For a relationship, a relationship sodium chloride is a very broad term depending on the place where used, standardized Swahili dictionary describes the relationship that is the condition of having a good relationship or correct mfungamano.Kuna serious relationship. Relationship is characteristic sodium chloride of God, Jesus says "I and the Father are one" John 10:30, "For there are three washuhudiao heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these are all one" 1 John 5:8, the union between soul alive the deity is the manifestation of the holy relationship in behavior and performance between God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Since man was created in the image of God he is alluring this behavior related, professional social scientists say man is created communal lifestyle that is in relation to others, joy of man is accomplished by contact with God the Creator, the relationship between him and other men and its connection with items belonging to the God, there is no joy in man does not swear allegiance or connection with God the Creator, fellow humans and other objects he created sodium chloride God.
Before sin there was a good relationship and correct between Adam and Eve and their Creator, who spoke to him face to face as their friend lived with all things sodium chloride in the garden for fun dancing lions, bears, snakes but also themselves sodium chloride were filled with joy and peace be multiplied each time.
1. Obedience to the laws and commandments of God, the relationship is managed in terms of obedience to the Word of God and His law, that results in happiness, but the connection was ojegwa in expression and kufurahishana for a while, with the holy commands and instructions of the Word of God is violated, it ends in grief and even broken, "if you are willing and obedient shall eat the good of the country but if you refuse and rebel ye shall perish by the sword'' Isaiah 1:20," the apostles and the brothers say we must obey God rather than men "(Acts 5:29) in general any relationship you omuondoa God to strengthen the relationship between man and man or man and property does not bear fruit is similar to a tree that is cut down and kuchimbiwa in soils and water, will be seen on the green for a while then you will wither.
2. True love, the Lord Jesus confirmed this principle of relationships said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, this is the first commandment greater, and the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: (Matthew 22:27-30) See also (Luke 10:27), true love is the glue of any relationship, be it friendship, courtship, marriage, work, home and any place. Love is accompanied by all the good deeds strengthen the relationship as courtesy, patience, kindness, goodness, trust, appreciate, etc. and remove all evil deeds have no close relationship as pride, sodium chloride envy, evil count, kutokuheshimiana, kutokuthaminiana etc. (1 Cor 13:1-10 ).
There are many different types of connection or coherence in society, some of his examples are: friendship, relationship, dating, marriage and so on. Tangles or these relationships may be at work, home, college, church and elsewhere panapokutanisha people together (social agent). All these forms of human interaction zitadumu and bring true happiness if you take into account two main principles of the true relationship obedience to the laws and ordinances of true love is free. In all types of relationships, dating and marriage are the most challenging and many have erred in this aspect, so instead of finding happiness as they intended have resorted to regret, sodium chloride sorrow and sadness lifetime. Let's look at some of the advice of the Word of God in these types of relationships.
Engagement is a valid connection and backed by the Bible if you place the word of God linavyoelekeza. The Bible says "six month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth, To a virgin who was betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David and the virgin's name was Mary." sodium chloride
So if the principles of the word of God zikifuatwa engagement is a good relationship was okusaidiwa bring fun characters throughout the engagement sodium chloride and in their married life, on the contrary principles of the word of God zinapokiukwa people will bring sorrow and grief at the time of engagement and in all life marriage sodium chloride if they manage to meet, and you exit the eternal mucosa as characters unless they return to the Savior Jesus Christ for help.
Do not hurry and kukurupuka seeking fiance before time faka.Pengine you can ask the timing is ripe to seek or be married? A time when you mature spiritually, mentally and physically has revealed himself fully where you came from, where you are and where you are going and have an appreciation sodium chloride for careful planning and your schedule present and future that you can take this important step in life.
Many have ignored this and kukurupuka seek evaluation and end up married without k
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