Sunday, May 31, 2015

I think if I

Zero hibiscus face cream | Lucretia Kenco
natural cosmetics recipes Care Deodorants Powderfree Perfumes Hand care Foot care Sun products Body Care Body Scrub Facial & Oral Ajakbalzsamok Face cream Cleansing, tonic Face Packs Face Scrub Toothpastes Make Means mouthwash Eye Cream Swimming pool balls Bath Conditioner other bath products, other hair care products Shampoos Shower gels Family Members Baby & Men Pregnant women Household perfuming wash-rinse insect repellers Cleaners Gyógykencék skin problems to eczema Anti-Cellulite recipes for colds, rheumatism after acne, varicose veins joints in sports depilation gyógykencék More Intimate Soap Soap Liquid soap Medical soap laundry soap, toilet soap grated soap Soap Shampoo
Why is "zero"? For each component of the komedogén index of 0, that does not seal the pores, non-comedogenic! In any case, I would have one of these to make the inflammation is prone to dandruff seborrheic my skin (even with 2 komedogén index apricot kernel oil pimples "repays", and I really like the effect) was another important factor that should not be followed oiliness of the skin . - It could also draw the skin in a minute! The idea Biofeleség liquid ambar lecitines face cream is based on my skin that I created. The only ingredients are hibiscus covered are as described herein have not read about it: strengthens blood vessel ambar walls, it makes flexible, detoxifies the skin's water balance and preserves the integrity of collagen and elastin. And very pretty pale pink-orange hue would give the cream if it does not resolve we put inside the borax ... The quantities below one to two week's worth of approximately 15 grams of cream is made, so no need to fret if you do not work out as we would have liked. ambar If it works, it can be double or triple the quantity prepared. Ingredients sunflower oil 2.8 g 0.8 g 0.5 g jojoba oil Shea butter liquid lecithin 1 g (dissolved ambar in sunflower oil), 0.6 g 9 g beeswax fluid (chamomile & marigold ambar yarrow + + hibiscus tea) 1 tube lavender essential
Preparation: Melt the wax in jojobaolajjal steam bath, when melted, add the shea butter (because ambar it is heat-sensitive). This quantity can be done 0.3 g of vitamin E, I, I just can not right now. We prepare the plants for the tea, a good strong. Filtered, and while warm, the borax is dissolved in it. The tea, drop by drop, stirring pour the oil and then a drop of essential belecseppentjük the well and stir hypothermia. The borax took it as a component because it was a lot of discussion ...
The information pages is for information only, do not replace professional advice, so please consult a physician in all cases. Do not start your cooking without soap What: Soap-making is a must read before! Cream the authors: Homemade cosmetics - watch out!
03. 12. 2013 22:11
Dear Csokigolyo, I'm not used to measure xanthan gum, just a feeling. I think this first try a small quantity of a given késhegynyit, and if you want even more dense, you can still do it. But if it is too thick, you had to see me as if my face would be left with a layer of something, so for me to work out if a cream-density approx. The xanthan can also be mixed into the cream is ready at any time.
Dear Biofeleség!
Borax is not present, the other boraxos related forum post if you please! The following are just "what a wonderful face cream, certainly try!" ambar Or "super-wrinkle cream, done that" kind of wait posts
02. 07. 2013 17:50
Tindigó, I do not even know beeswax 2 ... !! If I know .. !! Anyway, I did the same thing xanthan well, there's really zero! Anyway, since then, no longer preservatives creams at all. I fell in propolis, but because it is good for my skin. Refrigerated Warehouse and making small doses, if at all I do not do it liquid and wet skin smear. A little weird feeling cold cream on my face, and to know that I'm going to be in the kitchen a face cream, but then reason to stay
I also cut my skin is completely back to the borax. I think it should not be used if a substitute. The propolis preserved creams I also deteriorated, + lactic acid rokonsal but the pair is working very well. More experience is that the water extracts easily deteriorate, in addition to scalding also damaged when the otherwise ambar beneficial substances, so much better macerátumot oil made from them, and to filter well. Beeswax komedogén index of 2, could even be left out. So absolutely not zero, but it can be approximated to it. The oily phase alapanyagiaval I agree completely.
I think if I'm not indiscreet created the bóraxról opinions, ambar thoughts ... I think the longer you write the links below provided address in order to be in a place where it belongs and do this and good recipe for ruin, with the "small" sub-borax. Manufacturing

The restraining cucumber / control does not work so well. Not only is very difficult to implement,

We tried baking soda, cucumbers, lemon juice, and countless methods. In our experience, and our comments in this article we share with everyone. emulsion Disappointments and surprises will be alike.
It was a great disappointment to the recipe. Repeated attempts failed to achieve results emulsion with it. Icing sugar mixed in powder form and where, where water was added to the diluted liquid as cockroaches. But we tried baking soda mixed with a liquid sweetener as well. Not only that cockroaches never bitten him in the fluid bicarbonate of soda (baking soda + sugar + water) hardens and dries very quickly.
The baking soda can be very difficult to persuade the cockroaches, and even tried it with someone who did not eat for days. And if you eventually managed to persuade the cockroaches emulsion to eat it, it does not come under the moments of destruction, never came to anything. In powder form, nor keeps them away with baking soda (walked on it), and neither eaten it away.
The baking emulsion soda csótányirtás thus not working. Even those not under sterile emulsion conditions, like its own little lab. A home is much more food they find themselves, there is much more to them other bait, which attracts more interest. So there's a lot more difficult emulsion to get them to absolutely taste the mixture will be almost impossible, and, unfortunately, the result is likely to be a failure. 1 dead cockroach you do not have the szódabikarbónától.
Csótányirtás lemon: There are many places to read to the squeezed lemon juice repels emulsion cockroaches. We tried, and unfortunately we badly tilted it-yourself method. Freshly squeezed lemon juice walked straight to the cockroaches. We will not tell big secret emulsion that later had no effect on cockroaches. After all, if a fresh lemon near the cockroach specifically goes into what we expect after became dry.
Restraining cucumber: The recipe basically consists of a "break-in" points to be placed cucumber rings. Although there have been execution can cause tangles, as in the case of what might be called cockroach point of entry? Ideally, doors and windows. Worse, panellakásnál, we have the pipe penetrations, power sockets, and behind the toilet should also be taken strangokat cucumber circle. Virtually it seems to be unworkable.
The results are mixed throughout. Unfortunately, we can not in any way to say it, it works, because the cockroaches we did not pass the cucumber-encrusted band at one time. They have also been the first time. Sometimes emulsion we are seen to turn back. The aquarium is divided uborkakarikákkal selected and monitored every 5-10 minutes emulsion to cockroaches staying just one side. Certainly emulsion we have seen many times to replace half of the field.
The restraining cucumber / control does not work so well. Not only is very difficult to implement, but it is almost certain that if you want to come over to the other side of cockroach, you will go through. As counter-argument against this method is that the cucumber rings within 2-3 days completely dry out and lose heavily illatukból.
Csótányirtás boric acid: We tried to home-made csótányirtást boric acid. Budapest boulevard chemicals only managed to get to the store. Pharmacies, as starting materials, they did not provide it. The white powder was sprayed on several occasions intervened pepper based out of our experimental laboratory cockroaches. The home-made emulsion csótányirtás of boric acid, unfortunately, also ended in failure. The 6 cockroaches terrarium in a single instance or destroyed, even after a couple of days either. Cockroaches have been in contact several times in the boric acid, is good, we tried to couple her covered in layers on the back as well.
Latter basically mission proved difficult because the boric hard, large-grained powder (approx. As hydrochloride), which is hardly adhering to their body, the legs are also bórsavmezőn walked cockroaches hardly adhered onto the powder.
Although we've seen record on the internet, which closed with a boric acid cockroach died, unfortunately, that a jar beleszórtak several handfuls of boric acid can not be considered as a way home that would be feasible. In this case, since the flat boric acid should swim.
Csótányirtás home-made traps: This achieved the best results. Although in fact the only suitable csótánycsapda monitoring, these methods still it was always emulsion what he could do the most harmless cockroaches. Two different csótánycsapdát made. The preparation of which read: csótánycsapda I, II csótánycsapda..
First, I tried out the csótánycsapdát, emulsion whatever it was, that at a time of 6 large and 2 small German emulsion cockroach stuck as well. But their ultra-thin emulsion legs, and weakness in order to tape, this trap were higher than kiszenvedni themselves, emulsion so in the end remained 4 (2 x 2 high-low) and died in the trap. The interesting because it is completely the same, but csótánycsapdából factory was able to come out of the cockroach.
Although the homemade traps whole performed well, we made a II. verzi

