We tried baking soda, cucumbers, lemon juice, and countless methods. In our experience, and our comments in this article we share with everyone. emulsion Disappointments and surprises will be alike.
It was a great disappointment to the recipe. Repeated attempts failed to achieve results emulsion with it. Icing sugar mixed in powder form and where, where water was added to the diluted liquid as cockroaches. But we tried baking soda mixed with a liquid sweetener as well. Not only that cockroaches never bitten him in the fluid bicarbonate of soda (baking soda + sugar + water) hardens and dries very quickly.
The baking soda can be very difficult to persuade the cockroaches, and even tried it with someone who did not eat for days. And if you eventually managed to persuade the cockroaches emulsion to eat it, it does not come under the moments of destruction, never came to anything. In powder form, nor keeps them away with baking soda (walked on it), and neither eaten it away.
The baking emulsion soda csótányirtás thus not working. Even those not under sterile emulsion conditions, like its own little lab. A home is much more food they find themselves, there is much more to them other bait, which attracts more interest. So there's a lot more difficult emulsion to get them to absolutely taste the mixture will be almost impossible, and, unfortunately, the result is likely to be a failure. 1 dead cockroach you do not have the szódabikarbónától.
Csótányirtás lemon: There are many places to read to the squeezed lemon juice repels emulsion cockroaches. We tried, and unfortunately we badly tilted it-yourself method. Freshly squeezed lemon juice walked straight to the cockroaches. We will not tell big secret emulsion that later had no effect on cockroaches. After all, if a fresh lemon near the cockroach specifically goes into what we expect after became dry.
Restraining cucumber: The recipe basically consists of a "break-in" points to be placed cucumber rings. Although there have been execution can cause tangles, as in the case of what might be called cockroach point of entry? Ideally, doors and windows. Worse, panellakásnál, we have the pipe penetrations, power sockets, and behind the toilet should also be taken strangokat cucumber circle. Virtually it seems to be unworkable.
The results are mixed throughout. Unfortunately, we can not in any way to say it, it works, because the cockroaches we did not pass the cucumber-encrusted band at one time. They have also been the first time. Sometimes emulsion we are seen to turn back. The aquarium is divided uborkakarikákkal selected and monitored every 5-10 minutes emulsion to cockroaches staying just one side. Certainly emulsion we have seen many times to replace half of the field.
The restraining cucumber / control does not work so well. Not only is very difficult to implement, but it is almost certain that if you want to come over to the other side of cockroach, you will go through. As counter-argument against this method is that the cucumber rings within 2-3 days completely dry out and lose heavily illatukból.
Csótányirtás boric acid: We tried to home-made csótányirtást boric acid. Budapest boulevard chemicals only managed to get to the store. Pharmacies, as starting materials, they did not provide it. The white powder was sprayed on several occasions intervened pepper based out of our experimental laboratory cockroaches. The home-made emulsion csótányirtás of boric acid, unfortunately, also ended in failure. The 6 cockroaches terrarium in a single instance or destroyed, even after a couple of days either. Cockroaches have been in contact several times in the boric acid, is good, we tried to couple her covered in layers on the back as well.
Latter basically mission proved difficult because the boric hard, large-grained powder (approx. As hydrochloride), which is hardly adhering to their body, the legs are also bórsavmezőn walked cockroaches hardly adhered onto the powder.
Although we've seen record on the internet, which closed with a boric acid cockroach died, unfortunately, that a jar beleszórtak several handfuls of boric acid can not be considered as a way home that would be feasible. In this case, since the flat boric acid should swim.
Csótányirtás home-made traps: This achieved the best results. Although in fact the only suitable csótánycsapda monitoring, these methods still it was always emulsion what he could do the most harmless cockroaches. Two different csótánycsapdát made. The preparation of which read: csótánycsapda I, II csótánycsapda..
First, I tried out the csótánycsapdát, emulsion whatever it was, that at a time of 6 large and 2 small German emulsion cockroach stuck as well. But their ultra-thin emulsion legs, and weakness in order to tape, this trap were higher than kiszenvedni themselves, emulsion so in the end remained 4 (2 x 2 high-low) and died in the trap. The interesting because it is completely the same, but csótánycsapdából factory was able to come out of the cockroach.
Although the homemade traps whole performed well, we made a II. verzi
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