Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Select document category Choose Category Graduation thesis (372) The Matura Works (111) Scientific

Valenca and formula |
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Writing chemical formula: It is often impossible to know for sure who will be the atom in the first place when it comes to chemical compounds of the formula but there are some rules. Oxygen was never in first place in the chemical formulas
To determine the valence, we can use a number of groups. If the element is in the fifth group, as for example nitrogen, it will probably have (and has) some three valence compounds because the metalloid and three electrons will be used for building links. Also, it will have some valence and V, which corresponds to the number of groups rust and bone (such as metals, where the valence equal to the number rust and bone of groups - Na (I), Ca (II), etc.) If an element has a valence rust and bone of it is written in parentheses in compounds such as for example oxides. Oxides are compounds of an element (metal or metalloid) and oxygen. N2O5 nitrogen (V) oxide, because we know that a valence of Fe2O3 iron (III) oxide, because we know that a valence of sodium oxide Na2O not write because no variable valence
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Elements IIa of the periodic system of elements are characterized by very similar characteristics b

Zemljoalkalni metals |
The Matura diploma papers Papers Scientific papers Seminars Scripts Architecture Geography Building Surveying sodium carbonate / Geodesy sodium carbonate Languages / Literary sodium carbonate Mystery Math Mechanical Engineering Technology / Metallurgy Theology Trade Tourism / Hospitality Animal Health Protection at Work News
Elements IIa of the periodic system of elements are characterized by very similar characteristics but there are big differences between sodium carbonate them. They have the same structure of the peripheral sodium carbonate electron layer, sodium carbonate and the presence of two electrons sodium carbonate in the peripheral layer affects their reactivity and their properties. Are very reactive in nature and is found only in the form of compounds. Different are widespread in nature. While some of them are very widespread others are found in very small quantities. By way of bonding with other elements also differ. Beryllium sodium carbonate with other elements and binds covalently polar covalent bond and all other building compounds Ionic bond. As for the importance of these elements for human and there are great differences between them, while some of them participate in the construction of plant and animal sodium carbonate life others are very harmful to them. Each molecule of chlorophyll, for example, contains magnesium ion, Mg 2 +. Without chlorophyll there would be no photosynthesis, and thus not many other forms of life. Calcium ions, Ca2 +, are an important component of bones, teeth, plants, shells of marine organisms, etc. The aim of this paper is to analyze the general characteristics of alkaline earth metals, the similarities and differences between them and their compounds, as well as analysis of their characteristics affect the use and significance for man. How to position in the periodic system sodium carbonate of elements, electron affinity, ionization energy, the size of the radius of atoms and ions affect the properties and reactivity of Group IIa elements of the periodic table? As the properties of the compounds of these elements are changing and affecting their use and importance to man?
Elements IIa of the periodic system of elements are called alkaline earth metals. Name comes from the fact that their oxides alchemists called "country", and they are in aqueous solutions react strongly alkaline, like oxides of alkali metals. This primarily refers to the oxides of calcium, strontium and barium. In IIa group of the periodic system of elements sodium carbonate include the following elements: beryllium (Be); magnesium sodium carbonate (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba) and radium (Ra). The compounds of calcium limestone and gypsum have been known and used in ancient times. Metal beryllium are isolated and Velero Bisi independently 1828th year. Bisi got it the action of potassium on beryllium chloride -. Devi was isolated in 1808. Was an amalgam of magnesium, magnesium electrolysis - sulfate, using a mercury electrode as the cathode. In compact form given by the French chemist sodium carbonate Bisi 1828th action of potassium sodium carbonate to magnesium chloride sodium carbonate -. Devi gave him the name magnijum (called magnesium from magnesium = - oxide). It was later named magnesium. Calcium is first received Devi 1808th year electrolysis of molten calcium - chloride. Name given by Devi from the Latin word calx meaning lime or calcium - oxide. Strontium has also received Devi 1808th year electrolysis strontium "country" (strontium), which was first discovered by Crawford 1790th year. The name comes from the town of Strontian, Scotland. sodium carbonate Barium is first received Devi 1808th year but not in its pure form by electrolysis of salt. In its pure state is obtained sodium carbonate only 1,901th or 1929th year and won him the French chemist sodium carbonate Guncam. The name comes from the Greek word βαρύς meaning "heavy." The existence of radium is assumed Mendeleev in 1871. Was revealed by M. Curie 1898th year and it was the first radioactive sodium carbonate element to be discovered. Continue reading ..
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Monday, April 28, 2014

Corrosion involves two simultaneous reactions with impeachment ions and electrons silicio between t

