The main factors influencing the performance of cows, milk composition and properties permeability are individual (genetic) features animals, their physiological condition and health, circadian rhythm of secretion of milk, lactation period, the age of the animal, time of year and season of calving, housing conditions, milking, breed, feeding factors.
Individual features animals, their physiological permeability condition and health. Within one breed of cattle individual animals differ in performance and composition of milk. It is caused by a genetic structure and physiological permeability characteristics of each animal. Depending permeability on the genetic productive capacity of the organism and, if fully meet the nutrient requirements for maintenance of normal lactating body is able to establish the maximum number (characteristic of this breed) milk.
At the individual expression of performance permeability and quality of milk is the intensity of metabolic functions milk synthesis, the constitution, the interior permeability and exterior of the animal. Thus, it is considered proved that the larger the animal, the more it can produce milk compared with animals of small size.
Violation of normal physiological permeability functions adversely affect molokoutvorennya and composition of milk. Diseases of animals, usually leads to lower yields and sometimes the complete cessation of lactation. Significant changes in the composition of milk observed in diseases of the alimentary canal, etc. udder. This reduced content in milk lactose and acidity, increased chlorine, white blood cells, enzymes (catalase, reductase). Fat and protein may increase or decrease. permeability When the disease permeability in cows mouth disease, tuberculosis or mastitis decreases hopes, changing the composition of milk (Table. 1).
The daily rhythm of secretion of milk. Under the influence of physiological rhythms change products milk yields and secretion of fat. The nature of productivity and composition of milk affect the interval between milking. What is more, the animal produces more milk fat but it is lower. Over the same periods permeability of time between milking process milk synthesis is increased by 10%. Found that the first trickle of milk less fat (Table. 2), and in the past - most, so careful vydoyuvannya cows - a must improve milk quality and udder Prevention.
Lactation period, or lactation (during which breast milk forms) begins after calving in cows and lasts 270 - 300 days and ends 50 - 60 days before the next calving launch.
The entire lactation permeability cycle conventionally divided into three periods: the first - the first days after calving when the animal produces colostrum, it takes up to 10 days; second - the basic lasts 250 to 300 days, at which time the animal milk obtained permeability characteristic composition and properties for this species; third - launch period, which lasts 10 - 15 days before the end of lactation, 60 - 75 days before calving; During this period the animal produces milk, which is very different from the usual on its chemical composition and properties. Such milk is called starodiynym.
Colostrum - a secret breast cancer in the first 7 - 9 days after calving cows. The composition and properties it differs significantly from these milk during lactation. A characteristic feature of it - contains more protein, mainly albumin and globulins, which are easily digested in the body of the newborn. Colostrum permeability has a well pronounced antibacterial properties, promotes the body's defenses, permeability strengthens its resistance to disease. It is rich in oil, mineral and plastic material, contains a significant amount of blood cells, permeability especially white blood cells, enzymes - peroxidase and catalase. The presence of magnesium salts determines its laxative effect. Colostrum is a complete food for all elements permeability of nutrition, rich in biologically active compounds and is transitional food supply through the blood of the mother's body to milk and vegetable food (Table. 3).
Under normal conditions of feeding and housing regardless of breed cows peak performance in the second month of lactation and then gradually decreases. permeability During this period permeability contains the least amount of milk solids, fat and protein, and the third and fourth permeability months of lactation, their number increases (Table. 4).
Before starting milk gets an unpleasant bitter-salty taste. Fat content in it ranges permeability from 1 to 9% of protein and minerals increases and decreases acidity to 5 - 6 T. As colostrum and milk starodiyne not be industrially processed, it can be used for feeding calves.
Age animals. Cows of all ages have unequal
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