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Preparation of potassium hydroxide is first dissolved: the mix of distilled water weighed 467g 156g

How to make liquid soap stove - warm process! | Lucretia Kenco
natural cosmetics significant recipes Care Deodorants Powderfree Perfumes Hand care Foot care Sun products Body Care Body Scrub Facial & Oral Ajakbalzsamok Face cream Cleansing, tonic Face Packs Face Scrub Toothpastes Make Means mouthwash significant Eye Cream Swimming pool balls Bath Conditioner other bath products, other hair care products Shampoos significant Shower significant gels Family Members Baby & Men Pregnant women Household perfuming wash-rinse insect repellers Cleaners Gyógykencék skin problems significant to eczema Anti-Cellulite recipes for colds, rheumatism after acne, varicose veins joints in sports depilation gyógykencék More Intimate Soap Soap Liquid soap Medical soap laundry soap, toilet soap grated soap Soap Shampoo
This is a very natural liquid soap, dyes and essential oils without. Those who want to illatosítani, of course, to color please do! {#} A simple recipe ready to try to show you the gas liquid soap making technique! There is also sütős The technique can also maximize safety rules must be observed! A little time consuming but I hope that you will like it! Ingredients 5.16 oz / 467g of sunflower oil 7 oz. / 198g coconut oil 5.5 oz. / 156g of potassium hydroxide / 16.5 KOH. . oz / 467g of distilled water, significant dilute the lye to dissolve 40 oz / 1134g distilled víz.ezzel soap grease 2 oz / 57g boric 8 oz / 227g hot water boric acid to dissolve metal containers... this put the water on the stove metal or pottery: foly.szappant in which to cook the dishes Hand Blender Mixer thermometer measuring spoon gloves; goggles; face mask
Preparation of potassium hydroxide is first dissolved: the mix of distilled water weighed 467g 156g of potassium hidroxiddal.Ezek respond quickly to the heat running approximately 200 degrees! You were mixed to dissolve well and in a safe place until you put the oil heats up! The measured oil heats up to about 160 degrees, and when mixed with the KOH (can not be measured, how cool back) and mixed with a spoon and start using the blender to achieve the trace of the trace status eléréséhez.Kb.30 minutes! Then, under cover cooking for 3-4 hours so that during this time of 20-30 minutes shuffle spoon! You will find that different states will go on through the paste. (2 1.puding like little bubbles in water burgonyapürészerű 3.szolid cream nature 4.krémes like Vaseline petroleum jelly translucent final stage 5a) so you'll be ready when you see it was a clear vazelinformát significant THEN COME PASTE Thinning: 1.134g Distilled water and soap hozzáöntöd paste and mixed with boiled spoon. You turned off the stove, covered with a lid and wait a few hours until the paste is dissolved in the water! When this is done you can see that pretty clear liquid was then can you begin to neutralize significant the soap! NEUTRALIZATION: Heat back to the soap kb.180 degrees. . Meanwhile, in a bowl of precipitation 20% neutralizing / neutralizing acid oldatot.Ez 2 oz / 57g consists of boric acid and 8 oz / 227g of a mixture of hot water *** Important..! The water is hot and mix well to make boric acid and sure that the water remains very hot! If this mixture cools, it condenses the boric acid or borax, which is not mixed into the soap you !!! This recipe is made neutralizing solution 2 oz. / 57g was're going to use !!! The solution is slowly neutralizing at least partly 3-om soap dispensers that when you add slowly while kevergetsz and will leave little while at it! Turns off the oven and leave to cool. {#} As cool, pour into a bottle and put it in a place where there will be mozgatva.Ez very important! The insoluble particles significant will be resolved and the glass leülepszenek aljára.Ez lasts. 1-2 weeks. 1-2 weeks (but it may be enough for 1 week) moving slowly, not megkavarva (do not stir up the bottom) átlehet pour (or scoop slowly) of containers as appropriate so that you do not pour out through the bottom! Thus, the deposited portion can not be used! Legend: # {}; ; ***; the bottom of the first post !!! 1 found
The information pages is for information only, do not replace professional advice, significant so please consult a physician in all cases. Do not start your cooking significant without soap What: Soap-making is a must read before! Cream the authors: Homemade cosmetics - watch out!
Author: Treasure Location: Budapest from 20 éveimtől I really wanted to use the store as all her cosmetics. But there was always something hiányérzetem I did not feel complete happiness, peace of mind in their use, my skin has never been wrong, and therefore my soul! It did not leave me alone I was looking for, until I realized I researched did not miss anything, rather too many volt.Ezek the harmful ingredients in cosmetics !!! By now calmed down, my skin is beautiful, happy my soul and I am very happy that I found a natural home-made cosmetics !!! :-)

Friday, May 29, 2015

The green fire or home is very simple to manufacture. The easiest, of course, stops to Photoshop, b

AFM (1) an alkali fep metal (1) an alkaline earth metal (1) Boric acid (2) of interest (4), a weapon fep (2) of phosgene (1) Image (1) H (6), IBM (1) chemistry (1) chloride (1) Chlorine ( 1) Mustard (1) insects (1), insect repellent (1), science (6), fire (2) Fuel (5) fuel cell (3), iron (1) Tag cloud
The green fire or home is very simple to manufacture. The easiest, of course, stops to Photoshop, but bearing in mind the theme of the page that option now do not want to deal with. Fortunately, the chemical solution is not more complicated. It does not take other, only some boric acid, alcohol, and sources of ignition. They are all available. The film supplied alcohol to kids as antifreeze, fep used bórsavként cockroach. The former was 99% methanol. Otherwise, to my knowledge pharmacies can buy boric acid, is used as a disinfectant as well. In addition, the reaction works well with ethanol, and 96% alcohol or denatured szessz or acquired fep pharmacy can be used. But I daresay it might be a more potent brandy is also suitable for the purpose. Although even I know how to use it right ... right, green fire did not remember seeing him would have been.
You can now build the chemistry to interpret fep what is happening in the beaker. To generate a fire, in any case a good combustible material is needed. This case alcohol. This base bluish flame, so that the green color is in the alcohol, fep but is caused by the addition of boric acid. The question may arise that if alcohol has nothing to do with color, so why not be used to substitute any other combustible liquids such as gasoline, which is even more accessible. This is due to the achievement of the color reaction in the flame must be supplied to the large amount of boron, which is not a simple matter, taking into account the boric acid used was 300 C continuous boiling. For this reason, the solvent should be relatively well to escape the flames painter material that in some evaporation ion \ atom \ secretes molecules of the flame. The elakohol can do this, and do even more! Illékonyabbá able to do the acid (usually acids) such that when the water exits form esters with (the figure shows a boric acid trimethyl ester molecule), so that the skin can get significant amounts in the flame, and to stain it.
As with most vízkilépéssel reaction fep of boric acid esters can also catalyze fep the formation of sulfuric acid, the presence fep of such strong dehydrating. So if a few ml of concentrated sulfuric acid is added to the mixture might be to intensify the color effect.
The user posts content within the meaning of the relevant legislation, the technical operator fep of the service for them not assume any responsibility, they did not check. A case, please contact the editor of blogs. Details of the terms and conditions of use.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

