Saturday, October 5, 2013

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Ammonia NH3 molecules have a molecular covalent compound. In the ammonia molecule, the nitrogen atom and three hydrogen bf3 wiki atoms have a covalent electron pairs Napyvndy also. There is a pair of electrons Napyvndy the ammonia molecule, is a triangular pyramid. See the description of the molecule and download this movie more interesting to go to school. Hydrogenation is the most important ammonia nitrogen and nitrogen in decomposing organic matter derived from nature. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a wonderful taste that nasty tear and suffocating. Ammonia bf3 wiki gas is lighter than air and is easy to liquefy. Ammonia is very soluble in water and negative 77/7 C and frozen at minus 33/34 C is boiling. Specific weight of saturated solution of ammonia, 0/88 grams per cubic centimeter. It Ashtalsh 16-25% by volume of ammonia gas and ammonia gas ignition is in the air. The presence of oil and other materials flammability increases the risk of fire. Proximity bf3 wiki or contact of ammonia bf3 wiki with silver and mercury "silver and mercury Fvrmynat" substances that are highly explosive. Ammonia gas decomposes on heating above 400 C to produce hydrogen. Ammonia causes irritation of respiratory tract, skin, eye and lung damage from exposure bf3 wiki to high volume of this gas can cause death. Ancient Rvmyhay ammonium chloride was used as currency and deposits. They sang ammonia from a place called Temple of Jupiter or the new Libya were collected. But ammonia to form ammonium salt first became known in the 8th century by the Persian chemist chemists bf3 wiki Jaber Hayan
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