This system of care is as old as man. Shamans being have always understood being that there is a strong relationship, almost symbiotic, between human and nature. It turned out that, as the herbs that the stones have itself the power to compensate those empty temporary energy of our body which provide the "disease". Everything that exists in nature, including humans, emits a precise vibration; being if it undergoes a change, for whatever reason, the general being amonia (good health) is compromised. To rebalance the body, before the modern being era that introduced the compensators chemicals (medicine), the human being cared making chemical being elements with herbs or restoring the correct vibration being using a specific mineral. The stones should be stated, not only serve to energize "positive" but also to absorb energy "negative". Their use in the time allowed to identify which stones are most useful to regain health. In the industrialized world were immediately set aside the natural cures to jump on those chemicals. These, it is true, allow a fast result but have many drawbacks and leave toxins that the body uses even years to get rid of it. Conversely, natural remedies are often longer but do not give neither addictive nor iniquinano the body. The German population today is among those that mostly makes use of the stones to heal. How do I use the stones? being First you have to find good stones, and for that you should contact a specialist shop, not a bazaar. You can keep in your pocket (if flat), put as a pendant around the neck, as a bracelet on your wrist or large ones, applied on the body. Here are a few stones, the most known and used, and its benefits:
- ACQUAMARINA: brings serenity and strengthens self-esteem. - Amethyst: being strengthens intuition. Increases concentration and attention. Altruism turns dissolving the ego. Invigorates the union with the partner. - ROCK CRYSTAL: gives serenity and predisposition to understand (and endure) the other people. - EMATITE: acts on the spleen with beneficial effects on blood circulation. - JADE: stimulates the activity of kidney and nervous system. Has beneficial effects on the liver and spleen. - TIGER'S EYE: helps to be around people and express themselves without fear. - ONYX: soothes, relaxes the dark thoughts, induces discipline in action. - ROSE QUARTZ: stimulates creativity and imagination. - Turquoise: it acts as a detoxifier. Protects against throat disorders and helps in problems with the stomach.
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