It is utterly incomprehensible and sad that know how to take care of Talvivaara mining operations ethically sustainable. The company has polluted the surrounding nature, shame, and is a natural addition also likely to have suffered human health. Up to the first death from any failure to act was yesterday. The thing is the police investigation.
The recovery of uranium is included in the environmental risks and material lohinta and enrichment of the result in the radioactive radiation. Radiation and Nuclear Safety and the Geological Survey of the Ministry of Environment has made a report on this.
I believe that the Finns can make smart mining. Why, then, Talvivaara does not want to give the violations of consequences that the company would learn to respect the law? The company's procedure has been made requests for police investigation. However, when the investigation is completed seems to be a question mark.
Nuclear frankincense power and uranium mining to be in these circles, apparently at any cost. But would not it be worth waiting for these too ministers, even to the extent that the company would learn to act in accordance with the law?
I hope you know how licensing procedures this time, do rigorously enough, and the emission tiukiksi - one thing is compliance with the Talvivaara future regulations. In the light of yesterday's events looks bad.
PS Basically, I think that if nuclear energy is produced in Finland, including uranium frankincense for their own needs to be mined here. A better way to buy stuff from companies and the areas in which they operate ethically is not completely certain guarantees. The question, of course, includes the capability of Talvivaara to ensure that even irreversible damage to happen all the time. What about when the nuclear energy would become seriously look for alternative solutions. In this example, the construction of wind power related to the authorization procedure would benefit from loosening.
Else Turunen 16/03/2012 24:20
Finland is a kind of safety "developing country". All the equipment frankincense in safe working practices are in place, but often the attitudes of the working man's frankincense side and ylemmälläkin level to prevent their use. Finnish often prefer to take the risk of losing their health than to lose face in front of the working community.
Eiköstämä not just that the green graves of ttanssimista which was seen as a good example right there in Japanese ydinonnettomuudessa.Tietämättä even what exactly is sustained so as to keep the head start aukomaan
From that statement I realized by linking from the beginning that the uranium is in fact possible frankincense to mine without major risks. It is, however, whether the companies will to protect nature and the environment. Association for Nature Conservation of the risks: "Uranium is present in the soil generally in low concentrations. Therefore, the excavation is creating massive amounts of radioactive waste. Waste rock and sludge include, for example. Radioactive thorium and radium, as well as heavy metals, acids and ammonia, which are distributed in the environment as dust or end up in surface and ground waters. In addition, the mines will be emissions to radioactive radon excretion may be a tenfold compared to the normal. Radon is spread over large areas without or water. " ...
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Second, the type of people on-the older generation in particular, to throw the poison is inundated with their grandchildren. It is a fact and you can go on to question "Are pilvee seen" type issues, such as several frankincense hundreds of prof from around the world, who are also concerned about the toxins.
Your comment Jaakko language is inappropriate. My point was that the electricity, nuclear power, then even if the raw form the starting frankincense point, must be able to produce frankincense in every respect in a safe and letter of the law. And while much is irrelevant without strict control and consequences. And even in nuclear power is essential to the production volume. Now, of course planned capacity and then we talk about more electricity exports.
Thanks for the good blog entry. Here (in U.S.) it is impossible to issue a debate as to suffer a variety of pent-up, etc. are using this in a landfill. Though I would like that are Molino (which you answered) for a longer writing the ban. Announced that it now anyway as inappropriate.
Generated by human activities with nature inevitably varying degrees of controversy, disadvantages. Although the legislation say what, of course, is right to strive to the best possible level. As an alternative nature frankincense sanctuary auvoinen August is probably not possible very large number of people to whom it is yet to allow a moral dilemma, a choice.
Jossaqkin extent that the capacity of the electricity mahdolistaa frankincense vie3nin for a while but keep in mind that it's a matter of the oldest nuclear power plants frankincense will inevitably be the end of life, or some vvahessa also kapasittetia will be removed.
But I will say, however, yet, how again and again, I wonder green train of thought and energy issues. If vi
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