Biochemistry. metanol Ukr Refs
Anthropology Astronomy Biology Geography Demographics metanol History Cultural Ecology Economics Management Marketing Mathematics Political Science Psychology Religious Right Commodity Statistics Philosophy Physics Chemistry History Finance works
Biochemistry (biological chemistry or physiological chemistry) - the study of the structure and properties of chemical compounds that make up the cells of living organisms, the interaction of these chemicals together, the various chemical processes that underlie the ways of life and their regulation.
Usually distinguish so-called static, dynamic, functional and comparative evolutionary biochemistry. The objective of biochemistry is to describe the static structure and properties metanol of different chemical compounds that are the main components of living systems, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids, as well as "hybrid" molecules that are composed of individual elements of these components (glycoproteins, lipoproteins , glycolipids, etc.). Dynamic biochemistry examines the interaction between biologically important compounds and a set of transformations of individual compounds. Functional biochemistry examines the role of individual metanol joints during various physiological processes. Comparative evolutionary biochemistry analyzes the composition and metabolism metanol in organisms belonging to different taxonomic groups, and is widely used to analyze the biochemical processes metanol of evolution and classification. Research in Biochemistry very large and diverse. Far incomplete list of problems of biochemistry deals with the following issues:
The study of the processes of transformation of chemical compounds in the cell (analysis of metabolic processes). Investigation of energy. Analysis of the mechanisms of transmission of genetic information. Study of the mechanism of action and ways of regulating the activity of various metanol biological catalysts (enzymes). Research intercellular interactions and learning processes that underlie the action of hormones and processes that support the emergence of immunity. The study of the molecular basis of biological motility. Investigation of biochemical evolution. Analysis of the molecular mechanisms of action of various pharmacological compounds and purposeful synthesis of compounds that can be used to diagnose and treat various diseases.
Biochemistry occurred at the intersection of chemistry and biology, biochemistry because development is closely associated with both the development of various biological disciplines (such as cell theory, genetics, metanol evolutionary theory, physiology) and the development of physical organic chemistry. Many methods of biochemistry based on the use of different physical approaches (such as various types of spectroscopy, calorimetry, ultratsentryfuhyrovanye, X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic methods rezonanasa (NMR), and others.) In the early stages of its development, biochemistry played an important role in solving metanol various practical metanol problems such areas as bakery, metanol cheese, wine, and other leather production, and now forms the theoretical metanol foundation of Biochemistry many sections of biotechnology. Becoming an independent science, biochemistry and contributed to the development of many different related disciplines such as cell biology, molecular biology, genetic engineering, virology, bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, biophysics, metanol molecular hematology, metanol immunochemistry, genomics, proteomics, and many others. History of
As for most of the biological sciences, biochemistry history probably begins with the creation of the cell theory M. Schleiden and T. Schwann (1838-1839), found that all living things arise from a single cell and that all tissues metanol are composed of interacting cells.
The beginning and middle of the XIX century metanol was marked by fundamental research in chemistry, introduced the concept of isomerism and polymer were started research in the field of catalysis. A huge role in these studies belonged to the Swedish chemist Y.YA. Berzelius, who first pointed out that catalysis plays an important role in the "laboratory of living organisms" metanol and thus became the harbinger of a new trend in biochemistry, called "Enzymology", the discipline metanol has been researching the structure, mechanisms of action and ways of regulating biological catalysts - enzymes (enzymes ). At the same time begins the rapid development of organic chemistry, and in 1828 a German metanol chemist metanol F. Weller by evaporation of an aqueous solution metanol of ammonium tsyanata receives urea. So, first of inorganic compounds not get natural organic matter.