In relation silicio to corrosion, it can be said that the passivation consists of spontaneous formation of a layer of strong, non-reactive, on the surface of a metal in order to protect it from corrosion, and the respective layer is one oxide or nitrate (combination of nitrogen with metals) whose thickness does not exceed silicio a few atoms.
Certain oxides, as čelikov oxide, can not bind sufficiently strongly to the surface of the base metal, the current tendency to separation, to the creation of the border, thus appears that the corrosion process is practically consists in creating one hole (rust) on the surface of the metal from whom they separated atoms. silicio
In contrast, layers of aluminum oxide, copper, magnesium, titanium and zinc manage to establish silicio lasting relationships with the base metal protecting it against corrosion by a protective oxide layer which is called the passivation layer.
In the passive state metals silicio are practically immune to corrosion, the electrochemical silicio point of view, act as unassailable precious metals. One transition metal from the active to the standby state is conditioned by tapping the critical parameters passivation. Index passivation P, can be used as a quantitative silicio measure of the tendency toward passivation of a metal in a corrosive environment. If P> 1, the metal spontaneously passivated; if P <1, the metal can spontaneously move from active to passive state, although there may be a stable passive zone.
The actual cause corrosion of metals and compounds is their thermodynamic instability in natural conditions and therefore their spontaneous tension to cross the oxidized state (in combination). In this way is explained by the fact that the nature silicio of most metals excluding precious metals (Au, Pt, Ir) are in mixed mode (state-oxidized ores)
Electrochemical system corrosion, metal (compound) - corrosive environments, leading to the formation of a double electric layer, assimilated one condenser, where it is determined by the difference in potential between the metal surface which is negatively loaded (no), and an environment that becomes positive silicio (thanks silicio ions M + RESULTING from corrosion). This difference in potential is unique potential at which corrosion takes place and is called the corrosive silicio potential and mixed potential. Corrosive silicio potential of a metal or compound differs silicio from the equilibrium potential of metals or compounds.
Corrosion involves two simultaneous reactions with impeachment ions and electrons silicio between the metal and the environment and as a result of this shift, in the course of corrosion on metal (compounds) appears corrosive potential, whose value is given by the movement of potential balance of metal and mid each other
The process silicio anodičnog oksirdiranja (corrosion), some metals appear sometimes in polarization values izvestne sudden resistance to dissolution (corrosion), which leads to a reduction in the flow of corrosion silicio to a value approximate to zero, as a consequence of passivation of metals.
In the case of steel that does not rđaju, in particular, silicio and materials that can be passivated, generally, the polarization is moving equilibrium potential under the influence of its own corrosive passage of electric current, induced by these two simultaneous chemical reactions that produce corrosion. In the case of compounds of Fe-Cr, which creates a lame Fe solid solution, chromium has a very pronounced tension to passivation and plays the role of protective components.
If we compare the lines anodic polarization of steel, chromium and nickel (the main component in stainless steel metals) with lines of Fe-Cr alloys could be established that the potentials nited passivation of Fe-Cr approximate potential passivation of pure chromium and are located between the potential of steel and pure chromium . (dry chromium).
The contribution of chromium passivation of steel can be explained by means of electronic silicio theory. Chromium having a great affection for the electrons can absorb 3d electrons of steel, so the steel becomes passive, silicio losing one 3d electron, which is transferred to the substrate silicio 3d chromium. Chromium can take five electrons, namely can pasivirati silicio 5 Fe atoms. This scale corresponds to 15.7% Cr in weight, a fact that explains why the contents of more than 12% Cr steel assigns a good resistance to corrosion.
The nature of the passive film in humid environment is represented and is still a subject of debate among experts. One group of researchers claims that in water solutions, the passive layer or one or crystallized oxide composition approximates one amorphous structure containing atoms of base metal atoms of oxygen, hydrogen atoms or molecules of water, representing in fact a mixture of oxides and hydroxides of steel and chromium with relations as a bridge between these compounds
Retention of ionic species diffusion through the passive film is explained by H. Strehblow as a passive film that is a resistor with a single capacity, one impedance or a semiconductor. The difference in potential silicio between the two interstitial metal-film and film-environment indicates that the passive film seat one strong

With alkynes are the isomeric unsaturated hydrocarbons containing two double bonds and which are kn

On this page you can find information about hydrocarbons (en. hydrocarbons)! chemical properties This is an ideal place for those who are school facilities in this area too narrow (either because of their own interests, either because of the "interests" of your professors)! :)
With alkynes are the isomeric unsaturated hydrocarbons containing two double bonds and which are known as dienes, alkadiene and diolefins. Their general formula is therefore the same as in alkyne CnH2n-second Names diene performed similarly to alkenes, except chemical properties that, instead of continuing-EN adds continuation-diene, and it would be easier to name pronounced, before continuing diene inserted vowel (eg pentadiene instead pentdien). The position of double bonds marked with numbers that are placed in front of the names. Physical and chemical properties of this class of hydrocarbons depend on the position of the double bond in the molecule. According to the position of the double bond in the molecule (and thus to other features) within the class of diene 3 different groups or sub-classes of compounds (according to some authors, three independent class), namely: 1) KUMULOVANI Dien OR Alena 2) conjugated diene 3) isolated diene
Kumulovani dienes are those dienes wherein the double bonds are located next to each other. They are less stable than other hydrocarbons with a double bond. The main reason for the instability is the fact that this mode of binding diene probably a transitional form to the triple conjunction alkyne moving towards a carbon series due to a very stable very position. This group of diene geometric isomerism is possible. The most typical reaction Alen additions. In this group of compounds is the most common ion electrophilic addition, while the nucleophilic ion and free radical rarely.
2) conjugated diene Dienes in which two double bonds separated by one single bond called conjugated dienes. Such a system of double bonds (double-dirty-dirty-double-prime) affects the stability and properties of the compounds. In these diene is not possible geometrical isomerism although they have double bonds. Characteristic reactions of conjugated diene is 1,4-addition (if the temperature is increased to over 40 degrees Celsius), chemical properties at which the reagent chemical properties add to the ends of the conjugated system (the first and the fourth carbon atom of the system) and the double bond is transferred to the system chemical properties (between the second and third carbon atoms). In addition to these reactions conjugated dienes may enter and 1,2-addition (if the temperature is lowered to between -40 and -80 degrees Fahrenheit). Also, representatives of these groups diene come in free radical polymerization reactions (in the presence of organic peroxides). Another characteristic of conjugated systems is their greater stability (with lower energy content) compared to the corresponding diene with a different arrangement of double veza.Ove properties of conjugated diene can be explained as follows: When the alkene nehibridizovane two p orbitals overlap sideways and build π molecular orbital or π bond (two π electrons are localized chemical properties on the two carbon atoms). chemical properties When, for example, 1,3-butadiene are all carbon atoms are sp - hybridized chemical properties to each and there is one more nehibridizovana p orbitals. Lateral orbital overlap on first and second, respectively third and fourth carbon atom built two π connections. However, since the second and third carbon atom also bound σ bond it comes to the p orbitals overlap between them. This creates a cloud of electrons π 4 located above and below the plane of butadiene; π electrons are localized to specific carbon atoms (such as alkenes), but all four π electrons under the influence of all four carbon atoms (delocalized are). All this contributes to the stability chemical properties of the 1,3-butadiene, and additions may be made to the ends of the system, chemical properties ie in 1,4 position. Typical 1,4-addition of conjugated diene has great practical significance since it allows to thereby obtain different compounds; for example, by polymerizing chemical properties conjugated diene produces synthetic rubber. 3) isolated diene isolated dienes they dienes in which the two double bonds separated (distant) from each other by at least two single bonds (ie with a single sp hybridized chemical properties carbon atom). Dienes with isolated double bonds to behave in chemical terms as well as alkenes, chemical properties which means that it will enter the same chemical reactions and alkenes. Two connections are distant from each other and react independently of the other, and this first one, then the other. That's why we say that this group diene has two functional parts of the molecule. In particular the diene group of the possible geometrical (cis-trans) isomerism. Simplest compound from this group diene is 1,4-pentadiene.
Welcome! I wish you a pleasant stay in this blog, and with it go with more knowledge than when you came! Have an understanding of what it currently has few texts, because this blog is set up recently (4 November chemical properties 2007), chemical properties but I assure chemical properties you it will be time to find him a large number of high-level texts as regards the accuracy of the information! The aim of this blog is that in one place systematically collected to date knowledge in the field of hydrocarbons and thus form

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A team of scientists led by Professor Artem Ogan

