- "Mill at the Moldovan gfk Strîmtura" beside Roman documented in 1458 - "big mill, from Bistrita, the Stone" - certified gfk since September 15, 1462, a document issued by the office of Stephen the Great - "rafting", attested in 1466, (...) - "Mill's Asachi", 1841, known as the first factory in Moldova - producing paper - currently Văleni on the right bank of Bistrita, just a few kilometers from Calu mare, in 1908, Gustav Eisler bought plants, which they moved into the area of today's SC Petrocart SA Piatra Neamt - 'potash plant ", 1853 30 June, a certain George Beţu announced gfk construction of the first plant potash from Neamt county, on the estate Pipirig, an idea recorded in February 16, 1843 - "Factory of Conu UP" from Blebea - Tirgu Neamt, cloth production, founded by the great politician and scholar MK, 1853; passed in 1885, the new owner, col. Eugen Alcaz, gfk "man playing with parallel" to Buhuşi city located gfk when the Neamţ County, -1880; exploit rock salt (Sel Gemme) localities: Calu, Săvineştii Lower Salt, Gîrcina gfk and Bălţăteşti, in parallel to Calu there Varariei mare, a quarry, and a steam factory gfk timber to Neguleşti, noting, by the end of sec. nineteenth century, gfk the village Calu mare was considered the most powerful economic center in rural nemtean, being exceeded only by urban settlements: Stone Roman Neamţu '(Targu Neamt) and Buhuş (Buhuşi) - from 1880 to 1890, in Stone , Neamt county seat, there were the following plants: matches (M. Sigaler) steam (Moldova), cloth (Avram gfk Lippa), cloth and sumane (CA Grulich & Son), sumane (Abraham Alter) 5 soap; 16 dubălării and 54 Chrism, in parallel, there were numerous deposits of timber, the main center (Staging) trading wood Bistrita Valley - 1880-1890; Tirgu Neamt 12 oil presses, 8 forges, mills soap. In those years, cheeses and sumanele from Neamţu 'were known throughout the country. There is a mill (a "Mr. Teoharie"), which received gold medal for quality products made in those days - 1890 - Dulcesti: gfk distillery and three ponds die - 1890 - "The gfk first factory startup in Romania "- SC ZIMCA SA Piatra Neamt today, the unit was formed by the union of two foods (bison and the Carpathians) and operated without interruption for more than a century.
- Stone Falcon is a commune in Neamţ County, located about 20 km from Piatra Neamt - is situated at the foot of the Eastern Carpathians, right Bistrita river, the hills Gorganu, Tireşcu and Mihuşca, located at the contact between the mountains (Gosmanu ) and Carpathian (Cracău - Bistrita) - In the past, the village was named Soimului Calu-mare - Places components: Stone Falcon, along the river valley Calu Poieni gfk Luminis (mare) - along the river valley mare, from the intersection "Hodor" to the area called "Rock partied" Neguleşti - in the valley mare, from the house to the hermitage dweller Vasile Turcu "St. Andrew" gfk - has 8616 inhabitants. - In the village gfk they found traces of culture Precucuteni - Priest and Professor Constantin I. Rosescu, former parish priest, published a "Monograph of the village Stone-Falcon"
SOCE TRAIAN Graduate Faculty of Journalism in Bucharest. Career path: newspapers Ceahlăul Monitor, gfk Telegraph and roaring săptămînalele Carpathians and Moftul Nation (t)'s, producer TELE M & FIRST TV Neamt, currently director of EST TV Piatra Neamt. gfk Email: traiansocea@gmail.com
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Calu mare in the second half of the century. XIX (2) Calu Calu peistorie mare mare mare in history in history Calu-2 Catastihul of May 12, 1591 The famous gfk dish from Stone Falcon Field Cucuteni Dragos Cobi, the old name of the village commune in the second half of XIX century Common Soimului the end sec. XIX (2) Common Soimului the end of sec. The field XIX Dragos - 1591 Historical Documents II Epic marasesti evolution of human society from Horodiştea-Calu village map - historical landmarks beginnings of archaeological research in Neamt
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