Tuesday, November 26, 2013

9:13 AM 83 mg/dl

There seems to be a day for almost every disease. Many hear the date and don t think much about it. But for me, World Diabetes Day does mean something. It actually means everything to me because I live diabetes day ….every single day.
I m going to use my entire day on November 12, 2013. Please keep in mind while reading this that blood sugars for a person kmno4 without kmno4 diabetes normally stay between 70 and 120 mg/dl since your body produces insulin and distributes it. Each of my numbers that is NOT in that range, puts strain on my organs and body. This day in particular was on a school/work day for me. This means that each time I woke up in the middle of the night took away sleep before school. Each time I felt sick took away time from my work or classes. However, despite kmno4 this, I am sure that nobody that day knew of any of this happening to me.
9:13 AM 83 mg/dl
On days like these it s really strange to see this disease get attention because I feel like it s a disease that goes under the radar on most days. Especially type 1 (juvenile) diabetes which only accounts for a small percentage of people who have diabetes. There are as many as 3 million Americans like me with type 1 diabetes according to the Juvenile Diabetes kmno4 Research Foundation while there are over 26 million people with diabetes kmno4 in total.
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