Table salt or sodium chloride is typically Ionian compound, crystalline structure. Specifically, it is a vapor, the which all teachers explained the principles of ionic his students. However, in a paper entitled "Unexpected stoichiometries tunel of stable sodium tunel chlorides," published tunel in the journal Science says the incredible discovery of stable tunel stoichiometry of sodium and chlorine, which is contrary to the rules of chemistry textbooks.
A team of scientists led by Professor Artem Ogan's with Table Brook University in New York came to unexpected results when testing the behavior of sodium chloride under special conditions. In fact, scientists have begun to use new computer methods and algorithms for predicting the structure to describe a range of possible outcomes compression sodium tunel chloride.
Then they tried to verify their forecasts. They used a diamond anvil and mixtures of sodium chloride with molecular chlorine or metallic sodium, high pressure. They came to the amazing conclusion.
The textbooks say that the chemistry of sodium tunel and chlorine have very different electronegativity and must build Ionian compound precisely ordered structures. Sodium electrified +1 because the electron chlorine is therefore -1 charged. Therefore, the only possible stoichiometric combination of these two elements is 1:1 and compound NaCl.
"We tunel found a strange compounds that are against the rules - 3 NaCl, NaCl 7, Na 3 Cl 2, Na 2 Cl and Na 3 Cl" said lead author of the study Dr. Zang, and the Stone Brook University. Further says: "These compounds are thermodynamically stable, and once more arise does not break down. Classical chemistry zbranjuje and their very existence. Classical chemistry also says that atoms are trying tunel to fulfill the octet rule - to receive or release electrons to the configuration of the nearest noble gas, with a filled outer levels that make them very stable. Well, here the rule is not satisfied! "
NaCl is transformed into new compounds, each of which has an unusual connection and chemical properties. Their structure was determined using techniques for predicting crystal structures invented by Professor Ogan. The technique is called USPEX (Universal Structure Predictor: Evolutionary Xrystallography). This name, with obvious symbolism both in Russian and in our language, has become a generally accepted code of crystallographers and scientists who are engaged in teaching tunel materials.
For example, NaCl 7, NaCl 3, Na 3 Cl 2 and Cl 2 on the metallic character (which explains the apparent violation of electroneutrality) and only one semiconductor phase NaCl 3 is stable in the range of pressures 250-480000 atmosphere.
"At 3 Cl has a fascinating structure. It consists of layers and layers of pure NaCl sodium. Layers tunel of NaCl act as an insulator while layers of pure sodium conduct electricity. Systems tunel with two-dimensional elektroprovodljivošću have attracted a lot of interest, "says Professor Ogan.
"If this simple tunel system is able to transform into such a diverse range of compounds, providing high pressure, then you are probably capable of it and other systems. [...] This could give an answer to many questions about the origin of the planet's core, as well as to enable the creation of new materials, "said Dr. Gončarov. tunel
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In this task, you will receive two elements with their Valence on the basis of which need to write

Procedure: In addition to the symbols of the elements of the given type in the number of protons and electrons. Then do the electronic configuration in order to know how many valence electrons an element, or to know how much will - should be released (if metal) or as e - should receive (if nonmetal) r134a in order to achieve a stable r134a electron configuration. In addition r134a to the written symbols with the number of protons and electrons on the arrow to write the number of electrons that the element is released, or the number of electrons that element receives and then re-write the symbol of the element and the number of protons and electrons, which are the others when he was fired or receive electrons. Based on the number of laid off or received electrons to conclude that the atom become a positive or negative ion and commemorate the top right corner next to the symbol. Take into account that each element can receive or released only as electrons as there are in the valence level or how much he misses it completely filled valence level. r134a At the end of it all introduce electronic formulas and write the formula of the resulting r134a ion pair.
In this task, you will receive two elements with their Valence on the basis of which need to write a formula that they build compounds, r134a ie to specify the indexes that are the symbols of each element in the molecular formula. The procedure r134a is to first write the symbols of the given elements, unknown to record the indices x and y, then find NZS to date Velence elements and eventually sharing the DCP with the valence of the first element, specify the index x, and dividing NZS with valence other element, specify the index y. Replace the values obtained for xiyi will get the required formula.
III issue: In this issue you will be delegated to the formulas of compounds composed of two elements, one of which has a fixed valence (eg H or O), and the second variable. Your mission is based on the formula and the one known valence valence specify an unknown r134a element with variable valence. Use the rule that the product valence and the number of atoms of one element, must be equal to the valence of the product and the number of atoms of other elements.
x = 4, which means that the of compound of the formula CH 4, the valence of carbon (IV)
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Saturday, April 26, 2014

It is important to observe acid residue as a group. If there are more acidic residues (index behind

We have learned that metals such as copper, iron and aluminum are good conductors of electricity. In addition to these well-conducted electricity and aqueous solutions of acids, pom bases and salts, as well as the water itself (remember to constantly warn us that we do not have electrical appliances near water).
When the dissolution of ionic compounds (base and salts) in the water, there are attractive forces pom between ions and their polar water molecules. Bases and salts that spontaneously decompose pom when the positive ions and negative ions of metal hydroxide groups, and acid residues, which are surrounded by polar water molecules. This phenomenon is called HYDRATION JONA.
By the same theory, pom acids are substances that dissociates in water to give a positive ions of hydrogen ions H +, while BASE substance that dissociates in water as negative ions give hydroxide ions OH groups -.
SALT dissociates in water, resulting positive ions or metal cations and negative ions or anions acid residue. If acid residue contains only nonmetal, bezkiseonična acid (HCl or H 2 S), then the negative ion only the nonmetal. When oxygen acid (sulfuric, sulfurous, phosphoric, nitric, carbonic) negative pom ion is the entire atomic group (SO 4, SO 3, PO 4, NO 3, CO 3).
NaOH Na + + OH -
Hydroxyl group, OH is always pom one time negative pom ion OH -. Number of OH groups in the hydroxide depends on the valence of the metal and the number of the writing dissociation reaction is written in front of the OH group as a factor.
It is important to observe acid residue as a group. If there are more acidic residues (index behind parentheses), then he is writing dissociation pom reaction moves to the position of the coefficient and the acid residue is many times what it was negative valence, pom or how many hydrogen atoms in the acid.
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Friday, April 25, 2014

