Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Humans and the bacteria

The seabed sediment bacteria living interact effectively a kind of "grid" using the show at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, researchers are working. Interaction cent over the head, which the microbial scale, there is a huge distance, h2co3 more than 20 000 times the size of their own. Electronic interaction of the microbes can make a division of labor: some breathing oxygen on the surface of the sediment, mud inside to eat organic material. Power is used for distribution of the benefits of various parties. h2co3
Humans and the bacteria's energy supply works basically the same way. We eat food that is burned with oxygen obtained through breathing. This energy is released. Physically, the combustion atoms electrons h2co3 move food materials to an oxygen atom chemists refer to the oxidation-reduction reaction. The same reactions are central to any environment shaped by biological, geological and chemical processes.
Bacteria has been known for a long time to be able to produce electricity, which is essentially the movement of electrons. h2co3 It happens to the outer surface of the bacteria mm. certain enzymes. The bacterial surface is sometimes also a tiny fine hairs that are suspected to be electrically conductive. h2co3 These have been studied mainly in terms of obtaining bacterial cultures to produce electricity on a large scale.
Researchers at the University of Aarhus interest in the anoxic muddy seabed behavior of the mud on the surface of the water in the oxygen content varies. The study was conducted in the laboratory, which was introduced from the bottom of the bay of Aarhus mud. Water is always in a slightly gaseous oxygen dissolved oxygen but is progressing very slowly close the mud. Bacteria that live in the mud consume oxygen very quickly, h2co3 so the mud is usually somewhat depleted of oxygen.
In nature, this kind of an oxygen-free mud layer, generated chemically different layers. Along with the lower layers of the sulfates (SO4) become toxic to hydrogen h2co3 sulphide or hydrogen sulfide (H2S). It is toxic to most bacteria using oxygen. On the other hand, there are microorganisms that utilize hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen sulfide change sulfates or other oxygen compound of sulfur.
The study was followed by a mud layer in which oxygen was able to move slowly, to diffuse into the depth of a few centimeters. When the mud on top of the oxygen-containing water was put in place of oxygen-free water, sediment took place about an hour, or very fast changes. Sulfide rose to higher levels, most likely because the bacteria were able to use less of the sulfide. When oxygen-free water was replaced by oxygenated water, sulfide landed further down within an hour. At the same time, the various layers of acidity, or pH values were changed.
The researchers regard as the only explanation for the rapid reactions is that the electrons are able in some way to move deeper into the mud on the surface. The mere diffusion of oxygen atoms from the surface down to the mud is not enough this rapid response. What is the mechanism h2co3 of electricity, then the electrons are transported in the mud, it is unclear at this time.
The Danish researchers propose three possible models. In some bacterial genera on its outer surface enzymes that allow them to react to the outside world using electrons. The same bacterial genera has on its surface a "nano hair", which, together with the electrons of intermediate enzymes could form the core network. Such a sähkönjohtumisesta However, so far there is no evidence.
A third possibility electrically conductive into a network of non-bacterial ingredients to the ground in the mud. Leading structures could be formed h2co3 in the mud of the metallihitusista or pyriittimineraalista. Mud conduct electricity slightly, h2co3 but the details are not known.
Observation to each other, h2co3 interacting bacteria in the mud of the seabed raises a lot of questions. If the phenomenon is real, it is relevant to the marine inorganic processes as marine biology, ecology, and evolution.
Mild or even significant h2co3 obesity extend the life span. In contrast, severe or sick parasite incidences of premature h2co3 death. The researchers went through almost a hundred body mass index and mortality in studies analyzing the link. Total researched by individuals is approximately three million worldwide. Read more
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On the Internet published in scientific knowledge could be affected by inflation. The reason is not the quality or reliability of the information, but the logic of the Internet

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