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Sports car Award for a visitors site "Mobil 1" on the "Facebook" of thousands of Union and Ahli fans meet-star clubs platform company ferrous sulfate exhibition Jeddah for cars and pick up souvenir with them images ferrous sulfate Region allocated APSCO "Mobil 1" ferrous sulfate sports car as a prize for visitors to its "Facebook "commentators on the captured images of the players union clubs and private clubs with fans on the platform," Mobil 1 "exhibition Jeddah International Auto Show. The "Mobil 1" exhibition has provided an opportunity for fans to meet my team-star Union Fahd born Ahmed Asiri, and Ahli Abdul Rahim Mohsen Al Eisa and Gizawa s platform on Mobil 1 in the exhibition were taken souvenir pictures with them. It was after the lifting of the images captured ferrous sulfate on your social networking "Facebook" to "Mobil ferrous sulfate 1" site, which and asked the surfers ferrous sulfate and the site holders work "Lake" ferrous sulfate or impressive image, and will win His image on the most underserved, "Lake" and gets a Peugeot car in 2012, "NRC Z" sports, in addition to an excellent degree of tickets to attend the National Union and the Saudi league matches Award. On this occasion, Ahmed sandy marketing manager at APSCO "Mobil 1" confirmed that the company set aside this award value for visitors to its location on the "Facebook" Kmkavih them and an expression of pride in their Desiring to support communication between them and the audience, especially fans of the two clubs Union and Al Ahli who flocked by the thousands Mobil 1 on the platform ferrous sulfate Jeddah exhibition of cars to take photos with the stars of the two teams. He said: "As a shepherd participant clubs Ahli Union, youth and victory, working Mobil on the participation of star clubs in their programs to communicate with the fans of the four clubs and give them an opportunity to meet Bnjumanm through sporting events and social events that resides ferrous sulfate out permanently." He pointed out that the effectiveness of taking pictures fans with the stars of the two clubs exhibition Jeddah car received great success reflects the extent of that enjoyed by the two teams of mass in Jeddah, and confirms the correctness of approach "Mobil" to participate in the care of the two clubs and their support in JEF Saudi league in order to achieve the best results and as a shopper's delight at the heart of the Bride of the Red Sea. Sanding and explained that this great success in Jeddah will be followed by similar events allow fans and fans of young teams and victory in the capital, Riyadh or the Eastern region the opportunity to meet Bnjumanm at events and similar ferrous sulfate events to increase public interaction and benefit from discretionary awards provided by "Mobil 1" for visitors to its Web social networking, and will announce ferrous sulfate the date and venue of these events at a later time.
"Contacts" and "Microsoft" launch contest online to subscribers of "destruction" home service !?
Golf GTI sports car led players Crescent
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Sandy: new product exceeds the most stringent standards requirements and is superior to conventional oils Region Arab Company for Trade Moadalpetrolah "APSCO" launched a new product in the Saudi market is the engine Mobil oil (5W30) 1 is the most makeup sophisticated and that keeps the car's engine and keep it running like new, from Khalaltover exceptional protection from damage, with strong cleaning property and enhance the overall performance of the engine. Said Ohmdalerji, director of marketing company Arab trade of petroleum products "APSCO": mercaptan "meet the new engines Mobil oil 1 most accurate in the industry standards requirements Mtvoukaaly traditional oils. And come Technology (5W30) standard tow hooks in several vehicles, including revenue mercaptan that high-performance specifically vehicles, New Onzimahrk is more Madlatna compositional development. He added: "This has been the production of oil (5W30) new combination of basic Aalahaloda and with precision and balance of ingredients. And the degree of viscosity grade are recommended by the car manufacturers mercaptan to be used for new cars. And helps Zitaljdid to provide unprecedented levels of performance, with clean power and protection for the engine, it also meets the performance standards that have developed by the International Committee for Odalmaeijer motor oils and approval requirements ". As Anhmtuaq with the requirements of international companies mercaptan Alraidhvi OEM industry and Assanayalsiarat more than any oil synthetic another. sandy Noting there that this oil has excellent ability to lubrication in general while providing protection and performance Mmtazatan different driving conditions, and provides protection faster the engine from damage even in the toughest driving conditions and Aovroadha protect the engine from the heat and helps to prolong the life of turbocharger engine.
In addition to these properties, the composition Aljdidhlhma oil cleaning strength exceptional for engines that contain a high proportion of the sediment, mercaptan and works on the lubrication and protection of the engine even Tandrjh temperature 500 degrees Mioahoaquaom form sediments and Bakaiaaldharh Engine Ansahbasthaddam engines Mobil Oil 1 (5W30) for many kinds of modern Manalmrkpat, including the cars equipped with turbocharged cars Almzodhbnzam injection and high-performance fuel (non-purification system equipped with a filter called Filter) Mtadeddalsmamat and which are passenger cars, SUVs and trucks Alkhvevhbh processing.
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Posted By: Automotive experience (0 replies) Today, mercaptan 01:45 PM in Automotive News
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

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"Mobil 1" is sponsoring clubs Union Crescent in the Football League for five years Jeddah - Arab Company for Trade Moadalpetrolah "APSCO" and signed the company marketed to oil the world famous car engines, "Mobil 1" hold the auspices of the clubs Alathadoualhilal in the Saudi league football, and for a period of five years to start of the new season, potassium permanganate which begins mid-August of this year '. On this occasion, Ahmed Alerjimder of Marketing said company "APSCO" to clubs Union and the Crescent and the broad base of the audience in Jeddah, Riyadh and Bkmahafezat and cities of the Kingdom, and we are pleased the auspices of the two clubs for five years to continue Damanallmojtma sports in Saudi Arabia ". Sanding and explained that care will include the development of logo "Mobil 1" famous Qmassanfrq the two clubs, as well as the development of paintings potassium permanganate propaganda in the court of the game every time Alapfiha teams on their land and between Jmahearhama. company "APSCO" and is one of the most important and largest lubricant producers not in the Kingdom, but also in the Middle East .uchml activities diversified marketing company Mobil products of oils and materials Petroleum Alchhimoualemntjat, jet fuel and ships. Most of Mobil products from Himseg of products manufactured oils locally. it covers the company's products need a wide range Manalqtaat include: car dealerships, and cement plants, iron and steel, and the Gaza Altaadinwalnaft and gas, petrochemical, marine, and industries general manufacturing, and Alaadidgerha. owns "APSCO" broad and effective distribution network allows it access to its growing customer base Vemuaqahm faster and easier, and serves this network fleet includes mechanisms are compatible with the global Maiiralsalamh for the transfer of direct shipments to customers and between stations.
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Monday, May 25, 2015

When the announcement of the results obtained c2h5oh image Adel Mohammed Chamakh for first place in

"Mobil 1" campaign has achieved with elite players from the National Union and the unrivaled success, and after participation of thousands of enthusiasts and fans of my team and Union Ahli Jeddah during the last car. It is noteworthy that the company (APSCO) provided the opportunity for fans take photos with their favorite players and post photos on social networking "Face Book" site, in order to enter the competition, which requires access to a higher proportion c2h5oh of 'Lake "to the owner of the image, to get the luxury sports car Peugeot RCZ.
After the end of the contest period was raised image which received the highest number of 'Lake' of visitors to the site and surfers Company (APSCO) on the social networking site "Face Book"
When the announcement of the results obtained c2h5oh image Adel Mohammed Chamakh for first place in the number of votes, where he was able to collect '4312 "Lake" and therefore deserved to which the award made by the Company (APSCO) in recognition of the success of the participation in the campaign, and Mr. Lance Ismail Kaid, oils Sales Manager cars, presented the award to the winner in the special ceremony held company (APSCO) will mark the end of this campaign.
For his part, Ahmed sandy marketing manager confirmed company) APSCO) "Mobil 1" that the company appreciates the effective and successful for visitors to its participation, and is pleased to offer these awards Kmkavih them and an expression of their pride and the desire of them in support of ongoing communication with them, in particular, and that "the c2h5oh Mobil 1 "it c2h5oh is a major sponsor and participant of the most prestigious clubs Arabia.
He pointed out that the effectiveness of taking pictures fans with the stars of the two clubs exhibition Jeddah Motor achieved great success reflects the extent of that enjoyed by the two teams of mass wide in Jeddah, also emphasizes health approach "Mobil 1" to participate in the care of the two clubs and their support in JEF Saudi league in order to achieve the best results.
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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mobil 1 recorded a significant presence in Jeddah the first Desert Rally in 2014 when I made double