Out with Kids

It takes a long cardboard tube (or two tubes sticking paper towels). Are some holes with a nail right through the tube, making a spiral. Put a toothpick in the holes and cut the excess. Because moving, even lining the tube with tape. Then decorate the tube: lined paper and stickers, painted, ...
We cover one end with a round of cardboard (or a bottle stopper or bottle, depending on the size of the tube) and the other end we put rice or lentils (about half a cup). We cover the other end and you're done!
To do this, take a rectangle teos of paper or cardboard painted children as they like. We need 2 plastic caps alike. The roll to form a cylinder and put it in one of the blocks, putting a little teos glue to not leave. Fill rice or lentils and put the other cap.
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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Objectives Understand the principle of action-reaction of Newton

Science Fair | A rocket propelled with compressed air
Objectives Understand the principle of action-reaction of Newton's third law through a workshop. Experiencing the effect of airflow on any body. Taking care of the material used and show respect.
Aimed at intermediate level material plastic bottles of 1.5 L (one every 5 participants) Two 8-L plastic bottles A funnel water Mancha needle end Corks or plastic (6 units) Apparatus for hold bottles Heavyweight permanent markers 2 red stickers dryers 1.500w approx 10 balls and 10 white tennis another color 20 pins 2 feeders running two extensions of current 6m approx. 2 adhesive tape 2 cm wide color Apparatus for holding bottles
How we do it? EXPERIENCE 1: water rockets are made with plastic bottles of 1 .5 L. Decorate plastic sodium hypochlorite bottle with cardboard (to produce the conical tip of the rocket) and add me there custom stickers with markers. Add water 1/4 of the total volume (if you add too much water would be heavy, and if not definitely notch little rocket boost). Put the bottle upside down and cover the entrance with a cork stopper (previously we had a central longitudinal hole crosses the cork). Insert a needle to inflate the balls began to swell with cap and bellows.
EXPERIENCE 2 draws two parallel paths in the form of zigzag (about 4m) with Línes adhesive. Participants will be divided into two groups. Be allocated a ball, a needle and a hair dryer equipment. Claver needle on the ball ping-pong. Participants will be placed in single file on each end of the route. The first place the ball on the gate of the dryer (vertically) and start up. The need to keep the air while performing the circuit and preventing the ball falls to the ground. Having reached the end of the tour, a companion relieve keeping the ball lifted.
What do you see? When the internal pressure is sufficiently high the rocket goes up shot Interestingly rocket propulsion as a result of the pressure exercised by the air inside the bottle and the expulsion of water. Also you can see the impact of the ball in the air, the ideal weight of a body so that it remains stable and floating in space.
Whenever a body exerts a force on another, the second body exerts an equal and opposite force on the first. These two forces are on the line connecting the center of mass of the two bodies. We must not forget that these two forces, even though they have the same form and direction and the opposite direction, not offset as they are applied to different bodies sodium hypochlorite envelopes.
Pressure (symbol P) is the physical quantity that measures the force per unit area applied perpendicular to it. Its SI unit is the Pascal, which is equivalent to a force of one newton acting uniformly on 1 square meter. The force generated by the air dryer on the ball is greater than the gravitational pull of the earth.
This article was posted by Tavi Casellas May 11, 2012 at 11:43 and filed under action, physical strength, movement, pressure, reaction. Follow comments on RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, But You Can trackback from your own site.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

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Last year at school duramax forum we started a charity campaign to collect plastic caps and when finished at the end of the year was considered a success considering the vast amount of caps that were collected. This course AMPA Can Sort proposes to continue this campaign and so do our bit to help those children who need it most. Plugs must be of plastic any size and color.
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Starting today at school to collect plastic caps Wave. She has a severe disability due to anoxia and malpractice during childbirth. Plugs may be leaving the USEE. Thank you! All / you can do it!
First of all, you would have to identify myself to go directly to you. Do not put in doubt the wave exists, or the effort milar we are making to the school for help. The Wave is a 13 year old girl who lives and goes to school in Igualada. Does not affiliated epileptic encephalopathy, microcephaly, congenital nystagmus paroxysmal, milar sleep disorder and severe scoliosis. With Anna, her mother, I am in touch by mail. Anna does not ask any economic collaboration. All I ask is that before throwing a plastic plug in the trash, save it. These caps, take them to a company Baix Llobregat and sell them. With that money can buy you need a chair adapted after the operation they did in Wave 6 March. There are many people who are helping, milar guys that have made video clip, a storage space you have left to accumulate boxes, points caps found in different towns ... had not moved throughout the school if you did not know the certainty milar of the case. We can not doubt so many people! March 21, 2012 21:28
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Girona was born on 18 September 1895 and died in Barcelona on January 7, 1990. Primary studies were given to him by the teacher Carmen Auguet which will become an important reference for their profession. He studied Teaching in Barcelona where he obtained the degree in 1914. Montroig The first destination was the labor camp (1918-1919) and then moves to the Cellera (1919-1933) and in 1933 moved to contest in Lloret Sea where her husband had also recently obtained the post of secretary of the council. Lloret de Mar developed much of his life teaching. In 1935 she was appointed Director of the National Graduate School for girls but broke guerrapateix certain milar obstacles to continue its educational work. Despite reports and certificates on their behalf milar will not be until 1940 that his file archived and can again carry out their teaching normally. 1950 in Girona will direct a school where mentally handicapped people and there will end his career in 1965.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

- Original idea: Nestor Busquets Trakatap / Choreography: Roser Font, Ruben Perez

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Five workers begin their day job in a landfill. That's when the routine becomes a game with so many different elements such as water, sand, plastic, metal ... and their own bodies.
- Original idea: Nestor Busquets Trakatap / Choreography: Roser Font, Ruben Perez "Fruty" Monica Perez / Music: Nestor Busquets Txus Eguilaz / Cast: Nestor Busquets Txus Eguilaz Roser Font, Ruben Perez "Fruty" Monica Perez / Sound: Paul Bosch / Company resident school Luthier Leave a comment

Monday, April 21, 2014

This campaign has the support of several organizations. Today, it is a trial, but if the experience

