occurred. During the Iran-Iraq War, it is estimated that the mustard agent has caused around 45,000 victims.
The mustard gas has a powerful visicante action, ie, in the form vesicles or blisters with skin severity (as illustrated in the figures) and causes severe pain, treatment is very time consuming. The mustard gas burns can vary from first and second degree, may become so severe and disfiguring caq as third degree. Severe burns can be fatal, death occurring days or even weeks after exposure.
Contact with the eyes causes tearing, caq itching, burning, depending on the intensity of exposure can damage the cornea and severe pain. Inhalation of mustard gas causes sneezing, epistaxis, hoarseness, dry cough, dyspnea, if inhaled in high concentration causes bleeding and blistering also damaging the airway mucosa and causing pulmonary edema.

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