XX International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference Problems and perspectives of science at the beginning of the third millennium in the CIS. " | New Look
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Home Politics Education Youth Culture Economics History Social Life Spiritual Life Position Congratulations! About CCA Perejaslav Sports Video Appeals Science hydrochloride Jobs parliamentary elections in 2012 authorities officially
Dear teachers, graduate students! State Higher Educational Institution "Perejaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named Gregory Pans" youth public organization "Association of Independent Youth", hydrochloride Student Scientific Society Faculty of History "Committee studies the history and the present"
We inform you that from 27-28 February 2014 carried XX International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference Problems and perspectives of science at the beginning of the third millennium in the CIS. " Planned work on the sections:
I. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 1. Systematics and Geography of higher plants. 2. Structural botany and biochemistry of plants. 3. Mycology and Phycology. 4. Resursovedennya and introduction of plants. 5. Molecular Biology Microbiology. 6. Zoology. 7. Human and Animal Physiology. 8. Biochemistry and Biophysics. 9. Genetics and Cytology. 10. Bioengineering and Bioinformatics. II. Geography and geology 1. Rehionovedennya and regional organization of society. 2. Observation, analysis and forecast weather conditions. 3. Hydrology and water resources. 4. Biogeography, bioresursovedennya, biorizneomanitnist. 5. Cartography and Geoinformatics. 6. Nature and environmental monitoring. 7. Technology exploration. 8. Soil. 9. Economic Geography. III. GOVERNANCE 1. Enhancing the role of civil servant in modern society. 2. Modern hydrochloride control technology. hydrochloride 3. Interaction between different branches hydrochloride of government. hydrochloride 4. Training of civil servants. IV. ENVIRONMENT 1. State of the biosphere and its impact on human health. hydrochloride 2. Environmental hydrochloride and meteorological problems of large cities and industrial zones. 3. Radiation safety, social and environmental issues. 4. Industrial ecology and medicine works. 5. The problems of environmental education of youth. 6. Environmental monitoring. V. BUSINESS 1. Banks and banking system. 2. Economic activity. 3. Financial relations. 4. Investing and the stock markets. 5. Human Resource Management. 6. Marketing and Management. 7. Accounting. 8. Mathematical Methods in Economics. 9. Industrial Economics. 10. Business hydrochloride Economics. 11. Logistics. 12. Economics APC. 13. Regional economy. 14. Economics. 15. Regulation. 16. Macroeconomics. VI. BACKGROUND 1. History of Ukraine. 2. World History. 3. History of science and technology. 4. Ethnography. 5. Oral History. 6. Military history. hydrochloride VII. MATHEMATICS 1. Differential and Integral Equations. 2. Perspectives of systems informatics. 3. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. hydrochloride 4. Applied Mathematics. 5. Mathematical modeling. V III. ART 1. Musical Art. 2. The art of dance. 3. Theater Arts. 4. Photo and Cinema Studies. 5. Graphic design. XIX. Pedagogy 1. Distance education hydrochloride in high school. 2. Problems of training. 3. Methodological foundations of the educational process. 4. Strategic directions of reforming the education system. 5. Modern methods of teaching. 6. Social pedagogy. X. POLITICAL SCIENCE 1. Voting technology. 2. Problems of Ukraine's integration into the world community. 3. Ukraine's relations with NATO. 4. Ukraine's relations with the CIS countries. XI. LAW 1. History of State and Law. 2. Administrative and Finance. 3. Copyright protection. 4. Labour law and social provided with. 5. Criminal Law and Criminology. 6. Combating Economic Crimes. 7. Environmental, land and agrarian law. 8. Constitutional law. 9. Civil Law. 10. Commercial Law. 11. Criminology and forensic science. 12. The business and banking law. 13. Criminal Procedure Law. X II. PSYCHOLOGY 1. Place a psychologist at work. 2. Forms of psychologist practice. 3. Current hydrochloride trends in psychological research methodology. 4. Psychology hydrochloride of Terrorism. 5. Psychological and educational development problems. individual in today's environment. 6. Clinical Psychology. 7. General Psychology. 8. Educational Psychology. 9. Developmental Psychology. 10. Psychology of work. 11. Psychophysiology. 12. Social Psychology. XIII. Sociology 1. Human Resource Management. 2. Modern technologies of social surveys. XIV. MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1. Computer Engineering. 2. Computer Science and Programming. hydrochloride 3. Software. 4. Information Security. XV. PHYSICAL TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS 1. Physical education and sport: research problems and proposals