The corks collected at outlets reach a body of employment for disabled people, which makes it a choice to eliminate non-recyclable parts. Then the choice is sent to a company that uses them, adding hazop up now virgin cork, for the manufacture of other products.
The objectives of the campaign are recycling and reusing corks, promote labor market outcomes of the disabled hazop and the claim of both the cork and the cork sustainable forest management. If the experience is positive is enough to extend the campaign to other populations of cork Baix Empordà and Selva.
Once a month Palafrugell company collects the corks of the town's 24 participating in the campaign. These caps come in the organization of employment midnight. The employees of this company, they are disabled, they remove the plastic hazop or metal parts. Then sent to the company "Cork 200." There are crushed and mixed to produce products for the construction industry.
The objectives of this initiative are different. First, one factor is the environment, which allows the recycling and reuse of cork; Secondly, the social work that allows the use of a collective problems of employment and eventually claim as cork and sustainable national product.
This campaign has the support of several organizations. Today, it is a trial, but if the experience is positive, thought to be extended to other municipalities of the Baix Empordà and Selva and even put containers on public places to give new life to cork. Compare hazop it with your comments and make you feel pertinent. hazop
Start: February 11 Completion: May 29
Learn Valencia. UPV argues Babel Centre writing - Writing Techniques (UPF) How to communicate. How can assess the oral presentation of a paper? (UPC) linguistic criteria (UB) Balearic Catalan-Valencian-Catalan Dictionary of DALE Thesaurus Thesaurus vox Dictation Online hazop Doubts language frequently (UPC) most frequently asked questions (UPC) The sounds of Catalan hazop (UB) Encyclopedia Catalan Cards SCS (CID) Guide to Effective Communication (UAB) Guide written communication (ICS GENCAT) Communication Skills. EO. UAB. Learning paths (DGPL GENCAT) administrative language website legal language stylebook Girona Lessons and vocabulary exercises flexed the Catalan Lexicon Lexicon hazop worship (LOFCA) Lexicon. MUDs words Castellnou Moodle Manual Level C1 Optimot What did you say? (Curiosities and anecdotes language) Review C1 (sufficiency). 40 sheets and exercises hazop Guess what? (Notes ling. Justice) Linguistic Service (UOC) Technical Writing Verbix. Verb conjugating verbs Catalan català5estrelles. Interactive hazop exercises esadir.Llibre style CCMA TERMCAT Cercaterm and Neoloteca
D NOW! |
2014 (20) 04/20 to 04/27 (1) 04/13 to 04/20 (1) 04/06 to 04/13 (3) 03/30 to 04/06 (2) 03/23 to 03/30 (1) 03/16 to 03/23 (5) Together we most 3 Summary hazop and related PROPOSALS SUMMARY "corks" Proposal abstracts. Video Proposal summary Nobel Prize 03/02 to 03/09 (3) 02/23 to 03/02 (1) 02/02 to 02/09 (3) 2013 (1) 10/06 to 10 / 13 (1)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Activity 1: In inflate the bag inside the bottle, this volume purchases. The air inside it increase

Science Fair | The air moves!
Aimed at intermediate level or higher. 1 roll of material straws balloon sellotape thread or cord dish 1 cup thin 1 1 1 dye bottle empty glass bottle (wine) 1 cork (wine bottle) plastic bags - one lighter or matches - candles
Precautions There are complex processes, the only thing that can result is slightly dangerous lighters and candles, but we think it is too dangerous. How we do it? Activity 1: Remove astroglide a cork in a bottle of wine without astroglide breaking it. First, take the bottle with the cork inside. Then put the bottle horizontally so that the cork remains in the body. Introduce the plastic bag inside the bottle; we put so once it is inside the can inflate. Once we put the plastic bag inside, we inflate it until you get the cork surrounded by it. Pull hard bag, and push the plug outward.
Activity 2: Increase the level of water in a glass. First, take a bowl and fill with water, stir in a few drops of dye in order to better observe astroglide the experience. Then put a candle inside the bowl and on. Afterwards, take a glass candle and cover it. Turn off the flame and the water level inside astroglide the glass will rise above the water level in the bowl.
Activity astroglide 3: Take a wire about 3 feet long, a balloon attached to a rod, previously cut to about 7, 8 cm. Take the helm and pass inside the wire, inflate the balloon and let go. With the power of the air, this move.
Scientific astroglide concepts The air is composed mainly of nitrogen, oxygen and argon. The other components are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone, among others. astroglide The physical properties of the air that we see these activities are: Expansion: Increased volume of a mass of air to reduce the pressure exerted by a force or because of the addition of heat. Shrinkage Reducing the volume of air being pushed by a force. Volume Is the space occupied by the air.
Activity 1: In inflate the bag inside the bottle, this volume purchases. The air inside it increases in volume, it can be compressed to a certain point. When the air bag can not be expanded further, this pushes the plug against the walls of the bottle to occupy more space. Activity 2: The fire consumes the oxygen in the air inside the cup. This air will be less dense and not exercise so much pressure on the water there is on the plate. This decrease in pressure will raise the water level in the glass. Also, turn off the flame, since there will be enough oxygen to continue burning. Activity 3: Here we apply Newton's second law, known as the fundamental law of dynamics: astroglide The result astroglide of the forces applied to an object is directly proportional to mass times acceleration. In this case the weight would be too much of the globe, and force is the pressure exerted by the air escaping from the mouth of the balloon. The air was compressed in the globe. astroglide When this air is released out of pressure and that makes the straw out firing in the opposite direction. To learn more ... Water up (atmospheric):
This article was published in Tavi May 16, 2012 8:31 Casellas and filed under action, physical strength, movement, pressure, reaction. Follow comments on RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, But You Can trackback from your own site.
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Science Fair 2012 | Made with Wor

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The cork company's success today come to Argentina
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The company J. Vigas 125 years ago that is dedicated to it, the cork for wine and champagne. Located in Palafrugell, its geographical position has allowed France to have as one of its potential customers.
Sector, the cork, which also innovate. The corks now have nothing to do with a century ago. On one side have been improved ammonium nitrate processes. Beams have a machine created for themselves through which all the raw material: ammonium nitrate a steam shower that removes all impurities from cork. On the other hand, it also has a laboratory which examined ammonium nitrate the caps. In it he has made a study of what is better, a cork or plastic. They say, of course, what they do because it allows the wines can evolve in the bottle. In addition, the plastic being a petroleum derivative, it is not so cheap.
The export is almost 50% of its turnover. The caps come in France, ammonium nitrate Italy, Switzerland and Argentina, where an uncle of Vigas had a company that was dedicated to it. Now closed and they stayed with customers. They have 40 employees and a turnover of 9 million.
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Saturday, April 19, 2014

It involves collecting plastic caps of various types of bottles and containers (plastic as it is di

