Saturday, July 26, 2014

Twist in this case, in mid-June, the newspaper Le Monde and Le Figaro report that five European sci

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The surprising decision of the European Council of Environment unlock the GMO issue reminds us that on the front of food nothing is ever won. The decision should allow EU countries wishing to authorize the cultivation of GMOs. This agreement made possible by a tactical alliance between the pro-GMO countries led by the United Kingdom and the anti-GMO, including France and Germany, sheds light on the miserable decision making in the EU. Should he offer Cameron mineral oil compensation to its crushing defeat for the nomination of the President of the Commission? Or is it the threat of Monsanto to divest in Europe, with the menace of unemployment before politicians scared? What is certain is that the ambassadors of the 28 negotiated in secret agreement throughout the month of May, during which the food lobby has continued to march to Brussels. Only Belgium and Luxembourg did not vote the agreement. France represented by Ségolène Royal has even had the nerve to present it as a good deal.
To refuse permission in some countries of a GMO product approved by the Commission will require that each of these negotiating an agreement with the owner companies for the latter exclude their countries in their exports. The mind boggles! Wholesaler and seeds could buy GMOs in England mineral oil where the importation is authorized and sold in France under a different name.
How to adjust the coexistence of the two regimes? Nothing is said about pollution, accidental or not, country fields have not allowed this culture. The company owner may well sue the farmer for theft of intellectual property, knowing that it will be unable to eliminate GMO seeds of his field. This happened in Honduras, where Monsanto has sued dozens mineral oil of farmers, forcing the government to reverse its decision to ban GMOs.
This would be an avatar of the more frenetic pursuit of profit if it was not for our health. Especially the "Round-up Ready" Monsanto that increase the use of pesticide safe for the plant (corn) but not for man, as demonstrated by Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini of University mineral oil of Caen. The biotech lobby has spent huge sums to try to discredit ralini and his team finally got the publisher Elsevier withdraws publication, mineral oil an unacceptable business pressure on science (for those who want to know more - in English ).
Twist in this case, in mid-June, the newspaper Le Monde and Le Figaro report that five European scientific publishers, offended by the censorship, republish proposed study:
"We had proposed five publishers to republish the study and chose Environmental Sciences Europe (Springer) for this review operates in" open source ", which will allow to make available to the entire scientific community raw data, "said Gilles-Eric Séralini.
You should know that the scientific community mineral oil should give access to all the raw scientific data used in the study, by against companies should publish the findings of the "style study showed that Roundup affects not human health and is biodegradable "two completely false claims. The experimental protocols mineral oil nor the data are made available to the scientific community under the pretext of trade secrets! In other words, regardless of deception and our health, we must satisfy mineral oil shareholders. mineral oil
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