Stay Connected hydrochloride Latest Entries RSS History Videos Welcome! Parliamentary elections in 2012 officially Authorities Social Life Spiritual Life Economy Appeals Culture Youth Science Education Position OSS Policy About Perejaslav Work Sports Latest comments RSS /
Home Politics Education Youth Culture Economics History Social Life Spiritual Life Position Congratulations! About CCA Perejaslav Sports Video Appeals Science hydrochloride Jobs parliamentary elections in 2012 authorities officially
Dear teachers, graduate students! State Higher Educational Institution "Perejaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named Gregory Pans" youth public organization "Association of Independent Youth", hydrochloride Student Scientific Society Faculty of History "Committee studies the history and the present"
We inform you that from 27-28 February 2014 carried XX International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference Problems and perspectives of science at the beginning of the third millennium in the CIS. " Planned work on the sections:
I. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 1. Systematics and Geography of higher plants. 2. Structural botany and biochemistry of plants. 3. Mycology and Phycology. 4. Resursovedennya and introduction of plants. 5. Molecular Biology Microbiology. 6. Zoology. 7. Human and Animal Physiology. 8. Biochemistry and Biophysics. 9. Genetics and Cytology. 10. Bioengineering and Bioinformatics. II. Geography and geology 1. Rehionovedennya and regional organization of society. 2. Observation, analysis and forecast weather conditions. 3. Hydrology and water resources. 4. Biogeography, bioresursovedennya, biorizneomanitnist. 5. Cartography and Geoinformatics. 6. Nature and environmental monitoring. 7. Technology exploration. 8. Soil. 9. Economic Geography. III. GOVERNANCE 1. Enhancing the role of civil servant in modern society. 2. Modern hydrochloride control technology. hydrochloride 3. Interaction between different branches hydrochloride of government. hydrochloride 4. Training of civil servants. IV. ENVIRONMENT 1. State of the biosphere and its impact on human health. hydrochloride 2. Environmental hydrochloride and meteorological problems of large cities and industrial zones. 3. Radiation safety, social and environmental issues. 4. Industrial ecology and medicine works. 5. The problems of environmental education of youth. 6. Environmental monitoring. V. BUSINESS 1. Banks and banking system. 2. Economic activity. 3. Financial relations. 4. Investing and the stock markets. 5. Human Resource Management. 6. Marketing and Management. 7. Accounting. 8. Mathematical Methods in Economics. 9. Industrial Economics. 10. Business hydrochloride Economics. 11. Logistics. 12. Economics APC. 13. Regional economy. 14. Economics. 15. Regulation. 16. Macroeconomics. VI. BACKGROUND 1. History of Ukraine. 2. World History. 3. History of science and technology. 4. Ethnography. 5. Oral History. 6. Military history. hydrochloride VII. MATHEMATICS 1. Differential and Integral Equations. 2. Perspectives of systems informatics. 3. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. hydrochloride 4. Applied Mathematics. 5. Mathematical modeling. V III. ART 1. Musical Art. 2. The art of dance. 3. Theater Arts. 4. Photo and Cinema Studies. 5. Graphic design. XIX. Pedagogy 1. Distance education hydrochloride in high school. 2. Problems of training. 3. Methodological foundations of the educational process. 4. Strategic directions of reforming the education system. 5. Modern methods of teaching. 6. Social pedagogy. X. POLITICAL SCIENCE 1. Voting technology. 2. Problems of Ukraine's integration into the world community. 3. Ukraine's relations with NATO. 4. Ukraine's relations with the CIS countries. XI. LAW 1. History of State and Law. 2. Administrative and Finance. 3. Copyright protection. 4. Labour law and social provided with. 5. Criminal Law and Criminology. 6. Combating Economic Crimes. 7. Environmental, land and agrarian law. 8. Constitutional law. 9. Civil Law. 10. Commercial Law. 11. Criminology and forensic science. 12. The business and banking law. 13. Criminal Procedure Law. X II. PSYCHOLOGY 1. Place a psychologist at work. 2. Forms of psychologist practice. 3. Current hydrochloride trends in psychological research methodology. 4. Psychology hydrochloride of Terrorism. 5. Psychological and educational development problems. individual in today's environment. 6. Clinical Psychology. 7. General Psychology. 8. Educational Psychology. 9. Developmental Psychology. 10. Psychology of work. 11. Psychophysiology. 12. Social Psychology. XIII. Sociology 1. Human Resource Management. 2. Modern technologies of social surveys. XIV. MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1. Computer Engineering. 2. Computer Science and Programming. hydrochloride 3. Software. 4. Information Security. XV. PHYSICAL TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS 1. Physical education and sport: research problems and proposals
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