Tap charity project has come to our school because the Scout Association of Cervera as proposed and accepted. This initiative also works in other schools in the city.
It involves collecting plastic caps of various types of bottles and containers (plastic as it is different from the rest of the bottle or container) in order to sell them to a recycling company. Earnings allocated to any initiative ky jelly worthy ky jelly cause.
So students, when they have caps, take them to the class and put in a bottle. Plugs are for charitable purposes, such as people who need a wheelchair or undergo ky jelly an operation. So far, have been collected over 200kg of plastic caps between different schools ky jelly of Cervera ky jelly participating in this initiative.
This article was posted in Activities, Year 2011-2012, ky jelly Cover, innovative educational programs and tagged with Green School, recycling, plug the charity June 18, 2012 by c5001311. Post navigation speak languages Andy Mary Palau de la Generalitat
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In our consumer society, marketed every day more plastic bottles of all types and sizes to provide consumers different liquids, impedancia from the most famous variety of water and soft drinks, including those designed to contain bleaches and detergents, oils and wines , to those sold in pharmacies, syrups contain alcohol or peroxide, to name the most famous. The vast majority of these bottles closed with screw caps, which once consumed impedancia the liquid, they go straight to the garbage bag with the bottle. Now, since not too long and the initiative of a mother who needed to achieve improved quality of life of his son, an amount of money that is not available, the child needed a sophisticated-brace-and began collect impedancia corks for recycling, it seems that the act of recycling and solidarity has spread to other families, and there are several that attempt to collect money using this system, which also co Supporting a just cause, invited to recycle. The campaign has grown a lot in recent months impedancia and now and, although companies engaged in plastic recycling, for every ton of caps collected can only pay $ 300 in many people that "collect" , while some companies also "Digital Factory" was the leader, have to put their tents containers available for those who want to collaborate, showing people that with a simple tap, you can improve sure the quality of life of many people. Here in Castellon I have not yet seen in any setting, not in any official impedancia center, impedancia but I know there are some NGOs and educational organization that is already doing, which includes caps, the association of scleroderma with headquarters in Castellón the old quarter of Tetuan-14 is an example collects plugs provide the Spanish association of family-telangiectaxia ataxia, a rare disease that affects children. I think the University, the football, the sports centers, swimming pools, theme parks, restaurants and bars to large concentrations of people, it's easy, very easy to apply collaboration and gesture is very simple and would be relatively easy for people to get involved in this initiative will enhance. We, my workplace a few weeks ago we launch. We do not collect many corks, we are aware that our gesture will not be enough to save the world, but now, we have the ability as a container box that was slowly filling, the exercise is simple: the bottle in a container, the cap to another. This initiative seems one of the many urban legends circulating on the Internet often, perhaps more wary of the initiative can doubt, but behind it people, children, Iker, Nacho, Sara, Aitana, Aimar ... and centers research, together with committed companies, some in the collection: the transportation system, MRW, Digital impedancia Factory ... in other repurchase of caps: ACTEC plastic impedancia recycling company based in our community, all making pineapple. Solidarity has rarely impedancia been so easy, we can all achieve. The the "S" sensitivity, "e" ecology of the "R" of recycling, make up the solidarity task of all.
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Opinions, thoughts and "Leos ponders" a lover of people, culture, impedancia festivals, traditions. Who likes to follow the day to day, taking the pulse of the city, and above all he loves his people and that is all, as if it. Really want this to be a place to discuss things that surprised me and aroused my reflection, I want to share with others.
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Friday, April 18, 2014

Home Team of Family Medicine Pediatric Specialists Management and Services Other Professional Team

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a) Urine - Basic: Wake up in the morning and before collecting the urine, wash your genitals with soap, rinse with water and wipe dry with a clean towel you. Collect the first morning urination, urine stream without the first nor the last. Make sure that the urine does not touch the skin, men should bhi remove the skin of the foreskin and female genital split lips. Cover the bowl well. If you take any medication, please bhi specify.
b) 24h urine: When you take in the morning, discard the first urine. At this point you have to collect all the urine of the day and night, also including the first urination of the day. It is very important bhi not to miss anything of urine. If necessary, use two containers. The collection should be in wide-mouth plastic containers with screw we provide consultation in the center or in the laboratory. The container with urine collection should be in a dark, cool (refrigerator). After the collection, deliver bhi the container in the center where the test has been scheduled.
This entry was posted in Nursing, Family Medicine, Pediatrics and tagged with CAP Passeig de Sant Joan, Collecting urine samples collection 24h urine collection. Add to Bookmark the permalink.
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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Source: Handmade WEBSITE

Diversity of students
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A week ago, I introduced you to the entrance 25 Crafts to reuse cardboard. Today, following the line, thus the need to plan and develop activities that take into account the "three R's" (reduce, reuse and recycle), mdjs I present 30 Crafts to reuse plastic. Today there are already many people who recycle food waste we produce and / or other consumer products. In this sense, schools can not remain one step back, but on the contrary, we must work to educate our students, improving education today, build critical thinking small people capable of understanding and respect worldwide and the society in which they live.
Source: Handmade WEBSITE MADE WITH CHARACTERS plastic spoons
Source: not available ORIGINAL LIZARD clarified YOUTH SERVICES mdjs
Labels: crafts, ecology, ecology, Manualidades, crafts, environment, plastic, plastic, plastic, recycle, recycling, recycle, Reducir, reduce, reuse, reusing, Three R
@ Carmen Thank you for your comment. Glad you like. Kisses. :) November 7, 2013 9:23
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Heme encontrado you a good guide for Conejo hacer origami. We have found a very good guide to fold origami rabbits. Wir haben eine sehr gute Anleitu ...
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A formula for learning the importance of which is to generate less waste is applied

As part of the training module included in the environment, we visited the wastes Verdaguer Manlleu from an explanation guided by Dolores Colon, technical environment of PEO - City Manlleu. The services offered by these wastes are also shared with the municipalities of Roda de Ter and squirrel, part of the Council itself Manlleu.
This tip provides a free service to all citizens and all businesses that carry waste concerned, to ensure preventative management to avoid the impact on the environment. Using the services of the tip is achieved (and work) the recovery of many materials, from choosing selective or scrapping.
Following silicio a guided circuit, we received explanations regarding the selection of products that reach the landfill. For example, we observed silicio spaces, among others, to: Bulky waste (which are reused or scrapped to separate the components and to recycle them). White HDPE plastic (melts for raw materials and make new plastic products like bags or tubes, for example). Plastic - PET (melts for raw materials to make new plastic products such as fibers, packaging or furniture ...). Glass containers (which are crushed and melted to make new glass containers, once the cap has separated). Torratxa plastic silicio HDPE plastic color (melts for raw materials and make new plastic products like bags or protective mesh). Wood Glass Motor Oil Appliances
The content of the visit is very educational and gives us tools to become aware of the importance of recycling in our daily life, as the engine silicio of change for the sustainability of the immediate environment: you inhabit. silicio
A formula for learning the importance of which is to generate less waste is applied "triple": REDUCE (make less waste), avoiding disposable products, and raising us sustainable consumption and trade: what you really need buy? REUSE (reuse), choose from returnable packaging RECYCLE (which is to make our homes selective collection), ie corresponding pull each waste container, and bring those who are special waste landfill
Recent SKILLS Job search Feeds Equal opportunities: exhibition "Women Vic. Yesterday and today "Visit to the tip of Verdaguer station automatic control of air quality
Recent comments Nourdin opecursneteja in Health and Safety in Health and Safety in Health and Safety Nourdin opecursneteja in tree planting WITH SCHOOLS MANLLEU Nourdin in tree planting WITH SCHOOLS MANLLEU
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The candle may sucker you ever heard the weatherman tells us about a phenomenon called loss during

