Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ketosis - a disease characterized by a disorder of the digestive system and metabolism, manifested

Ketosis cattle |
Ketosis - a disease characterized by a disorder of the digestive system and metabolism, manifested hypoglycemia giperketonemiey, fpm ketonuria, degenerative changes in the liver and dysfunction fpm of the pituitary-adrenal system.
Distinguish primary, or metabolic, ketoses, arising as a consequence of metabolic disorders, and secondary, related to certain diseases (dystonia fpm proventriculus, traumatic retikuloperitonit, puerperal paresis, etc.).
Etiology. Most researchers in this country believe that ketosis is a consequence of the introduction of the excess in the diet of dairy cows concentrates fpm (more than 320 g / l of milk dry milk), while the lack of carbohydrate in it, is greatly disturbed when the sugar-protein ratio. fpm
Acetic acid is used in the body of ruminants with the release of large amounts of energy, but its use is possible fpm only when adequate amounts of carbohydrates. One portion is converted to acetic acid propionic acid, and thereafter to glucose, another - in acetoacetic acid, which is a faction of the ketone bodies.
When excess protein and not enough carbohydrate feeding in the rumen increases the amount of butyric fpm acid and propionic decreases the amount. However, full utilization of butyric acid and acetic acid optionally in the case when in the course of decomposition of glucose, sufficient oxaloacetic acid providing communication carbohydrate and fat metabolism through the tricarboxylic cycle of Krebs. fpm Activated acetic acid (acetyl CoA enzyme), coming into contact with oxaloacetic acid is oxidized in the tricarboxylic cycle, releases energy. Lack of carbohydrates leads to an imbalance between the level of education acetyl CoA and its use in various segments of the exchange. In these cases, it is sufficient as the active compound begins to condense and form aceto-acetyl CoA enzyme. By hydrolysis is converted to the compound atsetouk acetic acid, which process further transformation proceeds in a beta hydroxybutyric fpm acid and acetone, which are the main fractions of ketone bodies in the body.
Symptoms. Distinguish between subclinical and clinical ketosis stage. In a complex symptom of the disease is constantly looming disorders of the digestive system (gastro syndrome), liver (hepatotoxicity), neuroendocrine fpm (neurotic) and atsetonemichesky syndrome.
Common symptoms for all syndromes are lethargy, loss of appetite, indigestion, anemia, fpm tachycardia, a sharp decrease in milk production, increased morbidity and liver, elevated levels of ketone fpm bodies in the blood, urine. The most high content of ketone bodies seen with atsetonemicheskom syndrome. fpm
When hepatotoxic syndrome prevalent symptoms of liver damage (jaundice visible mucous membranes, increase of indican in the urine, a positive urine sample for urobilin, increased morbidity and body).
Neurotic syndrome is more marked fpm in the first two days after calving. Appears irritability, hypersensitivity of the skin in the neck, chest, and lower back. In some cases, the excitement is so strong that resembles rabies clinic. Excitation manifested seizures, lasting 1-2 hours with intervals of 8-12 hours It replaced soporous or coma.
In the blood, fpm reduces the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin, marked leukocytosis with neutrophilia and eosinophilia-Leah. Acidic blood vessel is reduced by 10-20% as reduced sugar content, glycogen, phosphorus, calcium, and chloride. The level of ketone bodies in the blood increases by 6-10 times (normal 1.36 -5 mg%), dramatically fpm increases the content of their urine (normal 9-10 mg%).
Pathological changes. At autopsy the most abrupt changes are expressed in the liver, gastrointestinal tract, heart, and kidney. The liver is enlarged, clay-colored, loose consistency, in a state of granular or fatty degeneration. In the gastrointestinal tract are generally changes characteristic for subacute or chronic catarrhal abomasum and intestine. In the kidneys fpm the granular dystrophy. Myocardium in a state of granular and fatty degeneration.
Diagnosis. When the diagnosis take into account the clinical history, clinical and research urine, milk and blood for the presence of ketone bodies. In practice, the condition fpm is most easily fpm doable in response to the detection of ketone bodies is a qualitative sample with a reagent Roser. The latter consists of a solution of the nitro prussida, 20 parts of ammonium sulfate fpm and 20 parts of anhydrous sodium carbonate. Several crystals of reagent is applied to the filter paper and added 2-3 drops of urine or milk. In the presence of ketone bodies, depending on the concentration of the mixture of weakly colored pink to reddish-purple color. fpm In the laboratory fpm conducting quantitative

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