Turchun DA, Yushchenko SL, GS Stolyarenko Processing glycerol fraction indirectly as a product in the synthesis of biodiesel
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Turchun DA 1, Yushchenko SL 1 Stolyarenko GS January 1st Cherkasy State Technological University Abstract Analyzing editions of the publication world oil market problems can konstantuvaty that probably few decades the world's oil and gas resources has to be enough to cover the needs of the world's transport, energy malathion and chemical industries. In addition, the world is constantly an increase in oil prices. A partial solution to this problem could be the use of renewable energy malathion sources.
Byblyohrafycheskaya link to this article: Turchun DA, Yushchenko SL, GS Stolyarenko malathion Processing glycerol fraction indirectly as a product in the synthesis of biodiesel // Modern nauchnыe Studies and Innovation. 2011. 7 [Эlektronnыy resource]. URL: http://web.snauka.ru/issues/2011/11/5471 (circulation date: 12.10.2014).
To date, research papers play an important role in the development of technologies, especially towards the preservation malathion of the ecological condition and use of renewable energy and reduce environmental pollution. As for biodiesel, currently malathion scientific work aimed at:
The study on processing glycerol fraction, which is odyniyeyu major component of organic waste in the production of biodiesel, many companies are interested because of the raw materials can be obtained pure glycerin, oily fraction and other components.
Also implemented technology to reduce malathion the cost of biodiesel by utilizing the by-products of production. There are three options for reducing the cost and use of biodiesel glycerol fractions:
Production purified glycerol is used for the production of technical detergents. After deep cleaning are pharmacological glycerin ton market which is about 8 thousand. UAH. By adding phosphoric acid to glycerol can get technical phosphate fertilizers, which are used for agricultural purposes, can be used in the perfume, food - as an additive to drink as a means zm'yakshuvalnyy or ointment base, the addition to oil. That can refuse import technical detergents and phosphate fertilizers [3].
Glycerin can absorb from the air to 40% of water relative malathion to its initial mass. Due to this property it is widespread in cosmetics as a substance that quickly stopping the water from animal and plant tissue. malathion It is used in almost all cosmetic preparations as a softening agent and is one of the basic raw materials for manufacturing toothpaste. It does not wither, not hirkne freezes at very low temperatures and therefore used as a substance that prevents malathion drying and freezing cosmetics. In the tanning industry and textile industry - for the treatment of skin and yarn for their mitigation and provide elasticity. Since glycerin extract explosive nitroglycerin, which is used to make dynamite [3].
In conducting the research work we have developed a method of processing glycerol fraction to obtain technical glycerin malathion and oily fractions. For this study were taken two types of glycerol fractions:
The first method is that glycerin fraction neutralized solution kosloty. After neutralizing the obtained reaction mass gradually divided into two layers: the top - oily layer; bottom - glycerin crystals of salt. These two layers are separated from each other. The bottom layer is divided into glycerol malathion and salt crystals and filter Shota filtered malathion salt crystals from glycerol, followed by washing with salt crystals malathion alcohol. Another method is the dissolution of the previous glycerol fraction in ethanol to reduce its viscosity. Then held neutralization acid solution followed by filtration to filter Shota salt crystals. malathion Then, the stripping of alcohol and other volatile components of the filtrate, then resulting mixture is separated into oily fraction and technical glycerin. There were some additional methods used to separate components of minimizing their losses.
Oily fraction
There were also studies to determine the content of volatile components in glycerin fraction of pre-treatment and treatment method without stripping under vacuum. The essence of the pre-treatment is that of glycerol fractions were removed of alcohol, which is scheduled to return malathion to the stage of synthesis and of biodiesel. The results of the content of volatile components represented in Figure 1.3.
We have roses
Authors Registration Login Srochnaya Publications In detail the Share a Testimony about this article Publications In detail pechatnыy эkzemplyar magazine Requirements for Publishing Articles All magazines Oh Oh journal journal Redkollehyya Contact Information Archive Numbers and Categories Languages Search publications Mobylnыy access Reviews of developm
Turchun DA 1, Yushchenko SL 1 Stolyarenko GS January 1st Cherkasy State Technological University Abstract Analyzing editions of the publication world oil market problems can konstantuvaty that probably few decades the world's oil and gas resources has to be enough to cover the needs of the world's transport, energy malathion and chemical industries. In addition, the world is constantly an increase in oil prices. A partial solution to this problem could be the use of renewable energy malathion sources.
Byblyohrafycheskaya link to this article: Turchun DA, Yushchenko SL, GS Stolyarenko malathion Processing glycerol fraction indirectly as a product in the synthesis of biodiesel // Modern nauchnыe Studies and Innovation. 2011. 7 [Эlektronnыy resource]. URL: http://web.snauka.ru/issues/2011/11/5471 (circulation date: 12.10.2014).
To date, research papers play an important role in the development of technologies, especially towards the preservation malathion of the ecological condition and use of renewable energy and reduce environmental pollution. As for biodiesel, currently malathion scientific work aimed at:
The study on processing glycerol fraction, which is odyniyeyu major component of organic waste in the production of biodiesel, many companies are interested because of the raw materials can be obtained pure glycerin, oily fraction and other components.
Also implemented technology to reduce malathion the cost of biodiesel by utilizing the by-products of production. There are three options for reducing the cost and use of biodiesel glycerol fractions:
Production purified glycerol is used for the production of technical detergents. After deep cleaning are pharmacological glycerin ton market which is about 8 thousand. UAH. By adding phosphoric acid to glycerol can get technical phosphate fertilizers, which are used for agricultural purposes, can be used in the perfume, food - as an additive to drink as a means zm'yakshuvalnyy or ointment base, the addition to oil. That can refuse import technical detergents and phosphate fertilizers [3].
Glycerin can absorb from the air to 40% of water relative malathion to its initial mass. Due to this property it is widespread in cosmetics as a substance that quickly stopping the water from animal and plant tissue. malathion It is used in almost all cosmetic preparations as a softening agent and is one of the basic raw materials for manufacturing toothpaste. It does not wither, not hirkne freezes at very low temperatures and therefore used as a substance that prevents malathion drying and freezing cosmetics. In the tanning industry and textile industry - for the treatment of skin and yarn for their mitigation and provide elasticity. Since glycerin extract explosive nitroglycerin, which is used to make dynamite [3].
In conducting the research work we have developed a method of processing glycerol fraction to obtain technical glycerin malathion and oily fractions. For this study were taken two types of glycerol fractions:
The first method is that glycerin fraction neutralized solution kosloty. After neutralizing the obtained reaction mass gradually divided into two layers: the top - oily layer; bottom - glycerin crystals of salt. These two layers are separated from each other. The bottom layer is divided into glycerol malathion and salt crystals and filter Shota filtered malathion salt crystals from glycerol, followed by washing with salt crystals malathion alcohol. Another method is the dissolution of the previous glycerol fraction in ethanol to reduce its viscosity. Then held neutralization acid solution followed by filtration to filter Shota salt crystals. malathion Then, the stripping of alcohol and other volatile components of the filtrate, then resulting mixture is separated into oily fraction and technical glycerin. There were some additional methods used to separate components of minimizing their losses.
Oily fraction
There were also studies to determine the content of volatile components in glycerin fraction of pre-treatment and treatment method without stripping under vacuum. The essence of the pre-treatment is that of glycerol fractions were removed of alcohol, which is scheduled to return malathion to the stage of synthesis and of biodiesel. The results of the content of volatile components represented in Figure 1.3.
We have roses
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