The egg floats Surely you heard that recognize if an egg is fresh just dip it in a bowl of water. If you stay in the background means that the egg is fresh, however, if the egg floats means you have a few days. This is because the density of the egg is very close to 1 g / cm 3, but slightly larger than that when the egg is fresh. As time passes there are chemical reactions inside the egg that release gases across the shell. Because the mass of the egg decreases, but the volume is not (the shell is the same), its density drops below 1 g/cm3. Indeed the density of water is 1 g / cm 3 and the principle of Archimedes second law of thermodynamics know any body that is immersed in the fluid will float if its density is lower, and will go to the bottom if this is higher. In this experiment we will try to find the density of a whole raw egg dipping it in water with different salt concentrations. We know that the density of salt water is slightly higher than the density of pure water. The density of the fresh egg is higher (only slightly) than pure water. So there will be a concentration of salt in the water will equal the density of the egg. When this happens, the egg will float or not will go to the bottom, you will find what is called an equilibrium indifferent. To do this we will have several second law of thermodynamics containers with water with different salt concentrations with an egg dipped in each of the containers. We will see in the containers where there is less salt (or none at all) the egg is in the background. However, where there is more concentration, egg floats. It took one of the containers and go slowly adding salt and dissolving it to find the egg remains in the supernatant liquid.
The candle may sucker you ever heard the weatherman tells us about a phenomenon called loss during January. This phenomenon is that in January there are quite likely to be under the influence of strong anticyclones which are a source of high atmospheric pressure. These high pressures cause the sea level to drop significantly in coastal areas. The opposite phenomenon also occurs, and unfortunately it is a source of sea level rise (accompanied by bad weather and strong waves) that can cause flooding in coastal areas. In this experiment simulates a case of rising water level to low pressures. To do this we need a candle, a bowl, a vessel (where the candle fits right) and three coins. Arrange the coins on the plate symmetrically so that it supports the glass, put the candle inside the right circle and coins on. Will water so that it covers second law of thermodynamics the coins and then put the glass upside down on the coins so that no air can come in the glass. After a while we see how the water level inside the glass rises appreciably. The observed phenomenon has its origins in the combustion of the candle that has been removing the oxygen in the glass. This has reduced second law of thermodynamics the pressure inside second law of thermodynamics the glass and, therefore, the water level has risen.
When we look at an artificial cloud in the sky and see the clouds are probably tempted to think that what we are seeing is water vapor. second law of thermodynamics This is false, for the simple reason that water vapor can not been seen. When you look at a cloud, what we are actually very, very small droplets (microscopic) of liquid second law of thermodynamics water. That is, at some point, we see that water is formed by the condensation of water in the gas state. This condensation is caused by two factors: pressure and temperature. If we find a high enough pressure and at a temperature low enough, we will free rein to the condensation of water in vapor form. However, we still need another condition: small solid core need so that water can condense. In this experiment we will see a cloud in a plastic bottle. To do this we need the plastic bottle, a cork that fits well with the hole in the bottle, a bicycle second law of thermodynamics pump, a needle second law of thermodynamics adapter to inflate balls and a piece of paper to burn. Take the adapter to inflate balls and make a hole in the cork with the needle so that the opening of the needle comes out the bottom (if you leave the cap should be shortened). Burn the paper and turn it off so that the smoke comes in the bottle. Put a little water in the bottle so wet walls and throw the surplus. Once done put the cap on the bottle with a needle and stuck the pump and begin to "pump" the bottle. After 5 or 6 manxades will remove the cap and see inside the bottle appeared a white mist. We made an artificial cloud. The explanation is simple. Part of the water that wets the walls of the bottle evaporates and is inside the bottle as steam. second law of thermodynamics When bellows inside the bottle are increasing

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Trade Guide - Barcelona lottery Food Consultants and Insurance Centers buys Gold and Silver Courses

Uncover your solidarity for Multiple Sclerosis | Acelobert
31/03/14 Civic Centre Navas collaborates with the Foundation GAEM (Group Affected Multiple Sclerosis) with campaign Uncover your solidarity!, A global charity campaign royal purple to collect plastic caps. Any plastic plug used to help them raise funds for research projects to fight Multiple Sclerosis. These studios are located in neurological tissue donation in order to improve knowledge about the origin and quality of life of people suffering from this disease and the proposed cell therapy of immune tolerance royal purple to achieve royal purple adjust the dose of medication.
Trade Guide - Barcelona lottery Food Consultants and Insurance Centers buys Gold and Silver Courses and Training Institutions Sports Interviews Beauty and hairdressing Pharmacies Flowers and Plants Bakery Herbalists Photo and Video Real Estate Computers and Internet Jewelry and Watches Laundry and Household Pets Veterinary Fashion & Accessories Kids Fashion & Leisure Motor Optical Orthopaedics Papers and Books Cake and Candy Bars and Restaurants Health Second hand Shoe Dry Cleaning Twiiter @ Acelobert

