Monday, October 14, 2013

In general, thought recently on the synthesis of acetic acid and acid anhydride thereof of the kete

In general, thought recently on the synthesis of acetic acid and acid anhydride thereof of the ketene with a ketene lamp. The only minus-acetone that hard to get. Thought about different options synthesis of acetone (pyrolysis acetate does not make sense from IASA with bichromate / Serck-huge costs). And here was reminded of the article (which I saved on the computer and scored, for she was not really necessary), which refers to the catalytic production of acetaldehyde from alcohol. That's actually it:
The catalyst of chromate (no chromite) of copper on asbestos: In azotke dissolves the estimated amount of copper added the right amount of CrO3, this solution is impregnated with asbestos wool, dried and tightly bound into the ceramic tube with a diameter of 2 cm and 60 cm long tube Outside tunel nichrome spiral wound power 1.2 kW, and fiberglass over it. Before assembling the device is switched on for an hour for the decomposition of copper nitrate. Device: A flask of alcohol from which the alcohol comes into the tube. After the tube is efficient reflux condenser, the reflux returned to the flask with an alcohol. tunel Gee, full automatic. After the reflux condenser refrigerator bulb condensate placed in the snow and another refrigerator. All cooled with ice water. It was decided to get so out of isopropanol acetone, who immediately allowed into the ketene lamp: Bulb with IPSom, the IRS begins to boil in it, couples go to our pyroliser, a mixture of acetone / H, which is in the form of vapor coming out of pyroliser, tunel and immediately goes to the ketene lamp after it, the condenser, the condensate is in a flask with IPSom and ketene with hydrogen on the PTFE hose (or a glass tube) go to Drexel bottle, which was bubbled into the water. What remains (primarily hydrogen and ketene bit) is burned tunel at the exit of bottles. Now the questions: 1) Will the dehydrogenation reaction tunel to go with isopropyl alcohol, 2) Does it make sense to first condense acetone, then boil again and the lamp, or could do better to separate tunel these two stages (the latter two options are not welcome)? 3) Is it safe to burn ketene this way: at the exit of the bottle-dropper that would spray gas was under a lot of pressure and the flame went inside and pulled ketene, and before pipetting any source of flame (size, type of flame lighters tunel )
In general, thought recently on the synthesis of acetic acid and acid anhydride thereof of the ketene with a ketene lamp. The only minus-acetone that hard to get. Thought about different options synthesis of acetone (pyrolysis acetate does not make sense from IASA with bichromate / Serck-huge costs). And here was reminded of the article (which I saved on the computer and scored, for she was not really tunel necessary), which refers to the catalytic production tunel of acetaldehyde from alcohol. That's actually it is: It was decided to get so out of isopropanol acetone, who immediately allowed tunel into the ketene lamp: Bulb with IPSom, the IRS begins to boil in it, couples go to our pyroliser, a mixture of acetone tunel / H, which is in the form of vapor coming out of pyroliser, and immediately goes to the ketene lamp, after it, the condenser, the condensate is in a flask with IPSom and ketene with hydrogen on the PTFE hose (or a glass tube) go to Drexel bottle, which was bubbled into the water. What remains (primarily hydrogen tunel and ketene bit) is burned at the exit of bottles. Now the questions: 1) Will the dehydrogenation reaction to go with isopropyl alcohol, 2) Do all the ketene lamp, or pyrolysis will go directly to pyroliser? 3) Is it safe to burn ketene this way: at the exit of the bottle-dropper tunel that would spray gas was under a lot of pressure and the flame went inside and pulled ketene, and before pipetting any source of flame (size, type of flame lighters tunel ) guess the problem at the beginning - a pair of flasks with alcohol rather not go through a pad of asbestos and straight through flow reflux, and they will be there to hang out in a circle, the resistance tunel of asbestos gaskets and drain incommensurable. I think - you need to enter an intermediate container tunel with a tap, which will be collected from alcohol reflux condenser, tunel periodically merge it in the first flask. This construction may acquire with another pair of tubes and valves for equalizing the pressure in the first and intermediate flasks. A tube with a catalyst MUST WORK UNDER PRESSURE alcohol vapor. Couples themselves will not come back there voluntarily. By the way where are you from, if from Russia - that there is no problem with a bit of acetone, as recently as last summer, bought 50 liters without problems, stroymage in Moscow. you had to wash tool for molding fiberglass, nothing illegal. tunel Up
Vic77, thank you for the advice, I just was just thinking that the design of the return of reflux get cumbersome and I decided to add to the reflux flask, tunel which is simply disconnected from vydoda reflux condenser and reflux merges into the flask, pre-mixing with IPSom ( planned during the operation of the unit repeatedly to pour alcohol into the flask, as well as in Sklyanov dobavt tap to drain the product) tunel even eats

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