Mobil 1 recorded a significant presence in Jeddah the first Desert Rally in 2014 when I made double rally in support of Champions and the most important participants in the first racing season in 2014, which was held under the Saudi Federation for cars and motorcycles care. And in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Sultan Bin Bandar President of the Union and a large number of fans of motorsport famous driver Ahmed SPI launched his car, "Ford goo gone Raptor" classified within the group "T-2" and the oil "Mobil 1" slogan springboard towards participation goo gone which waited too long to rally his city of Jeddah. Waited too long to organize the rally in the cities of Jeddah to join him, this is a dream come true and Mobil 1 also helped me strong participation by providing care to me, this is what was said Ahmed SPI moment inception phase review. And achieved SPI surprise surprised everyone when recording his best time stage Performing snatching encourage the large audience who attended the launch of Jeddah Rally .badha launched a number of Champions rally, carrying the slogan Mobil 1 to challenge each and record positive goo gone results for themselves and their teams. Ahmed sandy general manager of marketing Mobil 1 stressed that motorsport comes from the company's priorities rather than on the local level but also at the global level and that the care provided to a number of Champions rally is part of our strategic plans in this area and added: goo gone "After the positive results and the effective presence of a number of Champions Rally who gave them support and care will be an incentive for us to continue under the auspices of the Champions Kingdom. It is worth mentioning that the Mobil 1 is the main sponsor of a large number of the heroes of motor racing around the world, especially racing "Formula 1" and recorded the difference bearing the emblem of impressive results.
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Friday, May 22, 2015

He sandy: that over the forty years of the oil Mobil 1 , each combination was presented qualifie

Ahmed said sanding, general manager of marketing Mobil 1 The celebration of this occasion was marked by a distinctive as much as Access exhibition, which has become a significant milestone eastman in the field of luxury cars, lured large segment of fans of these cars. Mobil platform and I saw the official presentation of the new product Mobil 1 5 W30, which was officially launched in the Kingdom of service centers in conjunction with Mobil 1 fortieth anniversary celebrations of its production.
The sandy: that care ACCESS eastman exhibition by Mobil 1 for more than 5 years emphasizes the marketing strategy in the presence exhibitions of this level and now we have a real partnership with ACCESS gallery to provide the latest what is produced from Mobil Oil 1 and the extent of development reached by This product, and that the presence of Mobil 1 with those premium brand of cars that were displayed to emphasize the importance eastman of oil product Mobil 1 of these models, which are associated with the majority of a strategic partnership is not the Kingdom, but also in the world .
He sandy: that over the forty years of the oil Mobil 1 , each combination was presented qualifies for innovation eastman and performance, making it the world's leading synthetic engine eastman oil brand. He succeeded in building a good reputation among his millions in the oil and lubricants industry, as the oil technology eastman strength Mobil 1 are bound to give the most advanced engine protection and progress.
It should be noted that most of the visitors know what the exhibition ACCESS distinctive design of the platform where Mobil turned to simulate a Mobil service centers oils such as those launched in various regions eastman of the Kingdom, and that the definition of high-end services available to those centers.
Ahmed said sanding, general manager of marketing Mobil 1 The celebration of this occasion was marked by a distinctive as much as Access exhibition, which has become a significant milestone in the field of luxury cars, lured large segment of fans of these cars. Mobil platform and I saw the official presentation eastman of the new product eastman Mobil 1 5 W30, which was officially launched in the Kingdom of service centers in conjunction with Mobil 1 fortieth anniversary celebrations of its production.
The sandy: that care ACCESS exhibition by Mobil 1 for more than 5 years emphasizes the marketing strategy in the presence exhibitions of this level and now we have a real partnership with ACCESS gallery to provide the latest what is produced from Mobil Oil 1 and the extent of development reached by This product, and that the presence of Mobil 1 with those premium brand of cars that were displayed to emphasize the importance eastman of oil product Mobil 1 of these models, which are associated with the majority of a strategic partnership is not the Kingdom, but also in the world .
He sandy: that over the forty years of the oil Mobil 1 , each combination was presented qualifies for innovation and performance, making it the world's leading synthetic engine oil brand. He succeeded in building a good reputation among his millions in the oil and lubricants industry, as the oil technology strength Mobil 1 are bound to give the most advanced engine protection and progress.
It should be noted that most of the visitors know what the exhibition ACCESS distinctive design of the platform where Mobil turned to simulate a Mobil service centers oils such as those launched in various regions of the Kingdom, and that the definition of high-end services available to those centers.
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The company has distributed a variety of gifts to the participants on this occasion couples, which

Based on its belief in turn towards the Saudi society, and effective participation in the programs Alrjmaih responsibility to support the Arab Petroleum Services Company (APSCO) Baalamtha commercial Mobil 1 V mass marriages organized by the Crescent Club with the participation of the kinetics Association ceremony.
The company has distributed a variety of gifts to the participants on this occasion couples, which was under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Turki bin Abdullah, Emir of Riyadh, where will honor the 107 couples in this big concert hosted by His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Rahman bin Assistant Chief Crescent Club
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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Go To ... Home Choose the most prominent news factory factory Acura Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Audi Be

The most prominent news factory Choose factory Acura Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Audi Bentley B-M-W Bugatti Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Citroen Dodge Ferrari Fiat Ford Fisker Geely LG-M-C Honda Hummer Hyundai Infiniti Jaguar Jeep Kia Koenigsegg Lamborghini Land Rover Lexus Lincoln Lotus Maserati Mazda McLaren Mercedes-Benz paraquat Mini Mitsubishi April Pagani Piggott Porsche Renault Rolls-Royce Smart S-R-T Subaru Suzuki Tesla Toyota Volkswagen-VW Volvo other topics Select a topic incidents accessories and face-to-face celebrity model Cars modified propaganda drag shows Choose exhibition races Beijing Motor Show Detroit Motor Show Dubai Motor Show Frankfurt Motor Show Geneva Motor Show Goodwood speed shows Kuwait Los Angeles Gallery New York Auto Show Paris Motor Show PayPal Beach gallery especially for cars and equipment Select Episode Vfet Gear rings Exhibition (Fifth Gear) Arabs Ji-T (ARAB GT) Otto-Carr (AutoCar) Otto Express (Auto Express) Car magazine (CAR Magazine) Carr and Driver (CAR and Driver) Drive (DRIVE) Motor Trend (Motor Trend) Rod Land Trac (Road and Track) Smokung Tire (The Smoking Tire ) Top Gear (Top Gear) X-Carr (XCar) Evo (EVO) News every Gulf state of Kuwait Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Videos
Go To ... Home Choose the most prominent news factory factory Acura Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Audi Bentley B-M-W Bugatti Buick Cadillac paraquat Chevrolet Chrysler Citroen Dodge Ferrari Fiat Fisker Ford Geely LG-M-C Honda Hummer Hyundai Infiniti Jaguar Jeep Kia Koenigsegg Lamborghini Land Rover Lexus Lincoln Lotus Maserati Mazda McLaren Mercedes-Benz Mini Mitsubishi April Pagani Piggott Porsche Renault Rolls-Royce Smart S-R-T Subaru Suzuki Tesla Toyota Volkswagen-VW Volvo other topics Select a topic incidents accessories and face-to-face celebrity model Cars modified propaganda drag racing Choose exhibition shows Beijing Auto Show Detroit Auto Show Gallery Dubai Motor & nbs

