Wednesday, April 22, 2015

- Associations: Dancelab Harmony, Free, Italian Red Cross, Mercy, Public Assistance, Avis, Fratres,

With the knowledge that peace is possible but we must also build it, day by day, through knowledge, information, altruism and tolerance, to defeat an increasingly tense atmosphere silly putty and full of violence of feelings, words, attitudes, kicks off, Saturday, September 20th, the second edition of "Amonia for Peace" march peace, intercultural and interreligious spanning three municipalities of Valdinievole Montecatini Terme, Pieve a Nievole and Monsummano Terme.
Local schools, though often closed on Saturdays, they responded in chorus; so many students who will walk with the will to be, to put it in their own words "... like seeds that give good results, to build a world that includes the value of dialogue and peace ...".
Will, once again, a march festive silly putty and colorful because everyone will lead to "finish" a scarf, with above written a thought of peace and harmony, scarf that will be performed by the participants lasted the final big flash mob in the square Giusti in Monsummano.
Sincere thanks to all the municipalities of Vadinievole that of Pistoia, the Province of Pistoia and the Region of Tuscany, who will be present with the banners and their representatives; thanks to the religious communities that joined with heat event, cultural silly putty associations, silly putty sports and voluntary organizations, as always, participate; through commands Municipal Police of the three municipalities that will work to make the journey pleasant and safe.
Special thanks to the headmasters silly putty and teachers who have organized silly putty to give the march a further symbolic meaning: that of a crowd on a journey that, slowly, it can grow and accommodate other specificities, all united by a common goal: so while the first group will leave from Montecatini, there will be one that will join the march from the square April 25 Pieve a Nievole and another that will intercept along via Empolese to make input, all together, in Piazza Giusti in Monsummano Terme.
Thanks, last but not least, the Association Dancelab Harmony which succeeded in uniting so many subjects, silly putty and thanks to all those who have worked to put the legs, it is appropriate to say, on a date which we hope will grow and become more and more important in the future.
- Associations: Dancelab Harmony, Free, Italian Red Cross, Mercy, Public Assistance, Avis, Fratres, Auser, Bocciofila Monsummanese, Caritas, Swimming Valdinievole, Arci Boys, Group podistico Massa and Cozzile; silly putty - The Diocesan Curia of Pescia and the Parishes of Monsummano Terme;
"HARMONY FOR PEACE" - Marcia pacifist interreligious and intercultural departure from the City of Montecatini Terme and arrival in Piazza Giusti in Monsummano silly putty Terme. Attended by the children of the schools of the territory. Speakers include political and religious authorities. Artistic moment with LAD Laboratory Academic Dance.
Friday, September silly putty 26th - 16:00
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