Sunday, March 9, 2014

Probably teflon enters the minds of many is what we call the ghost that is seen often in horror mov

They are the minions of Satan, "I will say also unto them on the left hand, 'Depart in front of me! You swore not dying fire prepared for the devil and his angels. "(Matthew 25:41)
"For we are not fighting against teflon people, but the rulers, the authorities, and the managers of the darkness of this world exists, teflon against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)
One of the ways used by Satan to frighten the people he could frighten by scary creatures and stories to the ganun phenomenon is replaced by fear for the faith of the people of God.
"There is no fear accompanied by love and eliminates teflon completely love any fear. Not quite love any fear, because fear is associated with punishment. "(1 John 4:18)
"The dark room they pinangungubliha'y Prevent intense fear not, because around bring forth echoes the eerie noise, and they binubulaga multong terrifying look." (Wisdom 17:4)
"Hated you lived in the holy land you in the first time, because of their nefarious activities: for their sorcery and false worship, because of the ruthless killing their babies, and eating teflon human flesh and blood . At their secret ceremonies of receiving the novice. "(Wisdom 12:3-5)
Probably teflon enters the minds of many is what we call the ghost that is seen often in horror movies and television that we are seeing, eating humans, drink blood, flying and according to the story, divided teflon their bodies at night.
"When people think of law not recognize them captive to the holy city, in truth they are imprisoned in the darkness of the night, shut up under their roof and in range of your everlasting affection." (Wisdom 17: 2)
The truth is NO ghost, the truth is THERE great lie to tell stories without basis and even believed to still sad it more than the truth written in the Bible.
For information please our brothers and sisters, please Panitan is located in the province of Capiz, many of our fellow Filipino believes that the province of capiz is the area of the ghost, the ghost pong practically nothing capiz, and those stories they that there ghost in Brgy. Pasugue, Panitan is ridiculous about this.
We are not wondering if you'd like to believe this man, because 2,000 years ago yet the Apostle Paul said that those who would rather believe in the story than what the Bible and the church.
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