Thursday, April 17, 2014

A formula for learning the importance of which is to generate less waste is applied

As part of the training module included in the environment, we visited the wastes Verdaguer Manlleu from an explanation guided by Dolores Colon, technical environment of PEO - City Manlleu. The services offered by these wastes are also shared with the municipalities of Roda de Ter and squirrel, part of the Council itself Manlleu.
This tip provides a free service to all citizens and all businesses that carry waste concerned, to ensure preventative management to avoid the impact on the environment. Using the services of the tip is achieved (and work) the recovery of many materials, from choosing selective or scrapping.
Following silicio a guided circuit, we received explanations regarding the selection of products that reach the landfill. For example, we observed silicio spaces, among others, to: Bulky waste (which are reused or scrapped to separate the components and to recycle them). White HDPE plastic (melts for raw materials and make new plastic products like bags or tubes, for example). Plastic - PET (melts for raw materials to make new plastic products such as fibers, packaging or furniture ...). Glass containers (which are crushed and melted to make new glass containers, once the cap has separated). Torratxa plastic silicio HDPE plastic color (melts for raw materials and make new plastic products like bags or protective mesh). Wood Glass Motor Oil Appliances
The content of the visit is very educational and gives us tools to become aware of the importance of recycling in our daily life, as the engine silicio of change for the sustainability of the immediate environment: you inhabit. silicio
A formula for learning the importance of which is to generate less waste is applied "triple": REDUCE (make less waste), avoiding disposable products, and raising us sustainable consumption and trade: what you really need buy? REUSE (reuse), choose from returnable packaging RECYCLE (which is to make our homes selective collection), ie corresponding pull each waste container, and bring those who are special waste landfill
Recent SKILLS Job search Feeds Equal opportunities: exhibition "Women Vic. Yesterday and today "Visit to the tip of Verdaguer station automatic control of air quality
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