Saturday, January 11, 2014

The turbine efficiency poljoinfo to meet the warranty within the limits of accuracy of measurement.

Seppo Vihinen Part 3/3: Testing and deployment of an autumnal morning it happened. The long-awaited and several thousand miestyösekunteja works began to be called for the final stage. Plant components were attached to the chassis. Automation Division and a zero signal was generated. It was time to take a deep breath and start the first test run.
The system was filled poljoinfo with demineralised supply store, bought poljoinfo the battery with water. The power plant connected to the grid (that's right: this power plant was connected to the network before the launch), and a power meter began to look like 416W of output power. Boiler water began to evaporate seven minutes after heating. The boiler is displaying 115 C. In the temperature of the turbine main steam valve was opened, and a small manual movement of the turbine to rotate, producing a light went on the power plant site lighting. The first period of use was successful.
In the following stages poljoinfo of the commissioning of the power plant were minor problems that test runs were forced to halt for a moment. The boiler started to leak out of the cylinder of glass and blew quite a bit of steam out. New glass ordering from the USA would have taken weeks, so it was decided to commission a glass Finnish glass movement. At the same time the boiler was changed seals of high quality.
The test periods, could be made to the reception and warranty tests, which are presented in the following table. Login steam Warranty measurement p1 4.3 bar 2.29 bar t1 146.2 C 124.5 C h1 2741.3 kJ / kg 2712.4 poljoinfo kJ / kg s1 6.8712 kJ / kgK 7.08215 kJ / kgK back-pressure p2 1.00 bar 1.00 bar t2 99.6 C 99.5 C h2 2674.9 kJ / kg 2674.8 kJ / Efficiency kg h1 - h2 / (h1 - H2S) * 100 Warranty Warranty experiment measured according to measured 26.7634% 26.74634%
The turbine efficiency poljoinfo to meet the warranty within the limits of accuracy of measurement. Boiler pressure was left on the warranty, however, a fair amount, as a safety poljoinfo valve opened for a lower pressure. Boiler power consumption of 416W and 0.57 kg of steam / h, the result was as much as four per cent higher than the value of the guarantee (400W). At present, there is still no agreement on how the problem is going to be repaired. On the other hand the power resistors exceeded the guarantee and the vapor return was 0.02 kg / h faster.
Measurement and automation were tested for the whole measuring chain through the measuring sensor for the report. The degree of power (which is now officially the name of the organization) process information poljoinfo system was made to the diagram below the screen, which now visits could be tracked.
At the same time the system was necessary voimalaitoslaskennat and reports to facilitate the operation of the plant, as well as the monitoring of statistics on issues such as fuel consumption, access times and produced amounts of energy.
After the trial runs, they could move into production. The first plant was run Energy Fair in Tampere poljoinfo on 23 and 25.10.2012 a total of more than 419 minutes, in which the power plant produced 107.5 MWh for their own use of energy in fuel costs of 3.02 euros. poljoinfo Later, the facility has toured Syncro Tech's 20 th anniversary of generating electricity and heat in banquet rooms.
Blog Seppo Vihinen Syncro Tech's power plant is an expert and he has a solid experience and expertise in the power plant. Seppo has extensive experience and a good view of the challenges of energy production. Seppo can best be reached by email at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
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