Skoda Octavia Tour 1.6 AKL. 2004 onwards 300 thousand. Mileage. Becomes unstable engine 1 and 4 cylinder stops working candle throws oil (with new plugs everything is OK, but for 200-300 kilometers). Compression on a dry: I: 15-13 II: 13 III: 13, IV: 14 Oil eats 1-2 liters per 1000 km, depending on the mileage. Valve oil seals changed 20 thousand. Ago. In Jerman Center wrote in the act "is necessary to replace the engine." And three times before they took money for candles and diagnostics. Advise what to look for and how to make a diagnosis without dismantling and removal.
Suka іnshu stations, zagalom іsnuє TAKE rule - Yakscho rіzbova monsanto chastyna svіchki in maslі, the end of maslozyomnі kovpachki. On tvoєmu dvigunі kompressіya guilty Buti 11,5-11,8. Navіt Yakscho kovpachki th mіnyalis neschodavno then nіhto not Knows yakoї stench of Quality, Yakscho stink nіkchemnі that zadubіli, monsanto it is required to mіnyati yakіsnіshі. A tsilіndrі ponalivay rozchinnika, dwellers monsanto znyati s kіlets nalot that coke, yaky Yea there. Zalishiti monsanto on nich and bo th at bіlshe. Potіm starter prokrutiti good Dvigun, dwellers zalishki rozchinnika povilіtali and tіlki potіm zakrutiti svіchki, potіm zamіna mastitis on shell 5w40. I know the lads have yakogo dvigun AKL Got 750 000km, so there rіdnі OOO All detalі monsanto second piston valve th th kіltsya and kovpachki mіnyav dekіlka monsanto razіv.
(05-08-2013 09:02) xipa: Skoda Octavia Tour 1.6 AKL. 2004 onwards 300 thousand. Mileage. Becomes unstable engine 1 and 4 cylinder stops working candle throws oil (with new plugs everything is OK, but for 200-300 kilometers). Compression on a dry: I: 15-13 II: 13 III: 13, IV: 14 Oil eats 1-2 liters per 1000 km, depending on the mileage. Valve oil seals changed monsanto 20 thousand. Ago. In Jerman monsanto Center monsanto wrote in the act "is necessary to replace the engine." And three times before they took money for candles and diagnostics. Advise what to look for and how to make a diagnosis without dismantling and removal. specify the location! monsanto ??
2.1 liters of oil per thousand? this is somewhere very big gap if crankcase ventilation system is working properly then the pistons rings valve sleeve .... I think without opening does well, then vskrytie- first Soviet monsanto and then repair / morgue, all on Nakatani
(05-08-2013 09:52) donbass: (05-08-2013 09:02) xipa: Skoda Octavia Tour 1.6 AKL. 2004 onwards 300 thousand. Mileage. Becomes unstable engine 1 and 4 cylinder stops working candle throws oil (with new plugs everything is OK, but for 200-300 kilometers). Compression on a dry: I: 15-13 II: 13 III: 13, IV: 14 Oil eats 1-2 liters per 1000 km, depending on the mileage. Valve oil seals changed 20 thousand. Ago. In Jerman Center wrote in the act "is necessary to replace the engine." And three times before they took money for candles and diagnostics. Advise what to look for and how to make a diagnosis without dismantling and removal. specify the location! ?? Vinnitsa
very suspicious compression, compete again but on the other stations and if so much oil the engine itself takes this course can be seen through the exhaust pipe, let someone hold her hand on the exhaust monsanto and you pogazuyte monsanto or there and so should dymet on a steam train. Replacing the engine is naturally cheerful sentence but I think you can Prokapital and everything will be cool. Just do not take the money and all prokapitalte completely as it should be, and now is not the type of rings and will throw everything is gud
(05-08-2013 14:42) BIBIKA: ...... very suspicious compression monsanto ............ (08/05/2013 9:42) Bagel: ..... On tvoєmu dvigunі kompressіya guilty Buti 11,5-11,8 But I want to ask - why suspicious (I'm not talking here about the spread of values for the pots, I'm talking about the total maximum value)? Oh, and do not speak here about some extreme situations, such as running more than 300 thousand. Zhor or more than 0.5 liters of oil by 1000. Let's start from the beginning. According to his passport compression ratio for ACL 10.2: 1. (In some cases even saw a 10.3: 1) The ratio of the degree of compression to the compression coefficient of r is 1.3 - 1.4. Total, the calculated compression should be between 10.2 * 1.3 = 13.26 to 10.2 * 1.4 = 14.28. In Elsa written that compression for the new CLA 10 - 13. The truth is not written for a "new" - for new or completely new after running? By the way, found in an Internet data compression for AEE. If I understand correctly, the plate generally the upper limit of 15? Or something I did not understand? Why rasprastranёnno considered that this dvigla normal monsanto compression of about 12? File (s) Mіnіatyuri Council called what we ask, when already know the answer, but it does not want to know.
"Compression ratio" - end of magnitude, yak nezmіnna to whether yakogo Dvigun s whether Yakima hour ekspluatatsії, tse vіdnoshennya dvoh about "єmіv - povnogo about" єmu tsilіndru to an "єmu Cameri sgoryannya. Primes." Compression "- end of TISK tsilіndrі in at the moment if the piston monsanto at TDC when znahoditsya stiskannі. Qiu value postіynoyu nazvati nіyak not it is possible, that scho Won deposits od bezlіch usіlyakih tonkoschіv. Napriklad monsanto - novі kіltsya, rіznі suit, znoshenі stіnki tsilіndra, rіznі additives benzinі not schі
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