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

No myre in this melche, svolochnee and hamovytee person, than clerks

No myre in this melche, svolochnee and hamovytee person, than clerks
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Monday, May 18, 2015

I think everyone in life has this invaluable treasure, without which the sun does not shine, life i

I think everyone in life has this invaluable treasure, without which the sun does not shine, life is so colorful, without their support you easily break, and during their absence you naplyvaye nostalgia and longing ... you guessed it, friends talking about) So, these stvorinnyachka play an important role for me in zhytti.Prote katehoriyi..tomu is different about someone if I did not write it is not a reason to resent me, * she forgot run or dye about me, hammered * This means that you are not for me so close that I conceived about your persona ... so presumably the reason you) who stayed earliest run or dye childhood to present my true friends who stand with me all my shortcomings is Vanya Kozak, Darius Voytyuk and just Boatswain)) These people always next to me and even though most do not notice me and care about the experience, run or dye for which I am very grateful to them * Also the man whom simply impossible to replace in my zhytti- Vlad Nemchenko) run or dye Although our friendship and prevents space and several kilometers, but it is very close, he knows me anything and everything continues to stay close constantly supports, cares and it is very nice, thank you that I have * Also in my life plays a significant role Denya Krynychanka (Krasnyatko), Julia-kozyulka Fitel, Natalya Borisova (kakooos) and Ryzhulik (Anastasia Manyuhina), Andrew run or dye Lehnovskyy my pandochky is my support, support, protection, and anything, they are just the best .... and priceless) in each course advantages and disadvantages, but together they just adska mix, something incredible) * person who encouraged me to something abnormal and silly, that it is always possible to have a good time, and so does my nnu number of years, run or dye always supports me boshnyu will carry if it really will potribno- Zabashtanska Annie (my pizdarik) it special *
Lily Rusenko (Tsvyatochek) who loves me dokopuvaty run or dye correctness, but actually it vso cover, it is very dvizhova woman, but it skryvaye))) Very chotkyy chuvachok, it can and cry and porzhaty so that the press inflate)))) Unfortunately, through training spilkuyemsya are less, but you're always in my heart)
Ingeneral all these people just incredible collection adrenaline, laughter, jokes, support and resistance, they are simply the best, and occupy more than half of my heart, I love you vsiiih run or dye * thank you for taking part in my life and filling it with colors *
2012 (17) May (2) April (4) March (11) Visualize a rainbow! What I love * destruction. Curtain subconscious) Srach in my head and Hi tipochky tipitsy) Look at what will the weather ... platitudes and little snot also no harm ... Reality eyes future) Values in life the truth! Those that changed life and filled it content * Introduction)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Great changes, despite 20 years was not felt. As before, we have no problem talking to each other i

Glory to Jesus Christ! You are on the blog (online diary) biweekly "Catholic chevron pattern Herald". Shows the most interesting articles from our archive issues. If you want to read the original - fresh "HF" -2015 (free!) Or subscribe to the newspaper, write to or fill out the form on the left. Please note: reprint materials is provided active link to the source. Interest review!
What is most known in 1991? The collapse of the Soviet Union. But for some it memorable for other reasons - and much more important. As for intsi April - early May this year the Riga seminary in Latvia ended up 16 deacons. Of these, six - from Ukraine, three - from Belarus, five - from Latvia and two - from Kazakhstan. For the first time in the practice of the Church on the territory of the USSR they return to their republic, where their elders are vysvyachuvatymut to local bishops. The Union was still held, and it seemed true miracle.
Deacons ordained of Ukraine almost immediately, in May and June. May 18, 1991 in Lviv Archbishop chevron pattern Marian Jaworski ordained Andrew Bachinskiy S DB and Joseph Mihaylovskoho. In Polonne May 19, 1991 to become priests, Franciscans Valery Yang Veselskiy O F M and Peter Francis M. F O Botwin We ordained chevron pattern bishop St. memory Yan Olshansky. And in Zhytomyr June 6, 1991 were ordained Joseph saleziantsi Zhovkovskyy and Cezary Chervinsky. Their prelate became bishop Jan Purvinskyy.
... It took 20 years, chevron pattern it was 2011-th. We, priests from Ukraine, the idea, celebrating a small but valuable date twenty priesthood to visit Latvia and Riga native seminary. The journey we started in Kiev, then moved through Lviv and Kovel, stopped near the Belarusian city of Grodno, in areas Kvasovka employing our classmate o.Yan Zanyevskyy. Together we sent thanksgiving Mass and visited Grodno, home to 84-year-old priest once - Inspector seminary chevron pattern in Riga, o.Yuzef Trubovich. Next was Vilnius, worship chevron pattern the Blessed Sacrament and the Divine Liturgy in the chapel of Our Lady of Mercy.
Riga met us good Saturday evening 21 May. Easily mentioned, then how to get to vul.Kiyevah (Kiev), 16, today - already vul.Katolyu 16, that the Catholic street. Interestingly, on this same street a few houses are Orthodox seminary ...
Great changes, despite 20 years was not felt. As before, we have no problem talking to each other in Polish, Ukrainian chevron pattern and Russian, and no one on this side did not pay attention. Explain to local residents without problems chevron pattern in Russian. Although later it turned out that Latvian and Lithuanian youth, which we had to communicate, speak Russian very poorly.
We were mandatory for Activity holy place of Our Lady Ahlonskoyi. There we together chevron pattern with fellow-priests Latvians and neighboring parishes Aglona, Kraslava and Daugavpils (Latvian cities - editorial note.) chevron pattern Celebrated a solemn Holy Mass.
We returned to Ukraine, Belarus and 'appeared opportunity to visit Budslau. Here, 120 km from the capital of Belarus - Minsk - is situated Sanctuary of Our Lady of Budslavskoyi who is under the care of the Province sv.Myhayila Archangel in Ukraine Franciscan Friars chevron pattern Minor (Bernardine).
We have finished their trip in Kyiv, thank God for the gift of the priesthood vidspivavshy solemn hymn "God you glory." I sincerely thank their friends, brothers, fellow students, which went on this trip-pilgrimage through which wonderful memories from the past, I think, largely help in the future ...
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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Flash card was invented by engineers of the Japanese corporation Toshiba. Fuji Masuoka, namely he o

