Saturday, November 9, 2013

Brooms hanging on the wall. I think my grandparents are the only people I know hang brooms. One of

I sweep the wet leaves mineral oil accumulated on the front steps, beginning with a rubber broom, and after one of the girls Aunt waking me Grandpa asked mop broom straw, I pass it. Went to the broom closet was once a shower - before kibbutzim have expanded the houses that the children stopped to sleep in the children and my grandparents received another floor and turned the shower room for storage. This shower water was hottest in the world, is so hot that my mother was always warning me that it's not like here in Jerusalem should commence lies, not in Jerusalem as a hot start, otherwise it burns. The world's best shower room has cabinets, what a waste.
Brooms hanging on the wall. I think my grandparents are the only people I know hang brooms. One of my uncles told me a few minutes ago that if my grandmother would see how the front of the house looks like it was dead on the spot. I think of it as I sweep the leaves wet, replace the rag and wipe the front of the floor footprints. Your grandparents do not like a doormat, another aunt said to me, probably for practical reasons. He was stuck in the door (opens out and in like a city) or something. Now there are three rags Me, every time one gets wet I change it in one of the other two depend on. Near the entrance there is also a refrigerator. Someone hid there last kibbutz plates that was not enough to restore the dining room. Those looking for empty plates in the refrigerator? Joked. In general, this dry jokes that seven, not really drop anyone with laughter but sadness maintain full throttle throat.
January 31, 2013 at 16:53
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