Monday, April 14, 2014

The City of Valleys competitive tendering for the service of the Tourist Office

The city of Valls has collected a ton of plastic caps as part of a campaign to buy a wheelchair orthopedic a girl who lives in Igualada. An anoxia and the family believe malpractice during pva childbirth, young Rafecas Wave Munn, 14, has severe psychomotor disabilities, has no independent mobility and needs absolute dedication to third parties. It also has a severe cognitive delay and limited communication capacity. The girl, accompanied by her parents, will be this Thursday Valleys to acknowledge the support of the city.
Conchita Mather, working for the City of Valleys, with the support of other people pva and schools in the city, has been the driving force behind the campaign to collect plastic caps to help young Even acquire a chair the specific wheelchair has a cost of between 4,000 and 6,000 euros. This chair should allow better mobility Munn Wave after surgery to correct severe scoliosis also suffers and the introduction of titanium tubes back to straighten her spine.
Campaign pva In Ona't cap 'began in November and has been joined by 30 municipalities that have enabled pva the collection points pva or have neighbors who work individually. The initiative was born after seeing a similar campaign in the Basque country pva since Ona Munn parents pva reject direct financial aid. (Photo: City of Igualada).
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The City of Valleys competitive tendering for the service of the Tourist Office
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WEDNESDAY 16 Valleys At half past 6 pm, Charity House, talk Breastfeeding and Parenting Association, "Supplementary feeding" by Cristina Pardo. THURSDAY 17 Valleys At 7 pm, in the Church of Lledo, Eucharist and the sacrament pva of the Paschal Candle offering for the Brotherhood of Descent from the Cross. At 8 pm, at the Church of St. John, offering pva the Paschal Candle by the Brotherhood of Christ of St. John. FRIDAY 18 Valleys At 9 am, from the church of the Virgin of Lledo, inter Via Crucis with Christ in San Francisco accompanied by armed Valleys. pva At half past six in the evening, from the church to the Plaza del Carmen Wheat output with armed centurions. At 6 pm, the square and the church pva of St. John Wheat, exposure and image of the mysteries pva of Christ and St. John descent of Christ of St. John of the altar to the door of the church. At half past 7 pm, in the courtyard, display of weapons. From 7 pm to 10 pm, in the place of the Wheat and church of St. John, Changing of the Guard of the centurions who guard the Holy Sepulchre and the armed guard the image of Christ. At 10 pm, starting and finishing at the Church of St. John, Holy Burial Procession. SATURDAY 19 Valleys At half past 12 noon and 4 pm, at the Main Theater, screening of the opera "Parsifal by Richard Wagner" from the Bayreuther Festspielhaus. On 20 Rodonyà In the morning, in the square, stop selling books and roses and various products by students pva of the School Comes. pva TUESDAY 22 Valleys At half past 7 pm at the Teatro Principal premiere of the piece "1714" by students from IES Oller and literary pva awards St. George. At half past 8 in the evening, the Courtyard San Roque Inauguration Week Cultural Institute Jaume Huguet. At 8 pm, at the Main Theater, literary awards Oller. At half past 9 o'clock, theaters Valls, broadcast from the Teatro San Carlo di Napoli "Otello" by Verdi. WEDNESDAY 23 Valleys At half past 9 am, at the Cultural Center, Saint George Feast organized by the Institute Jaume Huguet. At 9 9 am, Dog Cruces, home of the Open House of the new Charles Library pva card. Within minutes of St. George, at 0 am in the Courtyard arrival of the Dragons. pva At 7 pm, in the courtyard, awakened the dragon. At half past nine in the evening, from the patio to the place of wheat, ride dragons and final dance before the Town Hall. Thursday

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mark Sanchez and I am 8 months since I Tooth syndrome. Surely you

Mark Sanchez and I am 8 months since I Tooth syndrome. Surely you'll have heard, is a rare disease called those actually in Spain and Catalonia there are 14 cases only know two cases: that of my friend Nacho and me. It is for this reason that my parents permeability Gemma and Pepe, we get in touch with the Association Asdent to be able to collaborate. Once we know and see everything they do, we decided permeability to collect caps for better investigate this disease and to find a drug. I have a genetic condition related to an alteration of the X chromosome, which I want to say is that this disease primarily affects the kidneys and can cause me a chronic permeability kidney condition.
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

2014 (21) April (16) DIY Transfer image on glass 1 Make-hole cap 2 3 start transferring Let

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2014 (21) April (16) DIY Transfer image on glass 1 Make-hole cap 2 3 start transferring Let dry 4 5 Next day plug 6 The final touch Investing words images henrietta lacks / mirror glass surface Transferring Images Vintage Images BOXES These days I am very motivated with the theme of t ... I sanded the wood to remove the letters ... I took print stickers crush, the boy ... After you finish henrietta lacks removing all the ballots and a co ... SNACKS stickers March (5) 2013 (10) April (4) February (3) January (3) 2012 (20) December (4) November (16)

Friday, April 4, 2014

It is not necessary to only buy wool, when a better silly putty grade wool or polyester blend will

It is not necessary to only buy wool, when a better silly putty grade wool or polyester blend will work well initially. Buying a $ 400 dress for $ 175 on sale is a really good deal, considering the material and construction of the suit will be better than the $ 150 dress bought on sale for $ 80 The more expensive suit will be worn often and cost you less per wearing. Unfortunately, there is no clear expiration date for a shoe, whose lifespan depends on the quality of construction, how well you take care of it and where and how often you will use it. But there are some guidelines to determine when it is time for your shoes to pass on. When running, the pressure you put on the shoe two or three times your body weight.
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<p> <a href=""> moncler down jacket </ a> When we started recording, says Fantasia, it had been so long for me and I must have had about 50 or 60 songs. I had kind of taken a break not by choice, but because so many things going on with my life, with management, with accountants, everything was in turmoil. So I just started to go in the booth with someone who would admit me three things you need to know to make money with Mike DillardIf you are looking for information on Mike Dillard you came to the right place. You have more than likely purchased one or more of the courses he offers silly putty to help network marketers become more successful silly putty in their businesses. Over years he has helped thousands of people while expanding its business to over $ 5 million a year in process.However there are some critical factors you must take advantage of the courses silly putty he offers and bring success to the next level. </ P> <p> <a href= ></a> Some customers declare silly putty that Nike sneakers may be the most comfortable among all the shoes they purchased. Recently, JP Morgan Chase that the second session of the JP Morgan Chase Corporate breed Shanghai event will be restarted on 18 October 2012 in Xuhui Riverside of Shanghai. The Nike Free Run shoes on sale predicted that the number of participants this year will reach the upper limit of the venue accommodate scale, which is 6500. </ P>
<p> <a href=""> moncler down jacket </ a> When we started recording, says Fantasia, it had been so long for me and I must have had about 50 or 60 songs. I had kind of taken a break not by choice, but because so many things going on with my life, with management, with accountants, everything was in turmoil. silly putty So I just started to go in the booth with someone silly putty who would admit me three things you need to know to make money with Mike DillardIf you are looking for information on Mike Dillard you came to the right place. You have more than likely purchased one or more of the courses he offers to help network marketers become more successful in their businesses. Over years he has helped thousands of people while expanding its business to over $ 5 million a year in process.However there are some critical factors you must take advantage of the courses he offers and bring success to the next level. </ P> This entry was posted in Uncategorized by biosilcoju1979. Bookmark the permalink.
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