Flash card was invented by engineers of the Japanese corporation Toshiba. Fuji Masuoka, namely he ordered this great discovery, rewritable card created in 1984. The technology called "flash" for fast writing speed information similar flash camera. Companies like Intel as an invention that they put their engineers for the development sodium lauryl sulfate of a similar product. They managed to make it four years later, after the invention of Japanese. sodium lauryl sulfate Later, sodium lauryl sulfate other companies joined in the development of this technology, making the digital market, we see the many formats, some of which are so unique that they can not be used in other gadgets firm. On what formats are flash cards we discuss in this article. CompactFlash (CF) - oldest to date format flash cards, because that is considered the most common. This standard flash card developed sodium lauryl sulfate by SanDisk sodium lauryl sulfate in 1994. Mo According to many analysts, this type of cards better than other index related price / memory. The development became format flash card type CompactFlash Type II. Smart Media (SM) - This flash card format developed by the company sodium lauryl sulfate Toshiba. First standard was published in 1995. After leading a consortium of 37 companies in the digital world, today announced support for standard Smart Media cards have become very popular. The minuses of that format should note a small lifetime (5 years), sodium lauryl sulfate as well as two incompatible versions of maps that differ meals. Memory Stisk (MS) - flash card format sodium lauryl sulfate developed by Sony and mainly working on their products. The format was released in 1998, after which Sony expanded its possibilities due to release maps of smaller dimensions: Select, Duo, Micro (M2), PRO, PRO Duo, PRO Duo Mark 2, PRO-HG, PRO-HG Duo. All cards using an adapter inserted into the same slot as the flash card Memory Stick. Secure Digital (SD) - miniature format the memory card. Fathers founders of the standard is three leading firms in this direction the digital market: Toshiba, SanDick and Panasonik. Flash cards are different fast write speeds and increased protection against accidental data erasure. Unfortunately, because of the youth format, it can not boast of a single standard and it happens that stick labeled SD, do not work in some devices, which declared their support. MultiMediaCart (MMC) - another miniature sodium lauryl sulfate size portable memory. It was developed by Siemens and SanDisk in 1997. Plus format is a low power, recording speed and strong body, which is not afraid of strong physical action. sodium lauryl sulfate There are four types of modifications to this format: sodium lauryl sulfate MMC, RS-MMC, MMCmobile and MMCmicro. They vary in size, and inserted into a special slot or a standard adapter. Microdrive - miniature sodium lauryl sulfate hard disk format originally developed by IBM, and then sold to Hitachi. By form factor reminiscent Microdrive CompactFlash Type II. The spread of this technology prevented a sharp decline in prices for flash memory, making microscopic drives were driven out of the market. MicroSD - by far the most compact format memory sodium lauryl sulfate cards. Its dimensions are 11x15x1 mm. Developers MicroSD is Matsushita (Panasonic), SanDisk and Toshiba. The first card of the format saw the light in 2000. Format MicroSD sodium lauryl sulfate most prevalent in mobile phones. xD-Picture - a rare format for digital photo and video equipment. He developed Olympus, FujiFilm and Toshiba. These cards have good speed dubbing information, low power consumption, as well as high reliability. sodium lauryl sulfate miCard - new format card slot compatible with MMS and port USB. The format was adopted in 2007, MultiMedia Card Association, sodium lauryl sulfate which allowed him to become a global, rather than highly specialized standard. Advantage format, high speed data transfer (up to 480 Mbit / s).
2012 (17) December (17) How do people get rich? 20 things I had to know in 20 years Seosprint Earnings on How to make money on affiliate programs today 21/12/12, the Forget SEO and viral write posts key to successful sales: offer functions vyho ... How to notify their customers prices s ... 10 tips for bloggers to work with social media ... How to make a screenshot of your computer screen What are the formats of memory cards. Overview f ... How to learn to get up early to write about on the blog button up for Blogger (scroll to top) How to become richer sodium lauryl sulfate without additional revenue in Ukraine Blogosphere first entry on the blog

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The teacher of chemistry and science. Head Teachers' chemistry Konotop district. Mother of two children, beloved wife and loving mother. I like to travel, read interesting books, to communicate with eccentric personalities. View my complete profile

Friday, May 15, 2015

Recommend acetone supporters

Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy in Ukraine announces the beginning of the program for former exchange visitors in 2012. The program "grants for participants in exchange programs" is to provide financial support to former participants of exchange programs and internships, funded by the US Government to implement projects aimed at the development of democratic acetone transformations hromadyanskoyi activity and economic reforms in Ukraine. Participants of exchange programs and internships funded or funded by the US government, including such agencies as the Bureau of Educational and Cultural (ECA), US Agency acetone for International Development (USAID), US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and teachers exchange program (FEP ), US Department of Commerce (the program SABIT), are eligible to submit projects. Applications will be accepted by the Commission of "Grants for exchange visitors" from 12 March to 15 April 2012. Form:
Recommend acetone supporters
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Main Page About the Project About the Center Regional American Centers Contacts Resources A Collecti

Ми раді вітати Вас на блозі Інформаційного центру "Вікно в Америку". Тут Ви можете отримати актуальну інформацію про США та американську культуру в Україні, взяти участь у гуртку Спілкування composite з носіями мови, різних тренінгах, конкурсах та скайп-зустрічах, переглянути улюблений фільм і обговорити його з друзями, прочитати книгу, мати вільний доступ до інформації, користуючись новітніми технологіями, задати питання працівникам Центру.
The program is intended to provide financial support to U.S. Government-funded exchange and training programs alumni to implement projects that promote democratic advancement, civic participation and economic reform in Ukraine.
Alumni and recipients composite of  all U.S. Government-funded exchange and training programs , including ECA, USAID, USDA and FEP, Department of Commerce SABIT trainings, as well as other target groups with an alumni connection are eligible to apply.
Метою програми  composite “Гранти для учасників програм обмінів”  composite є надання фінансової підтримки колишнім composite учасникам програм обмінів та стажування, що фінансуються урядом США, для реалізації проектів, спрямованих на розвиток демократичних перетворень, громадянської активності та проведення економічних реформ в Україні.
Учасники  всіх програм обмінів та стажування , що фінансуються або фінансувались composite урядом США, включаючи такі агентства як Бюро з питань освіти та культури ( ECA ), Агентство США з Міжнародного Розвитку composite ( USAID ), Департамент сільського господарства США ( USDA ) та Програма обміну викладачами ( FEP ), Департамент торгівлі США (програма   SABIT ), мають право подавати проекти.
Main Page About the Project About the Center Regional American Centers Contacts Resources A Collection of New e-Books eLibraryUSA databases English Discussion Club in Vinnytsia Great Read Program in Vinnytsia A Collection of the American Movies English Club Discussions - 2014
451 Fahrenheit (1) 451 Fahrenheit (4) American architect (1) American Library (1) Banned Books Week (1) BECOMING AMERICAN: BEYOND THE MELTING POT (1) E-Books (1) Easter (1) Effective composite Presentations (2) eLibraryUSA (1) English Club (1) Exchange Programs (1) Fulbright alumnus (1) Gambling (1) Games and Talent (1) Great Reading Project (1) HIV Awareness Day (1) Learning styles (1) Life Balance (1) Mother's Day (1) Private Freedom (1) Public Speech Skills (1) Ray Bradbury (3) Study in the USA (2) Thanksgiving Day (1) The Project Great Reading (1) TOEFL (1) TOEFL workshops (1) Trainings (1) Vinnytsia (3) Програма стипендій ім. Едмунда composite С. Маскі (Muskie) (1)
►  2015 (63) ►  May (13) ►  April (33) ►  March (12) ►  January (5) ▼  2014 (373) ►  December (39) ►  November (49) ►  October (42) ►  September (9) ►  August (10) ►  July (25) ►  June (24) ►  May (30) ▼  April (46) The English Club for Beginners A Reminder: a Discussion on Jazz for Beginners A Discussion on Miracles composite with Dima K. A Reminder A Discussion on Games, Gambling, and Toys with Hel... Виїзна зустріч з представниками ГО "Гармонія". Ми... 'Extra English' Movie Night 4 Beginners with FLEX ... Аудіокурс англійської мови для слабкозорих студент... English 4 Beginners: American Idioms and Shopping Reminder (The English Club with Volunteers) A leader of the Extra English Club, FLEX alumn... Applications closing for Summer 2014 Online and Bl... A Discussion on Stereotypes with Daphnee & Ula, EV... Новий штендер composite та нові книги і диски у нашому Центр... Extra English (Episode 7) with FLEX Alumna Вивчаємо англійську разом з слабкозорими студентам... National Poetry Month at the English Club for Begi... Нові книги у бібліотеці проходять певний шлях, п... April 12, 2014 - the English Club with Volunte... composite For those who like and value miracles.  A Disc... You are invited for a discourse meeting on 'Idea... The English composite Club on "The Generation Gap" with Kate... Презентація "Вища освіта composite в США" (Американські ... SUMMER ENGLISH ONLINE COURSES 2014 Презентація "Вища освіта composite в США" Extra English with FLEX Alumna Lina S. The English Movie Night ("Father of the Bride") Англійська для людей з вадами зору ДЛЯ ТИХ, ХТО ЛЮБИТЬ ДЖАЗ - ГАРНА НОВИНА! Extra English is for Beginners. composite Discussion+Movie... The "World Health composite Day" at the English Club for Beg... You are invited to participate in the followin... The English Club for Beginners on World Health Day... Сьогодні відбулась чергова зустріч з представник... Запрошуємо на презентацію composite щодо можливостей отриман... “Гранти для учасників програм обмінів” You are invited to be a member of the English composite Movi... A Discussion on "A Theater. Behind the Curtains" w... A Discussion on "Warfare and Peace" wi

