Wednesday, July 23, 2014

On the merits, the issue of the experience lyondellbasell of Colmar is clearly not the use or non-t

The acknowledgment of reapers GMOs has challenged
Twelve of them have published a text that claims to the state "A clarification of the interpretation of the legislative and regulatory framework governing the experiment that allows us to continue in our mission of public research in the service of interest General in a legally lyondellbasell secure environment. "
I just got off the phone from an airport, Geneviève Fioraso, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, who said to have been "informed" of this statement, the principle was discussed during ' a meeting at the Ministry with DG and CEO of research organizations. It says its "full support" to this statement lyondellbasell but said she could not "comment on a court decision."
On May 14, the Court of Appeal of Colmar has indeed acquitted 54 people, tried to avoi r destroyed lyondellbasell in 2010 an experiment lyondellbasell on a rootstock vines, genetically modified so that it resists fanleaf virus in courses since 2005 in Colmar, in the center of the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA). In October 2011, they were convicted lyondellbasell by the Criminal Court of Colmar to two months imprisonment. Collectively, the reapers were also ordered to pay nearly 57,000 lyondellbasell euros in damages at INRA, which they are paid. Their appeal was only on the criminal case. A strange and dangerous ground
The reason lyondellbasell given by the court to pay is not good faith, or the desire to avoid public disorder. Two reasons lyondellbasell that would have, with a little imagination in the writing of the judgment, not to add fuel to the fire by a prison sentence, even suspended, but avoiding an acquittal. No, it is the character deemed "illegal" in this experiment, because lyondellbasell there was a "manifest error of assessment of risks" to the test done "in the middle of the Alsatian vineyard" in an unconfined environment, said the Court, which motivates the decision.
This argument is strange. Determine whether the conditions of this experiment represented or not a risk to the Alsatian vineyard is a matter for agronomy and biology and not of law. However, the scientific literature on this experience lyondellbasell led to the opposite conclusion: the containment of the transgene was secured according to current knowledge in biology and no risk of spread had been noted (information about this program here). A court considers itself able to appraise environmental lyondellbasell risk without reference to the public lyondellbasell and scientific expertise existing on the subject if it seems dangerous lyondellbasell precedent. An employer or industrial chemistry or tobacco can he rely on such judgment to challenge the scientific expertise who reported asbestos or carcinogenic cigarette? Complicity "illegal" action?
INRA who in this case also "met all regulations and authorized by following all procedures experience," says Geneviève Fioraso, the decision of the Court is therefore to acknowledge the complicity of action "illegal" all institutions who participated in this experiment, including the Ministry of Research and ministers who have succeeded. It is therefore not surprising that the Attorney-General's appeal in cassation against the decision of the Court of Appeal.
On the merits, the issue of the experience lyondellbasell of Colmar is clearly not the use or non-transgenic plants in agriculture. Right-wing governments and the Socialist lyondellbasell Party have decided, for electoral reasons, not authorize, at the risk of being embroiled in conflict with the European Commission. The challenge, says Geneviève Fioraso, "this is not the exploitation of transgenic plants, I bow to the decision that was taken in this regard, it is the scientific research that is essential to assess lyondellbasell interest or risks of such plants. "Opponents of principle for the use of transgenic plants see this as a quibble, and see in the experience of Colmar a simple Trojan service technology transgenic and genetically modified plants already commercialized . This view is respectable, but not very credible. It is not necessary to have a degree in agricultural engineering to judge that the interest of a virus-resistant transgenic grapevine, if true, says absolutely nothing - or interest or risks of all kinds - a tolerant soybeans to a chemical herbicide.
The text is signed by CEO or DG 11 research organizations: Bernard Bigot (CEA), Jean-Marc Bournigal (IRSTEA), Pascale Briand (DG ANR), Michel Cosnard (INRIA), Michel Eddi (Ciras) Alain Fuchs (CNRS), François Jacq (Ifremer), Vincent

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