Author: Hassan Mahmood - 12:42 am. Filed Sunday 14 Persian date Esfand 1390
This test will detect acido the complex synthesis and the development of coordination chemistry is important. Previous research in the field of transition metal complexes with ligands almost exclusively a tooth-like Cl -, NH 3, CN -, and two teeth ligands such as oxalate, (NH 2) 2 (CH 2) 2 (ethylene diamine) , glycine and carbon.
This test will detect the complex synthesis and the development of coordination chemistry is important. Previous research in the field of transition metal complexes with ligands almost exclusively a tooth-like Cl -, NH 3, CN -, and two teeth ligands such as oxalate, (NH 2) 2 (CH 2) 2 (ethylene diamine) , glycine and carbon.
Coordination compounds of cobalt (III) and Cr (III) complexes are due to the large number of complexes with transition metal ions, ligands are very slow to change, are considered. For example, [Ni (NH 3) 6] 2 + immediately with water to form [Ni (H 2 O) 6] 2 + will react. While under the same reaction conditions, the complex [CO (NH 3) 6] 3 + complex [Cr (NH 3) 6] 3 + are very slow. This difference in behavior is qualitatively different metal ion complexes by molecular orbital theory and ligand field theory is explained. Less active complexes of cobalt (III) they are suitable for extensive research.
An important method for the detection of electrical acido conductivity of ionic solutions, acido they are. They have a number of solutions to those materials that are more ions, the electrical conductivity is higher. Thus, a molar solution of [Co (NH 3) 4 CO 3] NO 3 has a lower conductivity than the solution of [Co (NH 3) 5 Cl] Cl 2 concentration is the same. Measuring the electrical conductivity of the solution. , which may be combined formula of 2, 3, 4, or more ions are formed, can be determined. Although these measurements are carried out in aqueous solution complexes. At the same time, the data are not dissolve in water or ionic compounds that are reactive with water, organic solvents such as nitrobenzene or acetonitrile obtained using. Another way to identify a complex infrared IR spectroscopy has been very effective. Each of these complexes Jzbhayy frequencies specified tensile and bending vibrations of the NH 3 group show. Adsorption of Co-N connection, sometimes from very low frequencies (below 650 cm -1) is observed in most IR spectrometers are also measurable. Although these vibrations to a more specialized apparatus to study IR (FT-IR) are available (prices of these devices are more expensive than conventional IR systems).
Krbnatv Ttraamyn complexes of cobalt (III) nitrate, carbonate group profile shows ecstatic. Because Kvyvrdynh with metal ions, Spectrum Group CO 3 2 - ion in the complex with little difference in the composition of Na 2 CO 3 is the same. Absorption bands due to the vibrational modes of the spectrum should contain ions NO 3 -, which is very similar ecstatic observed in NaNO 3 is. In contrast to the complex range] amine penta chloro cobalt (III) chloride [NH 3 group is characterized by the ecstatic. The overall frequencies of metal binding to Cl - than those that can be seen on conventional IR systems. The ionic groups Cl - thus not every single atom in the solid state are more strongly connected and hence to identify and diagnose any absorption in the IR spectrum are not expected.
2Co (NO 3) 2 + 6NH 3 + 2 (NH 4) 2 CO 3 + H 2 O 2 2 [Co (NH 3) 4 CO 3] NO 3 + 2NH 4 NO 3 + 2H 2 O
Cobalt acido nitrate as the commercial formulation Co (NO 3) .6 H 2 O is present. Probably Kvyvrdynh of an ion with the formula [Co (H 2 O) 6] (NO 3) 2 is the cobalt complexes (( II such as Ni (II) through ligand exchange reactions are very fast into the first stage of the reaction is expected to:
As tested: Tytrasyvnhay acid-base chemistry and life Chemistry Frog (amazing) prepared complex acido [Co (NH3) 4CO3] NO3 oxidative titration colorimeter to measure the heat capacity - reducing preparation and a complex salt double salt titration and compare some of their properties. complex composed of a melting point, boiling point
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