Thursday, May 14, 2015

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Grants for exchange visitors in 2014 from the US Embassy
The program second law of thermodynamics "grants for participants in exchange programs" is to provide financial support to former participants of exchange programs and internships, funded by the US Government to implement projects aimed at the development of democratic transformation, civic engagement and economic reforms in Ukraine. Participants second law of thermodynamics of exchange programs and internships funded or funded by the US government, including such agencies as the Bureau of Educational and Cultural (ECA), US Agency second law of thermodynamics for International Development (USAID), US Department second law of thermodynamics of Agriculture (USDA) and teachers exchange program (FEP ), US Department second law of thermodynamics of Commerce (the program SABIT), are eligible to submit projects. Applications will be accepted by the Commission of "Grants for exchange visitors" by 28 July 2014. Information about the program Application program
Kyiv Alumni Resource Center (ARC) administered by the American Councils for International Education (ACTR / ACCELS) with the support of the US State Department. Resource Center was launched in 2002 to strengthen graduate programs of academic and professional exchanges, funded by the State Department of the United States.
Membership in the resource center is open and free for all American graduate programs. To strengthen the alumni community participants of exchange programs, together with the Resource Center conducts numerous activities embody the various projects and programs.
Alumni - people of all ages and professional second law of thermodynamics areas. However, second law of thermodynamics they are leaders second law of thermodynamics in their fields. In cooperation with the Resource Centre, they help him in the organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, round tables and other formal and informal meetings. Participation in the events center graduates allows them to exchange experience, to expand professional and personal relationships. Resource Center graduates are always grateful for the active participation in events and is open to cooperation. Center encourages second law of thermodynamics graduates second law of thermodynamics to take up his work!
Address: Str. Esplanadna 20 (6th floor), m. Kyiv 01001, UKRAINE Phone: (+ 380-44) 289-3952 / -53 / -77 / -78 Fax: (+ 380-44) 289-3921 E-mail:; Website link
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce the 2014 Alumni Grants Program

The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce the 2014 Alumni Grants Program. The program is intended to provide financial support to U.S. Government-funded exchange and training c2h5oh programs alumni to implement projects that promote democratic advancement, civic participation and economic reform in Ukraine. Alumni and recipients of all U.S. Government-funded exchange and training programs, including ECA, USAID, USDA and FEP, Department of Commerce SABIT trainings, as well as other target groups with an alumni connection are eligible c2h5oh to apply. Applications will be accepted by April 25, 2014 and will be reviewed by a U.S. Embassy selection committee. The Alumni Grants Program description is attached. The program application is available here .
►  2015 (86) ►  травня (6) ►  c2h5oh квітня (26) ►  березня (19) ►  лютого c2h5oh (25) ►  січня (10) ▼  2014 (254) ►  грудня (23) ►  листопада (23) ►  жовтня (35) ►  вересня (22) ►  серпня (2) ►  липня (14) ►  червня (17) ►  травня (24) ▼  квітня (34) Book of the Week - Lonely Planet Guide to Ukraine 8th seminar of the American Studies Institute New USA Maps in American Library Calendar of Events - May 2014 Book Choice - Arbor Day Book of the Week - "Right, Wrong, and Risky. A Dic... Book Choice - Administrative Professionals' Day How universities contribute to the socio-economic ... 7th seminar of the American Studies c2h5oh Institute Book Choice - Earth Day Book Choice - Easter Book of the Week - Barack Obama "Of Thee I Sing: A... 6th seminar of the American Studies Institute How universities contribute to the socio-economic ... April 16: "Attracting Media Attention for Your Ven... 5th seminar of the American Studies Institute c2h5oh of t... Library tours for schoolers c2h5oh April 16: Web-conference “GIST TechConnect: Attrac... Book Choice - Cosmonautics Day Languages c2h5oh and Cultures: Between c2h5oh East and West Web-conference “Attracting Media Attention for You... Book of The Week - "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries... 4th seminar of the American Studies Institute of t... Children's Library Club on April, 9 3rd seminar of the American Studies Institute 2014 Alumni Grants Program Book Choice - World Health Day Book of the week: "Digital Engagement: Internet c2h5oh Ma... 2nd seminar of the American Studies Institute of t... Discussion Club on April, 2 International Jazz Day Children's Library Club First seminar of American Studies Institute Book Choice - April Fool's Day ►  березня (30) ►  лютого (15) ►  січня (15) ►  2013 (130) ►  грудня (21) ►  листопада c2h5oh (23) ►  жовтня (29) ►  вересня (9) ►  серпня (13) ►  липня (11) ►  червня (5) ►  травня (4) ►  березня (4) ►  лютого (9) ►  січня (2) ►  2012 (51) ►  грудня (4) ►  листопада (4) ►  жовтня (6) ►  вересня (3) ►  серпня (3) ►  липня (3) ►  червня (3) ►  травня (7) ►  квітня (9) ►  березня (4) ►  лютого (3) ►  січня (2) ►  2011 (48) ►  c2h5oh грудня (4) ►  листопада (5) ►  жовтня (2) ►  вересня (2) ►  серпня (2) ►  липня (1) ►  червня (3) ►  травня (4) ►  квітня (6) ►  березня (7) ►  лютого (5) ►  січня (7) ►  2010 (41) ►  грудня (6) ►  листопада (16) ►  жовтня (10) ►  вересня (7) ►  c2h5oh серпня (1) ►  травня (1)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Admission to College Admission Admission to undergraduate programs and Master Admission with a degr

Admission to College Admission Admission to undergraduate programs and Master Admission with a degree of skilled worker Admission junior specialist diploma Introduction to the retraining (second higher education) what is density Admission Admission to postgraduate training foreign nationals for admission
Economic what is density management education Education Education Education International Relations in Psychology Legal Education Education Education security of computer science education in Tourism Education of Surveying and Land Management International Specialized educational programs educational programs Postgraduate education Business Education Scientific specialties Scientific
It was taught to students what is density 4 courses, faculty, staff and administration departments of the faculty. The event was held with the participation of two important guests: orhviddilu head of the Ukrainian Society "Enlightenment" them. Shevchenko Svetlana Feschenko and Deputy Director of Research and publishing activities of the Institute of Literature. TH Shevchenko National Academy of Sciences Sergei Galchenko Anastasiyovycha.
One of the most interesting events for the participants of the meeting was a demonstration of "Zahalyavnyka" T. Shevchenko, who brought Sergei Anastasiyovych. "Zahalyavnyk" was published in Geneva seventeen years after his death, ie in 1878. In the former what is density Soviet Union, there are only six copies of 5x8 format.
"" 2015 January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 2014 January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September what is density 2014 October 2014 November 2014 Грудень 2014 2013 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013 2012 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 Грудень 2012 2011 January what is density 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 2010 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 Грудень what is density 2010 2009 January what is density 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 2008 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008

We wish all who are directly linked dmf to the Faculty dmf of Economics and Business, creative and

Admission to College Admission Admission to undergraduate dmf programs and Master Admission dmf with a degree of skilled worker Admission junior specialist dmf diploma Introduction to the retraining (second higher education) Admission Admission to postgraduate training foreign nationals for admission
Economic management education Education Education Education International Relations in Psychology Legal Education Education Education security of computer science education in Tourism Education of Surveying and Land Management International Specialized educational programs educational programs Postgraduate education dmf Business Education Scientific specialties Scientific
On the occasion of the 23 th Division dmf of the Department of Student dmf Affairs and Student Council Faculty dmf prepared an interesting and rich program: March 31 - holiday greetings, quizzes, surprises, competitions April 1 - project "Friendship of Peoples" (Ukrainian, Georgian, Azerbaijani songs and dances) April 2 - a charity event; student a concert; party for all students of the University in one of the capital clubs 3 April - "Day live music" from talented "KROKivtsiv"
We wish all who are directly linked dmf to the Faculty dmf of Economics and Business, creative and professional development, progress and prosperity, welfare and brightest creative ideas. Photos from events
"" 2015 January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 2014 January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 Грудень 2014 2013 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December dmf 2013 2012 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 Грудень 2012 2011 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 2010 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 Грудень 2010 2009 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 2008 January dmf 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December dmf 2008