In parallel with research in organic chemistry beginning-middle of the XIX century marked metanol by intensive work in physiology and medicine. Exploring the anatomy and physiology of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract, the mechanisms of innervation of blood vessels and analyzing the regulation of carbohydrate metanol metabolism, the famous French metanol physiologist C. Bernard one of the first to indicate the importance of maintaining a constant internal environment and was one of the creators metanol of the theory of homeostasis. metanol Maintaining homeostasis Option
Anthropology Astronomy Biology Geography Demographics metanol History Cultural Ecology Economics Management Marketing Mathematics Political Science Psychology Religious Right Commodity Statistics Philosophy Physics Chemistry History Finance works
Biochemistry (biological chemistry or physiological chemistry) - the study of the structure and properties of chemical compounds that make up the cells of living organisms, the interaction of these chemicals together, the various chemical processes that underlie the ways of life and their regulation.
Usually distinguish so-called static, dynamic, functional and comparative evolutionary biochemistry. The objective of biochemistry is to describe the static structure and properties metanol of different chemical compounds that are the main components of living systems, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids, as well as "hybrid" molecules that are composed of individual elements of these components (glycoproteins, lipoproteins , glycolipids, etc.). Dynamic biochemistry examines the interaction between biologically important compounds and a set of transformations of individual compounds. Functional biochemistry examines the role of individual metanol joints during various physiological processes. Comparative evolutionary biochemistry analyzes the composition and metabolism metanol in organisms belonging to different taxonomic groups, and is widely used to analyze the biochemical processes metanol of evolution and classification. Research in Biochemistry very large and diverse. Far incomplete list of problems of biochemistry deals with the following issues:
The study of the processes of transformation of chemical compounds in the cell (analysis of metabolic processes). Investigation of energy. Analysis of the mechanisms of transmission of genetic information. Study of the mechanism of action and ways of regulating the activity of various metanol biological catalysts (enzymes). Research intercellular interactions and learning processes that underlie the action of hormones and processes that support the emergence of immunity. The study of the molecular basis of biological motility. Investigation of biochemical evolution. Analysis of the molecular mechanisms of action of various pharmacological compounds and purposeful synthesis of compounds that can be used to diagnose and treat various diseases.
Biochemistry occurred at the intersection of chemistry and biology, biochemistry because development is closely associated with both the development of various biological disciplines (such as cell theory, genetics, metanol evolutionary theory, physiology) and the development of physical organic chemistry. Many methods of biochemistry based on the use of different physical approaches (such as various types of spectroscopy, calorimetry, ultratsentryfuhyrovanye, X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic methods rezonanasa (NMR), and others.) In the early stages of its development, biochemistry played an important role in solving metanol various practical metanol problems such areas as bakery, metanol cheese, wine, and other leather production, and now forms the theoretical metanol foundation of Biochemistry many sections of biotechnology. Becoming an independent science, biochemistry and contributed to the development of many different related disciplines such as cell biology, molecular biology, genetic engineering, virology, bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, biophysics, metanol molecular hematology, metanol immunochemistry, genomics, proteomics, and many others. History of
As for most of the biological sciences, biochemistry history probably begins with the creation of the cell theory M. Schleiden and T. Schwann (1838-1839), found that all living things arise from a single cell and that all tissues metanol are composed of interacting cells.
The beginning and middle of the XIX century metanol was marked by fundamental research in chemistry, introduced the concept of isomerism and polymer were started research in the field of catalysis. A huge role in these studies belonged to the Swedish chemist Y.YA. Berzelius, who first pointed out that catalysis plays an important role in the "laboratory of living organisms" metanol and thus became the harbinger of a new trend in biochemistry, called "Enzymology", the discipline metanol has been researching the structure, mechanisms of action and ways of regulating biological catalysts - enzymes (enzymes ). At the same time begins the rapid development of organic chemistry, and in 1828 a German metanol chemist metanol F. Weller by evaporation of an aqueous solution metanol of ammonium tsyanata receives urea. So, first of inorganic compounds not get natural organic matter.
In parallel with research in organic chemistry beginning-middle of the XIX century marked metanol by intensive work in physiology and medicine. Exploring the anatomy and physiology of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract, the mechanisms of innervation of blood vessels and analyzing the regulation of carbohydrate metanol metabolism, the famous French metanol physiologist C. Bernard one of the first to indicate the importance of maintaining a constant internal environment and was one of the creators metanol of the theory of homeostasis. metanol Maintaining homeostasis Option
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