Sunday, April 5, 2015

In milk-control plate PMK-1 is applied 5 drops of milk and 1 drop of 4% caustic soda, stir stick fo

Materials and equipment, pipettes, glass rods, cylinders and flasks 100 cm3, plate PMK-1 milk-control, water bath with temperature heating (100 1) 0 C, thermometer glass of alcohol technical measurement range from 0 to 100 0C and price 1 0C graduation, electric, thermostat, refrigerator, distilled water or boiled tap fresh, drugs: 10% mastydynu solution, 5% solution dymastynu, solution preparation "Mastoprym" mass concentration of 25 g / L milk.
Mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland of cows that arises from hitting pathogens during cold, but often as aseptic, whose appearance is due to the traumatic effect isomeria of milking machines with inept or careless work with it, causing injury to the udder and teats of dairy causes inflammation of the mammary gland . Milk that nadoyuyut isomeria udder quarters of injured has increased the number of somatic cells.
Determination of milk from cows with mastitis, with 5% dymastynu. The method is to destroy the nuclei of leukocytes surface promotions substances that are part of diagnostic products, causing changes the consistency of milk.
Preparation of 5% aqueous dymastynu: dymastynu working solution prepared by dissolving 5 g of powdered dymastynu 100 cm3 of distilled or boiled water soluble powder if not completely, you need to settle 1-2 hours, then poured the solution, and the residue is removed. In the refrigerator solution can be stored for 6 months.
The sequence determination. In each recess breast plate PMK-1 with the corresponding quarter of the udder nadoyuyut 1 cm3 of milk and add 1 cm3 5% solution dymastynu. A mixture of milk and reagent mixing stick for 30 seconds.
Reaction take into account the degree of gelatinous clot formation. At the plate PMK-1 negative reaction - homogeneous liquid (-); doubtful reaction - traces the formation of jelly ( ); positive reaction - clearly expressed clot that partially or fully ejected isomeria from lune plate stick with stirring (+).
Determination of milk from cows with mastitis, with 10% mastydynu. In milk-control plate PMK-1 cause 1 cm3 investigated milk and 1sm3 mastydynu 10% solution, stirred with a glass rod.
The reaction evaluate the consistency of the mixture (clot formation) and color, the most common reactions pH - light purple color at alkaline reaction - purple and at acidic reaction mixture is almost white.
Sequence determination: In test tubes pour 10-15 cm3 of milk obtained from each quarter of the breast, and transferred it to 16-18 hours in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-10 C. After this time, take into account the results. Milk healthy cows is white or slightly bluish color, no sediment. In the milk of cows with mastitis, the bottom of the tube precipitate formed. In some cases, milk is watery, with a thin layer of cream that can be stringy. The height of the sludge in pooled milk of 0.1 cm or more or the presence of viscous cream flaky indicates positive test.
Cow with such as breast consider an issue of mastitis, it is isolated and treated. Milk from sick quarters vydoyuyut manually collected separately and neutralized. Milk from other quarters and boil vypoyuyut young.
Leukocyte sample (sample Whiteside). The essence of the reaction is under the influence of alkali soluble isomeria leukocytes with the release of deoxyribonucleic acid (a substance kernel) which causes zheleutvorennya in the sample.
In milk-control plate PMK-1 is applied 5 drops of milk and 1 drop of 4% caustic soda, stir stick for 20 s and determine the outcome of the test. When inflammation in the breast (mastitis) appears on the plate Gelatin-like mass (a significant number of white blood cells), and the normal number of leukocytes no changes isomeria are observed - test is negative.
Preparation of 3.5% solution "Mastoprym" 3.5 grams of the drug made in a volumetric flask or graduated cylinder capacity of 100 cm3 and top up to the mark with distilled water, heated to 30-35 C. The solution was shaken before use to even distribution of sediment.
A mixture of milk with a solution of the drug "Mastoprym" mix for 30 seconds tenfold deviation working vessels from the vertical axis of 145 with manual stirring or by clicking "Start" - with automatic. After the mixing time is determined through a capillary leak mixture.
After analyzing mixtures for each studied sample of milk vessel should be two to three times rinsed with distilled water and purged four or five times with a rubber bulb. After cleaning vessel device is considered prepared for further analysis.
By the end result of the analysis are the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations permissible differences between them should not exceed, in seconds, for a time

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