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Сторінки Кадровий склад Президії Ради Положення про студентське самоуправління щодо функцій Ради Док

Международный конкурс “Студент и прогресс” at Рада аспірантів і докторантів Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна
Дорогие друзья! Уважаемые коллеги! Продолжается прием заявок на участие sukebei в Международном молодежном Конкурсе научно-исследовательских sukebei работ Студент и научно-технический прогресс . Сроки проведения конкурса: 27 апреля 27 июня 2012 г. Конкурс проводится Южным федеральным университетом (г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия), Технологическим институтом ЮФУ в г. Таганроге (Россия), Центром планирования карьеры и профессиональной адаптации Технологического института ЮФУ при поддержке Министерства образования и науки РФ. К участию приглашаются студенты, аспиранты и молодые ученые руководители студенческих научных sukebei групп. Приносим извинения за временные неудобства, связанные с перебоями в работе сайта факультета. Просьба дублировать присылаемые материалы на два почтовых адреса: основной sukebei – и дополнительный – Будем рады видеть вас в числе участников! С уважением, Оргкомитет конкурса Координатор профессор Старченко Ирина Борисовна Контактные телефоны: (8634) 371795 секретариат +79185068497 оргкомитет E-mail: Сайт конкурса:
Dear friends! Colleagues! We kindly inform you that acceptance of applications for participation in International Youth Competition of Scientific Research Works Student and Science & Technology Progress is continuing. Competition is organized by Southern Federal University (SFedU), Taganrog sukebei Institute of Technology (TIT) and Center of Career Planning sukebei and Professional Adaptation of TIT under the aegis of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. To participation in the competition undergraduate, graduate and students, young scientists (researchers, teachers) – the leaders of student s creative teams are invited. We apologize for the inconvenience associated with interruptions in the work of faculty site. Please duplicate the materials sent by mail to two addresses: the main – and extra – We are looking forward to see you among the participants! Sincerely yours, Organizing Committee Coordinator – Professor, Dr. Irina Starchenko Telephones: (8634) 371795 Secretariate +79185068497 Organizing Committee E-mail: Competition site:
Сторінки Кадровий склад Президії Ради Положення про студентське самоуправління щодо функцій Ради Документи на допомогу аспірантові Контакти керівництва Розділи Інформація (27) Новини (16) Семінари, конференції, гранти, конкурси (80) Корисні посилання (г. Москва, РФ) Аспирантура. Портал для аспирантов (г. Санкт-Петербург, РФ) Аспирантура.РФ Електронний каталог ЦНБ ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна Електронний репозитарій ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна Научная электронная библиотека sukebei Рада молодих науковців Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна Сайт Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна Сайт Харьковского областного совета молодых учёных и специалистов Список розсилки Президії Ради аспірантів і докторантів ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна Шукати: sukebei Останні публікації Конференція з питань водних ресурсів Новейшие требования к апробации результатов диссертационных исследований Міжнародний освітній форум < > International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers(CAOL), September 9-13, 2013, Sudak, Ukraine Публічне обговорення Теґи
(c) 2011 Рада Аспірантів ХНУ ім. В.Н.Каразіна . The Journalist template by Lucian E. Marin — Built for WordPress

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Now FotoSoyuz Belarus, free radicals Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan will be able to take its right

Events Schedule Reviews News Technology News Surveys Tests Likbez Theory Practice Photo Person Movies Exhibitions ART PROJECT Commercial photo
Now FotoSoyuz Belarus, free radicals Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan will be able to take its rightful place among the European associations of photographers. This week, the Belarusian public association "Photo Art" Association of photographers of Georgia (APG), Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers and the National Union of Photographers of Ukraine became full members of the Federation of European Professional Photographers (FEP), representing more than 50,000 professional photographers from 27 countries of Europe. Union of photographers of Azerbaijan will join the FEP as an affiliate member.
The main task of the Federation of European free radicals professional photographers is to promote and support professional associations of photographers in Europe in the field of education, training, professional standards, copyright and other issues. FEP regularly holds competitions for professional photographers, as well as a developer and coordinator of a unified system of qualification QEP (Qualified European Photographer).
In late March, the chairman Giuseppe FEP Skotstsi at the invitation of the project partners' attention, smile! (SAY CHEESE!) Took part in the International Conference" Photography in Eastern Partnership countries: problems and solutions free radicals "in free radicals the project, where he spoke about the activities of FEP and the benefits of cooperation with the organization. "We are definitely interested in the cooperation between the FEP and associations of photographers from Eastern Partnership countries, as we believe that it is professionally and enrich our federation, and your FotoSoyuz" - said Giuseppe Skotstsi on the question of whether the ready Federation of European professional photographers take its membership the national associations of photographers from Eastern Partnership countries.
April 15 at the general assembly of FEP in Gmunden (Austria) have been considered and unanimously approved the proposal of the Belarusian public association "Photo Art", the Association of Photographers of Georgia (APG), Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers and the National Union of Photographers of Ukraine for membership in the FEP, and the Union of photographers Azerbaijan has been invited to become an affiliated member of the Federation. "Your membership [in FEP] will promote cultural exchange free radicals and integration into the European family free radicals of photographic and will create an excellent opportunity for many photographers to express themselves in a European professional fotosoobschestve" - said in the appeal to the leadership of the new members of the Federation.
Representatives FotoSoyuz Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan have great hopes for membership in the Federation of European professional photographers. free radicals "Entry into the FEP for the Association of Photographers of Georgia - this is another step forward in terms of European integration. free radicals These are the new opportunities for cooperation with associations in other countries have at the European level, new contacts between professional photographers, the prospects for converting the local photographic market "- said Nino Mgebrishvili Photographers Association of Georgia. - "Thanks to the membership in the FEP, our members can take part in European competitions and master classes organized by the FEP, and also receive a variety of qualifications that are recognized internationally. All this contributes to the promotion free radicals of national photography and creates conditions for the release of our photographers into the European market. "
Information: project "WARNING, smile! (SAY CHEESE!) FAMILY ALBUM Eastern Partnership. Strengthening capacity, creating partnerships and promoting thematic Eastern Partnership photography "is implemented within the framework of the Eastern Partnership program" Culture ", which is funded by the European Union. The project is designed for 30 months, has a budget of 622,700 euros. The project partners are the local fund to promote international dialogue and cooperation "Interaction" (initiator and lead partner of the project, Belarus), the Belarusian public association "Photo Art" RCHUP "Riftur" (Belarus), the National Association of "Armenian Photographers", the Association of Photographers of Georgia LLC "Bestseller" (Georgia), the Union of Photographers of the Republic of Moldova, the National Union of Photographers of Ukraine, free radicals with the participation of the Union of photographers of Azerbaijan. Previous article in this section:
For the first time in the framework of the International Competition "PRESSzvanie Business free radicals Award" evaluated photographers. Most were identified among professional free radicals photographers - Ukrainian photojournalists employees print and online media, freelancers and photographers, who work with the media.
Tridtsatidvuhletnego Norwegian photographer Andrea Yestvang became "Photographer of the Year" and the owner of "Golden iris (L'Iris d'Or) Sony World Photography Awards 2013. It has won the victory, surpassing 122,000 participants from 170 countries. In addition to the honorary titles, Andrea Yestvang received a set of digital photography and the Sony Award